

I wake up in complete darkness. I try to move but can't.

"Aww," says Aamon's voice. "It looks like you completely froze."

I try to talk back but can't.

"Don't worry," he says laughing. He appears in front of me. He snaps his fingers making the ice from my head to my torso disappear. "Isn't this better?"

"What do you want with me?" I said coldly.

"Not even a thank you," he floats into the air.

"Why am I here? How are you here?"

"First answer, I brought you here. The second answer, is I'm not." He ponders, "Well technically I put myself inside your magic but he doesn't know what's happening."

"So a parasite."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He floats to my face grinning wickedly. "It doesn't have to be like that."

"What do you mean?"

Aamon slowly disappears.

I suddenly wake up, quickly getting upright and gasping for air.

"Glenn?!" I hear Hellen shout behind me. I turn around to see Hellen embrace me. "How are you unfrozen?!"

"I… I…" I said stuttering. "I don't know."

I look around, "Where are we?"

"We set up camp further down for now."

I spot the Chief entering the tent. He freezes at the sight of me.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

He suddenly embraces me tightly.

"Okay," I said, choking. "That's enough."

He lets go saying, "I don't know how you're awake but it's a miracle!" He shakes my hand, "I can't thank you enough for saving my people."

"All in a day's work," I said as he let go of my hand. My hand was still frozen.

"Let's give her time to rest," says Hellen as she pushes the Chief out of the tent leaving me alone. I wait for a few seconds before inspecting my body. Only my arms and legs were still frozen.

"This is what I meant," I heard Aamon. I quickly look around. "I'm in your head."

"Great you're now in my thoughts," I thought.

"I promise you to only annoy you when you need it."

"Woah, so reassuring." I inspected my hands, "So you reversed the ice by a bit. Why?"

He chuckles, "To prove a point."

"Which is?"

"You need me! Without me holding back the freezing you would still be frozen."

"I sigh, "I should have just frozen."

"Nah, this is way more fun."

The next day I'm all better and walk around camp. Hellen kept on trying to keep me in bed saying that I still needed to rest. I reassured her that I was fine. As I walked, people began looking at me shocked.

"What are they looking at?" I thought.

"What do you think?" says Aamon in my head. "You're supposed to be frozen."

"Did I ask you?"

He cackles, "You're the one that asked the question."

I walked to the edge of the cliff to try and find out where we were. I look out into the distance to see only mountains all around. I squint to see an opening between two mountains.

"So you spotted it too," says the Chief behind me as he approaches.

"I nod, "We can definitely reach it if no storms hit us."

Just as he says that a strong gust of wind blows against us. I look towards where the wind is coming to see large dark clouds.

"I'll get everyone ready," he says walking away. He stops, "By the way, what's happening to your eyes?

"My eyes?'

He turns his head to me, "Your right eye's star is slowly dimming. Does it usually do that?"

I shake my head, "No it doesn't."

"Hmm," he says pondering. "You're the only person I've met with starry eyes."

With that, he walks away.

"What did you do to their magic?" I angrily said to Aamon.

"I wish I knew."

"You are lying."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"Also why is my right eye dimming?"

"I'm done talking with you."