
Back Home?

We arrive back in New Gripan in a day.

“I think we are here,” I said.

No response.

“Glenn?” I turn around to see her nearly passing out.

“Huh?” she says slowly. Her head rocks forward, knocking out.

“Glenn!” I shouted but no response.

The propeller stops spinning as the engine goes silent.

“What’s happening!?” shouts Odin.

“Hold on!” I shouted as the plane began to descend.

I look down at the houses passing by quickly. I aim for the longest street in the middle of town. I can feel my hands begin to sweat on the handle as the air passes by us quickly. Just as we’re about to crash, I pull up at the last second as the wheels crash into the dirt. We crash into the town hall.

I shake my head and quickly jump out to see Odin carrying Glenn out of the plane.

Glenn looks up at me with a tired smile, “I think I pushed myself too hard.”

“You should have told me if you were tired!” I said quickly. I sigh and turn to Odin, “Are you good?”