
Am Drag in the Downworld

Jake is friends with Simon and Clary, before they get introduced to the downworld. Jake is the same age as Clary and the others and his family has mostly passed away. He, being a self proclaimed dragon acts as a protector of the downworld. Pairing: Jake x Izzy Jake Long inspired MC

Grimm48 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

book of the white

"So, can you break it?" Clary asks Magnus full of hope, looking at her mother trapped in the green forcefield.

"I'm afraid not. Not without the correct spellbook. The book of the white." Magnus says.

"And where is that?" Clary asks.

"Someone gave your mom the potion it must've been someone strong. Maybe they still have it. So we need to figure out who is was." Magnus says.

"Book of the white, what does it look like?" Izzy asks curiously.

"An old book bound in white leather." Magnus says offhandedly.

"We should make a list of Warlocks who could have known your mother and were powerful enough to make this potion." Magnus tells Clary.

"I'll get Hodge to help us." Alec says and leaves to fetch the instructor.

"Magnus, so you think Jake's father..." Luke asks.

"Possible. He was very mysterious and I don't know the extend of his powers. But rumor has it that he was the spawn created by a demon empowered by Lilith's blood."

"And Lilith is?" Luke asks.

"Very powerful, very evil and extremely dangerous." Magnus answers.

"So he should have had enough magic potential." Luke murmurs.

"Probably. But why are you asking? He's dead. We can't ask him where the book is." Magnus says.

"Maybe Jake has it." Izzy chimes in.

"Izzy I doubt your toy boy is capable enough to use that book." Jace says.

"Shut up. And I'm not saying he's using it. I'm saying maybe it's in his house." Izzy suggests.

"What house? I thought he lived in an apartment." Clary asks.

"He recently got an inheritance left by his warlock father." Luke answers.

"Then let's go. We have to start somewhere afterall." Clary says.

"Is he there?" Magnus asks Izzy.

"I don't know. Probably." Isabelle answers.

"Well call him and find out." Jace presses her.

"What is going on? What Warlock are you looking for?" Hodge asks.

"We don't know. Alec, you and Hodge get started on that list. We'll see if Jake had the book." Jace says, receiving a frown from Alec.

"No signal." Izzy tells them, having tried to call Jake.

"Let me try." Magnus says and writes a fire message, which doesn't leave though and only burns in front of them.

"Hmm that means, he's either dead, in hell or..." Magnus says.

"Or what?" Izzy asks.

"Or in the Seelie realm." Magnus finishes.

"Why would he be there?" Clary asks.

"Stop looking at me like I'd know. I'm his girlfriend not his warden." Isabelle complains, feeling the groups eyes on her.

"What now?" Clary asks Magnus.

"Depends, how pressing do you want to get in his house?" The Warlock asks.

"Very." Clary replies.

"I guess we're going to see the Seelie queen then." Magnus sighs and opens a portal for them to one of the entrances to the Seelie realm.

"OK, before we go in Clary do not touch anything or wander off." Izzy warns the redhead, with Jace looking at her awkwardly, unsettled ever since having found out she's his sister.

"Why?" Clary asks nervously.

"Because the Seelie realm is as deadly as it is beautiful." Magnus says, walking through a tree, leading them into the Seelie realm.

"It really is beautiful." Clary says impressed by the world full of plant life.

"Your friends are visiting, any idea why?" The Queen asks Jake, hearing of the intrusion from a servant.

"Not really. It's probably something urgent. I should go." Jake says.

"No, please stay. I am rather interested to see who the girl you ever so often reject me for is nowadays." The Queen says, sitting on the floor with Jake at a small table in her mature appearance with full red hair and large breasts, wearing a thin, form fitting beige dress and a crown made of vines with flowers blossoming from them.

"It's your home my queen." He accepts with a bow.

"It could be yours too if you accepted my offers. You wouldn't be missing anything living here." The queen tells him, sliding her hand up his arm.

"I don't doubt that." Jake replies, patting her hand and pushing it off carefully.

Moments later Magnus, Clary, Jace and Izzy arrive.

