
The wave*part 1*

*short time skip*

[{(The Yin and Yang in this chapter is different from Yin release and Yang release, in that it is Ice and Fire, not to be confused with the Fire nature or Ice nature(wind and water)}]

It had been around two months since the rendezvous between Naruto and Hinata, during these months the two of them have made time whenever possible to get together and go on short dates, train. All while hiding their relationship from the Hyuuga clan, since Naruto knew they would probably try to kill him if they found out. However, there had been another slight change as surprisingly, Ino stopped insulting him in public when they met and even talked normally a few times. Sadly the routine he had developed was doomed to be broken.

The Special D rank mission they had been working on had ended today on June 4th, The result being, that the manuals they were training with were, in fact, stolen from other villages and the manuals that had good synergy were merged together, creating some rightfully powerful techniques. The True Ying-Yang that Naruto was practicing was shared with Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke, but their training speed was much longer than Naruto's as they did not have the healing factor that Naruto possessed. This, however, did not stop them from training in it, and like Naruto, they eventually reached the same mastery as him.

The second and the fourth sections indicated that true mastery of the first half was to be able to control their core body temperature at will, causing the user to develop Yin(ice) and Yang(fire) release and to be able to take a blow of up to 200 pounds to the chest, which is about the same strength as an average Chunin, without ribs breaking and to be able to stab themselves with a knife and not pierce the skin, If you were able to do these three things, you were able to continue to the second portion. The second portion of the technique was much harder than the first in that it wasn't physically taxing, but mentally. It involved trying to force the nature release of Yang, outside the body, through the chakra points(like acupuncture points) into a shell-like armor sticking to the skin, similar to the nine tails mode with Kurama's chakra and the doing the same with the Yin chakra to form Ice weapons or pure Ice attacks. This first part came easily to Naruto due to the yang chakra of the Kyuubi sealed inside him, it seems he will have to wait for Minato to give him his Yin portion.

Hinata was able to use the Yin portion easily due to being female and also having more achievements in the Yin part of the manual than the Yang. Sakura's was lackluster in both parts as she didn't truly commit to the painful training like the other three genin. Sasuke, however, was the exact opposite, with being able to use the Yang but not the Yin. Sasuke's reaction to the training had been enthusiastic, but Naruto made him swear on his Uchiha name that he would only use it in self-defense unless Naruto told him otherwise, Sasuke was not exactly pleased by the condition but after watching naruto coat himself in an orange armor of Yang chakra and stab himself without piercing the skin, he was power hungry.

And like this their training lasted until June 4th. When they were going to the Hokage's mansion to get a new mission after the last one ended, Naruto tried his best to beg for a C rank mission, since he didn't want to miss the wave mission with Old Man Tazuna, since his calendar counting proved his arrival to be today. And his pleases were answered.

Hiruzen took a deep breath at the pestering of Naruto and finally agreed to give them a C rank mission. After looking through a few scrolls he finally found one that suited his criteria and handed to Kakashi, who quickly looked through it and nodded to the Hokage, who then began speaking "Your mission is to bring a bridge builder, Tazuna back to his home in the Land of Waves and protect him as he builds a bridge. It's a simple escort mission to protect from bandits, with no chance of running into an enemy ninja, do you want to take it?" he asked more to Naruto than Kakashi, but Kakashi nonetheless stepped forward and agreed to take the mission. Hiruzen nodded to an ANBU which was conveniently attached to the ceiling. The ANBU agent disappeared and reappeared a short while later with an old man with grey spikey hair and a grey goatee. The old man looked around before settling on the kids before him as he spat out "These brats are going to be protecting me? I might as well hire that old lady from the shop outside to guard me!" he grumbled as Naruto said simply. "If you don't want us then we will leave, but I will have you know that we are ninja the same as any other, and are perfectly taking care of bandits." The old man looked at the twelve-year-old genin before huffing and walking out throwing a "Follow me." to the group, which the obliged to follow.

The walk was passed mainly in silence until Sakura, in all her amazing uselessness, asked if the land of waves had shinobi, and Kakashi had to inform a full-fledged ninja that no, the nation that had to come and hire ninja from their village, did not have ninja of their own. However, Naruto was not paying attention to that debacle and instead was looking at the road, searching for the puddle that the two ninjas of Gato's would be hiding in, and soon he found one that looked similar, and after noticing Kakashi glance long at the puddle before looking back to his book, he knew it was the one.

During the two months of training with Hinata, Sasuke, and the occasional Fiora, he had improved drastically at throwing weapons as well as taijutsu. He slowly took hold of three kunai with his right hand and positioned another two in a position to grab right after. He suddenly threw both at the puddle as the two nin inside it released the illusion and popped out of the puddle and tried to launch into an attack. However, they were instantly hit in the chest by the second two that Naruto had thrown, not giving them time to overcome the shock of being hit, he took off in a burst of speed that was surprising to the rest of the group and quickly reached the two nin and ripped kunai out of their chest before stabbing one into the nin of the rights knee and twisting it, breaking the knee, and put the other through his temple. He didn't have time to think about his first kill, as the adrenaline kept pumping, he turned to face the other nin just to see he had his neck slashed by Kakashi.

Naruto fell onto his back and breathed heavily for a minute or so as he calmed his nerves as the adrenaline left his system, Kakashi gave him until he had caught his breath to ask how he knew those nin were there. Naruto responded simply. "I felt them watching us, and so I attacked. If they were friendly, they wouldn't be waiting in an ambush spot." Kakashi nodded and made sure to praise him on his quick thinking and wit. Sakura was stunned at his display of prowess. Sasuke on the other hand, after training with Naruto for the past two months, knew that he was strong, but he didn't expect him to be that attentive and decisive to actually kill someone.

The rest of the trip to where the boat was waiting passed in silence.

[{(The few of you that have read the source may be wondering why I'm avoiding expanding on the Special D rank missions and that is because that is where I feel the novel took a downhill turn and I just didn't enjoy reading them, and I definitely wouldn't enjoy writing it.)}]

Current Harem members:Hinata

Confirmed members:Ashe, Hinata, Fiora, Ino

Possible members: Haku(genderbent to female), and a possible original character.

Next chapter sometime tomorrow. I will start releasing 1 chapter a day, or if I miss a day, releasing it with the next day one. If this story can get into the top 300 I'll put up an extra each sunday, and add on for each 100 we increase in rankings. so if we get into the top 100 thats 10 chaps a week.

TheMostAbstractcreators' thoughts