
Always in My Heart

Bella is an ordinary girl who leads a very simple and peaceful life. She has a nice family, amazing helpful friends, even her looks are above average which made her slightly popular in her school, except she hates boys. She never once thought of making a boyfriend while everyone has their lovers around her age. She loves to be single and quite enjoys her single life. In her words, boys are pure jerks, they do everything for their own benefits. And whenever their need is gone they're off with another one. One day her thoughts as well as her life changed drastically, in a way she never ever imagined. And it all started with a boy named Aaron.

hannah_axine · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter - 04

After a long, four-hour journey, we finally reached the hometown bus stand. When I woke up, Aaron wasn't beside me any more. I searched the whole bus, but he wasn't there. Maybe he got off while I was asleep. We started to pack everything and on our way to get off the bus. Cool summer breeze gushing past me, birds are chirping all around. Such a peaceful place. I finally exhaled. Because of that jerk, I couldn't enjoy a single bit of this bus trip. I couldn't even enjoy some music. I should've just got off the seat, but something in me doesn't agree with it.

I was searching for Grandma at the bus stand when I finally saw her, sitting and waiting for us. She looks weak and tired, but when she saw us, her face lit up like a chandelier. I can't explain how much I missed her. I hugged her tightly, which she replied with a gentle one. 

It took us about 20 minutes of walking until we reached the house. Every single cousin of mine was there. I can't imagine how happy I am seeing all of them at once. I'm especially close to one of my cousins, who's almost around my age. His name is Eric. Eric came up to me, and we gave each other a long hug, showing how much we missed each other.

"It's really great to see you after a long time. Look how beautiful you've become. Anyway, how was the journey?" - Eric asked as he broke the hug first.

"Don't even ask!"

"Was it that bad? I thought you liked the Buses!"

"I'm just a bit tired! How about your college?"

"It's going well, I suppose. I was under immense pressure all these months. You know how hard life is in 'X' university!"

"Hmm, I understand you. Where's Elena, by the way?" - I asked him about his sister, Elena. Elena's a year younger than me. She and her brother, all of us, are quite good friends. We always hang out together.

"She's on a tour with her friends. Wash up first, then we'll go for a walk if you'd like to." - Eric said. I was about to go to the bathroom when I met my two other cousins, Molly and Eva. They're the youngest out here. Molly's 11 and Eva's 13 years old.

"Hey Molly and Eva! How are you guys?

"Great! How are you, Bella?" - both of them asked me at the same time. I chuckled a bit at their cuteness.


"We really missed you." - Said Eva with a tint of sadness, "Nobody gives us Chocolate any more!"

"Is that why you missed me?" - I laughed as I went through my backpack pocket and picked out two chocolate bars, the one they liked the most.

"Thanks. Love you." - Both of them kissed me before munching on the bar.

I already forgot the whole 'Aaron' thing as I was so focused on everything! It was not just a lunch, it was a feast. Everything I liked to eat was on the table. We chatted, laughed and threw jokes at each other at the table. It feels so refreshing.

After eating lunch, we cousins went fishing. I never went fishing as far as I remember. So, it was a new experience. Though, I gave up in the middle because I don't have any patients in me.

"Hey Bella, do you have any boyfriend?" - Saul said as he pulled out another big fish from the lake. Saul is Eric's Best friend. We're not that close as I rarely see him, but he's a fun guy to hang out with!

"Why are you asking?" - Molly said with a cunning look.

"Just curious!"

"No, I don't, and also I don't have any plans to have one!"

"Why not? You're a young-blooded teenager, and it's the best time for dating. You'll have some new experiences." - Saul said again.

"I never found the right guy to date with. In fact, I believe there's no such thing as the right guy out there any more." - I said, signed.

"Not all guys are like your aunt's boyfriend! Just look at us, me and Eric. We're quite fine guys, don't you think?" - Saul pointed at him and Eric when I laughed out loud.

"I doubt that!"

"Meanie! I just wanted to set you up with a cute guy. There's a very cute and polite guy who lived here a long time ago. But he'd moved to the town to study in the city. When I was coming here, I saw him. He came here to pay a visit to his grandparents." - Saul said as he pointed out a large house where that cute guy possibly lives. The house was enormous, and I couldn't help as I kept looking at it. That house also has a nice tulip garden.

"You don't have to tell her who she should date. Search for yours first!" - Eric said, We all booed at Saul at the same time. It started to rain a bit, and we all went inside. We chatted all night about random things, who likes who, what places are there to have some nice adventures and all. We all were forced to go back into our rooms by my granny and mom as it was getting irritating for them to tolerate our loud laughing.

It was a very peaceful morning. Birds chirping and cool air in the hot summer days are truly divine. I woke up quite early, to my surprise. I washed up before coming downstairs. And I saw a very mythical thing sitting on the couch, reading something. I rubbed my eyes and pinched my cheeks so hard that it grew red in a second.

It was again that bitch, Aaron. Now it's intolerable. Why can't I have peace anywhere? He's everywhere! Grandma came into the room when Aaron looked up from the book he was reading. I quickly hid behind the walls around the staircase. He greeted grandma with a bright face.

"How are Grandma Edith! How's your leg pain?" - he said as he gently hugged her.

"Still the same. How are you, my dear!?"

"Great. Where's everyone? Molly, Eva and Bella."

'Did he just ask for me? How does he even know me? How does he know Molly, Eva? Does that mean he knew about me at the time he proposed?' - A ton of questions circulated my brain as my heart beat grew faster as time passed by. My thoughts broke when Grandma called for me. I ignored the first two times, but I eventually had to go there! I'm going to get my answers from him. I can do this!

"Yes, Grandma!"

"Look, this is Aaron. He lived here before, when you were very young, remember him?!"

"I don't think so..."

"Hey, What's up?" - Aaron said, with his To-go cunning face. I was planning to not say anything, but then granny pinched me, hard.

"Hey... Good."

"How about you show him around, get to know each other, then. I have to go and check the food. You two enjoy."

And just like that, my own grandma abandoned me here with that guy I thought I hated so much. I was in deep thoughts when Aaron cleared his throat.

"Your mother already accepted me! How cool is that?" - He said, flashing all of his teeth.

"For what?"

"For our Marriage. They liked our chemistry. Grandma is already planning out our wedding venue!" - He said, squealing like some Japanese anime character. It looks so dumb on him.

"Would you stop your lame jokes! It's not funny anymore!"

"Think however you like."

"You're weird, you know"

"Haha, am I? I think it's just my true love towards you"

"You know with how you look and sound, you can date anyone, who's way more beautiful and talented than me. Why are you wasting your time on me? I don't understand!"

"I don't fall in love with just 'anyone' because they're talented and beautiful. I love only you and it'll always be you. I'll wait for you until the very end, even if it takes a long time, I won't mind. And I call it spending time with you, it's not a waste to me"

"What if I never say yes?"

"I won't stop trying"

"I don't think I can ever date anyone!"

"And why's that?"

"I can't tell you that, it's too personal..."

"Hmm... I will wait until you are completely ready! Oops! Look at the time. I have to go now. Mom asked me to buy some groceries too. I'll see you around.


With a last glance at him, I went inside. But this time I didn't hate him much like before. His voice is amazing to listen to, and the way he joked around didn't bother me much this time. But first I need to know how he is the only one who remembers me from the past. I need to know why I don't have any memories with him.