"Welcome. For friends of Jake I will make an exception, but please make sure you are invited next time." The queen greets them.

"Seelie Queen." Magnus says, bowing with the others following his lead.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jake asks a bit unsettled, especially since Izzy came as well.

"We need to get in your house." Clary says.

"And that couldn't have waited until I smoothed over things with the Seelies after your stunt? You had to come and cause more problems?" Jake sighs, shaking his head.

"What stunt?" Jace asks.

"Seriously? You of all people should know. You were the one who got a demon into the parallel world and who made a mess when rescuing Meliorn." Jake grumbles.

"But we did rescue him." Clary defends Jace.

"Yeah, but I could've done so without the fuss." Jake says.

"He has a point." Magnus agrees.

"Magnus Bane. How is Camille doing these days?" The Queen asks mirthfully.

"She's stuck in a coffin somewhere." Magnus replies, sitting down across from the woman.

"And you must be Isabelle. I have heard much about you. It's a shame you're holding Jake back from what he really needs." The Seelie queen says tauntingly.

"Queen." Jake says warningly, the plant area around him slowly getting burned by his magic aura.

"Jake?" Magnus asks surprised to see the aura's effect.

"What?" Jake asks, looking at his mentor annoyed.

"No... nothing, nevermind." Magnus replies wearily.

"Jake. It's the truth." The Queen says.

"No it's not. I am happy with the way my life is right now. And I don't care if you can supposedly teach me ancient Seelie magic." Jake tells her.

"I will come back and we'll pick up our discussion. I have to go help my friends now." Jake says, getting up and walking over to Izzy, wrapping an arm around her before leading the group away, Magnus bowing to the frowning Queen quickly while muttering "an undelightful visit as always" before falling in step with his student.

"Why do you want to get inside my house?" Jake asks Clary after they put some distance between them and the Queen.

"We're looking for a book." Clary replies.

"We need the book of the white. We think your warlock father may have had it. He knew Joselyn afterall." Magnus explains.

"Whatever. Let's just go." Jake says and they leave the Seelie realm, after which Magnus portals them to the address Jake gives him.

"Why didn't you just enter without me anyways?" Jake asks.

"Because I assumed there'd be a barrier protecting the house... and of course you broke it." Magnus sighs, inspecting the magical energies.

"Well then teach me how to put them back up later." Jake grumbles, unlocking the front door.

"Where are the books?" Jace asks.

"All over? I don't know, I moved in yesterday." Jake says.

"Then let's start at the bottom and move up." Jace says, nodding to the first room he sees and heads there with Clary and Magnus.

"I'm sorry about the Seelie queen." Jake apologizes to his girlfriend, stopping her from following the others.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault she's a bitch." Izzy says with a frown.

"But because of me she was a bitch to you." Jake answers.

"What is it with you and her anyways?" Isabelle asks.

"I'm unique, she collects unique things and she wants me to be her lover so she'll have my loyalty." Jake explains, sitting down on a bench with an exhausted groan.

"But you and her never..." Izzy asks worried.

"No. I never did it with anyone." Jake answers a bit embarrassed.

"Well if you recall, I wanted to change that yesterday." She says teasingly, tracing a finger over his chin and gives him a peck on his cheek.

"Yeah yeah. Now let's go help the others look for a book that might not even here." Jake grumbles, lifting her onto his shoulders so she's sitting on them, her thighs rubbing against his neck comfortably.

"Any idea where your dad could've kept the book?" Magnus asks Jake.

"No. I don't even know this place. We were living in Idris before they died." Jake explains.

"Well where did he keep important stuff back there?" Magnus questions.

"Hmmmmm. Oh yeah." He murmurs, remembering a hiding place his father used, which was a hidden basement.

"Everyone grab the rug." Jake says and they lift up the massive rug covering most of the room and roll it on its side

"Nice." Clary says, spotting a hatch with writing all over it.

"Don't touch that. Not unless you want us to explode into a million pieces." Magnus warns, pulling away Jace's approaching hand with a rope out of magic.

