
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 6 Shayna

According to the mumbling of that one guy, it was most likely the guy who arrived was named Shayna. Well this Shayna character had a presence that felt alot more 'visible' to everyone compared to when I first met him.

It's hard to explain, but to some degree I can 'see' energies coming off of people. I can't exactly sense the basic emotions of a person unless its practically radiating of them. The things my sixth sense is more so trained to sense would be along the lines of 'hostility'. For instance I could tell just by that sense alone when some one is trying to intimidate me, and for the longest while thats pretty much the farthest extent of said 'emotion' I felt in a long while.

However this 'Shayna' character wasn't giving off intimidation. No.....this was something along the lines of...'bloodlust'!!? "Who is this guy!?" My tense self managed to get out a question in which was completely ignored. That petrification feeling I felt earlier was ten times more intense now. Before I knew it I was stuck in stone, in the figurative sense of course. I could tell even Ohgi was shaken up a bit.

Shayna stepped closer to Orion's men. If the two of us was thrown off our guard and was slightly fearful, then I could only imagine their fear. Which only increased with every step he took.

"Then again even if it was five of you against me alone, it still wouldn't be a fair fight...." He paused for a moment and leaned his head forward. His eyes was barely visible through the brow of the cap, but they could feel the gaze of Medusa.

"....for you would it?' he finished.





"Listen....we aren't intrested in fighting you. We just after those guys who messed with our boys....you understand don't you?" Man was sweating enough bullets to replace the ammunition wasted in World War 2. From me and Ohgi's perspective we couldn't see the facial expression that Shayna was making, but we did witness just how hard the following uppercut was.

It was slightly slower to be called swift but in that pretified state his victim didn't have the reflex to make any sudden movements. By the time he realized, his jaw had already got trainwrecked.

The punch had almost knocked him unconcious. His eyes was rolled back, with foam seething at the mouth. The terror of this man's presence had mutiplied. In reply to that fear he craved he uttered one sentence with a tone so cold it could give a person frostbite.

"Get this boy to the nurse's office, and fuck off before I put the rest of you guys in a casket."


A couple of minutes had passed during that moment. The men had a problem hoisting the body away, but they managed to do it with speed. Once they left, somehow that terrifying presence seemed to ceased and it returned to something more subtle. In that moment my guard lowered and my sixth sense fell at ease. Even still I can't become lax after that.

There was something about that aura that stuck out to me. Some sort of odd entity...."A blue giant?....." Unpromtly my lips pursed and words came out in a mumbled tone. Ohgi looked at me slightly confused, but then took this chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

Shayna turned back to face us, his cap still covering most of his gaze, but we could catch his soft yet observant eyes. His azure eyes reminded me of a vibrant lapis gem.

He clapped his hands to shove of the imaginative dirt and chucked softly. Something about that small laughter had clicked something inside of me.

Why did sound so familiar? I thought back to any similar voices I heard in the past, but not a single one perfectly aligned, not to mention this was the first time in years I seen someone with such a dangerous aura.....yet even still why was it so..


Unbeknowest to me at the time though, that someone would mean play a huge part in the bigger picture that would come to unveil. "Shayna....." I unconciously rubbed my forehead. I guess I was on the verge of remembering why it sounded so familar. However any hard attempt I made to remembering had mysteriously stirred the pot of the nightmares and it wasn't afraid to say 'Hello'.

"You good dude?" Before I knew it Shayna approached up to me. I didn't know that my 'poker face' broke a bit and showed off my slight suffering became visible to the two. Trying to remedy this mistake I shake my head and faked a smile. Though for some odd reason I feel like Ohgi saw through it.....

"Yeah. I'm fine actually. Thanks for the help."---"I mean we would have been just fine without you." Ohgi gave his appreciation in a tsundere(ic) manner, though it seem to make Shayna laugh. It wasn't long before, in return to his reply, he threw a 'Oh really?' smug for a second. "Ignore my friend here. His pride is a bit stung... I guess?"

"Oh yeah. Your that guy from the bathroom aren't you?"--- "You say that like we met a year ago or so...."

What the heck was that glance he gave me when I replied? Judging by the look in his eyes it seemed I may have stumbled upon some truth?

"Yall two know each other?" Ohgi wasn't aware of our little encounter from earlier. "I wouldn't say that, but yeah I met him." I decided to take a seat at the table and give him the details. Shayna, of course, was invited to come sit with us.

