
Always Late

Diem_Ngo_3690 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

*Beep* *Beep* Beep*

I hit the snooze button on the alarm. "Ten more minutes please," I think to myself. I turn over to look at my clock and it's 8:50 a.m.

"Oh crap," I yell as I jump out of bed. I'm late for work....again. I look at Sadi, my nonchalant Siamese cat, who's looking outside like she is a CEO of a multimillion dollar company.

"You could've woken me up, Sadi" I tell her. She gives me a look that said, "This is payback for taking me to the vet yesterday." I roll my eyes and try to grab clean clothes from my "laundry chair". You know the one where everyone puts their clean clothes, but is too lazy to fold them and put them in their correct place. I put my hair into a ponytail, brush my teeth, put on my clothes and eyeliner, and rush out the door.

"Running late again, Riley?" My next door neighbor, John ask.

"Always, J. Always" as I laugh and run out of the apartment complex.

There are so many good things about my job but my two favorite are that it's ten minutes away from where I live and I have some amazing coworkers. Plus, I get to learn from one of the most incredible and upcoming fashion designers in New York, Jack Taylor. He started in the industry when he was only 17 and now is running his own company by 25. I've been his assistant for 2 years now and I've learned so much already.