"What's wrong Magnus?" Jake asks, looking at him quizzical.

"It's a blood seal. If someone with the wrong energies were to open that hatch the place would go boom." Magnus explains.

"So can I open it?" Jake asks.

"I would hope so. But I'm going sure." The experienced Warlock says, inspecting the energies used to erect the barrier and compares them to Jake's energy which match almost completely.

"Go ahead." Magnus says, nodding at Jake who grabs thr handle and opens the hatch to the basement.

"Let's make some light." Magnus says and uses his magic to light candles scattered around the room, revealing a long line of bookshelves and a small table to read at.

"Guess we're right here." Jake says, looking at the back of a book which has bone bindings encasing it.

Magnus waves his hands and closes his eyes, scanning over the books quickly and one book starts levitating out of its spot on a shelf.

"The book of the white." Clary says ecstatically and catches the book flying towards her.

"What do you need it for anyways?" Jake questions, handing the book off to Magnus, who immediately starts browsing through it for the potion used to trap Jocelyn after they left the basement.

"To free my mom." Clary answers, looking at Magnus expectantly.

"Here it is. Let's see. Breaking the spell... breaking the spell... ugh of course it had to be." Magnus sighs, facepalming annoyedly.

"Why am I guessing it has something to do with me?" Jake asks, making Izzy laugh lightly.

"Because it does. You need to break the spell. Apparently your father had a hard on for signature energies since he's the only warlock to bare a child in like forever." Magnus says with a groan.

"Great. Then lets do it." Jake says, clapping his hands.

"Wait a second there. First I want to see you use a portal, because if you can't do that yet, then you won't get this spell right." Magnus tells him.

"Ugh fine." Jake says and closes his eyes, swirling his hands in front of him in an 8 motion and pushes his palms towards a door.

A fire starts burning in the middle of the door before spreading out in mere moments until it's covering the complete door and only the rim is on fire with a black portal in the middle.

"Let's see what my star pupil achieved." Magnus says challengingly and steps through the portal with everyone following, coming out at the Institute.

"Well it was about time." Magnus says, pushing the book into Jake's chest roughly, spotting Alec and heads to the room Jocelyn is in.

"Go on ahead guys, give me a sec." Jake tells the group, squeezing Izzy's hand with a kind smile before walking over to Alec.

"Hi." Jake says.

"Hey, let me guess book of the white?" Alec asks, pointing at the book under Jake's arm.

"Yup. Say can I talk to you somewhere privately?" Jake requests.

"Sure." Alec says nodding and heads to his room with the dragon.

"If this is about Izzy I don't want to hear it by the way and if you're here to ask for my blessing you won't get it. Not this soon." Alec says, fulfilling his role as Izzy's brother.

"Hah. No it's not about that. It's your marriage actually I want to talk about." Jake says, sitting down across from Alec on one of his leather couches.

"What about it?" He asks.

"Don't do it." Jake only says.

"Why shouldn't I?" Alec asks annoyed.

"Look I get it. You want to please your parents, I know the feeling believe me. But you're not seeing what you're loosing on the way." Jake tells him.

"What's that?" Alec replies.

"First of all, Magnus. Then probably Jace. Izzy will always feel guilty for you taking the bullet for the family name. I mean look at how differently she's dressing. Like your mom. Does that sound like your sister?" Jake asks.

"What do you suppose I do then?" Alec asks grumbling.

"Nothing. Let it play out. If the Clave wants control over the Institute they won't back down without a fight anyways and we have bigger threats at hand in my opinion." Jake answers.

"Let it play out? Are you serious? Do you know what we'd loose? What the Lightwood name would be worth?"

Alec asks.

"Exactly the same. Let your parents worry about the family name. And if you don't like it change it." Jake suggests, patting the man's shoulder while heading out of his room.

"Before I go. There is one thing I am certain about. Magnus is truly in love with you. How or why is beyond me but I can see it and I've known him for half my life. He never was this serious about anything in my lifespan." Jake tells Alec, stopping at the door and then steps through.