"Ah, so they just wanted to run up some tomfoolery?"--- "More or less." For my sanity and the sake of not remembering, I decided to omit the unpleasant sexual harrasment out of the story.

"Thats to be expected to be honest. Plenty of people, the boys specifically, will try to start some trouble on the new or the meek."

Shayna was sitting in a chair that was faced backwards and softly rocked himself on its hindlegs.

"Speaking on meek, you mind telling me why those guys was so afraid of you?" Cutting no corners and beating no bushes, I decided to throw a blunt question.

Of course I already know about the possible answer. I just wanted to see what he would respond with.

"Huh? You don't know about me?"---"He arrived yesterday and isn't too familiar with the....'folks' here." Ohgi did an air quote when he said folks, and that said alot about this school from my perspective.

"Ohhhh. Well as much as I like to brag, you mind inflating my ego for me?" Shayna rubbed his elbow on Ohgi's arm in a teasing manner. Both of us was confused by such a cocky question. Despite that Ohgi cleared his throat to speak.

"You know this guy's name right? Shayna here is supposed to be one, if not 'the' strongest male on campus. He strikes fear into even the most capable students here. Even the head captains of Yon's Vicious Two keeps their distance from him." Popping up a cold bottle of coffee he took a sip to rehydrate.

"How's that?" --- "Pretty good speech. Thanks bro." --- "Hehe." --- "Gaslighting bastard." --- "Hey!"

Shayna laughed heartliy. In Ohgi's totally not kiss ass speech, something had caught my attention. 'Yon's Vicious Two'.

With a quick question, Shayna was confused as if he had heard something impossible. "I'm surprised you don't know about them. Those guys influences even reach outside this school you know."---"Zeno is new to the city altogether you see."---"Oh he just moved i....wait say that again!?"

His voice raised slightly. Oghi threw him some reasonable shift browed glances before repeating, except this time he left out the word Zeno.

"No go back. Whats your name dude?"---- "Zeno?"

I barely saw it but I saw Shayna's eyes sparkle slightly with...hope?, or better yet was it familiarity? He almost murmered out loud about something in regards to 'finding him again'.

Before I could even ask him what he meant by that, I was inturrepted by his sudden yet slight outburst of interest. He slammed his palms on the table, (the table made a eerie cracking sound that no table should make), and asked me a question.

"You wouldn't happen to remember me do you?"------"Remember?"-----"Do yall know each other longer then yall told me?" Oghi asked but Shayna completely ignored his existence and judging by his gaze of pure focus and happiness, nothing else seemed to even matter.

I was completely taken aback by this situation, but something deep down I felt something tingling inside my brain. This something kept aching to be remembered, but yet, just like the first time, the nightmare would always pound hard as a flashback.

Is it possible this person was related to the nightmare in some way shape or form?

My senses started to dull. My vision was blurring and my ears began ringing softly to a near high pitch. So I just canceled that train of thought and shook my head. This served as to answer a "no" and to help shake of the curse's influence. After seeing the no, Shayna calmed down a bit and went back to his seat chilling in disappointment.

Ignoring that moment, I was going to ask again about the Vicious Two business. Unfortunately the loud school bell had completely interrupted me. "Wait shit its already about that time?" Oghi checked his phone. "Its a quarter to five so I'm not surprised." I checked out the sun shining through the windows. Its yellow gaze started slowly turning orange at a slow pace. Evening was right on top of us.

"Shit man, I didn't even get to eat."----"Sucks to hear that. Anyways I feel... no.... I know your going to be someone promising. So let's talk again later okay?"

With that he did the goodbye bunny sign like from earlier before disappearing into the crowds. I found this to be very annoying. 'Do you remember me?' Who exactly was he?

When Shayna was away, he had a couple of thoughts to himself. Memories of the past, and other information that was imperative. "The mission comes before us all...but why you gotta be here now Zeno....." he mourned slightly over this fact as he gripped tighter on to the edge of his cap. With those words he looked back towards our direction again and giving off a slight expression of disappointment.

Oghi threw concerned looks towards the direction which Shayna disappeared into, before looking back to me. "Is there something yall two not telling me?"

I was still a little bit dazed, thinking about the last sentence he said. "What mission....and what did he mean by 'now'?" I softly murmered out loud. Meanwhile, Ohgi was obviously left in the dark for pretty much most of this scenario. Before he could let out another word, he remembered the sound of the school bell. Thats right...final period was upon us, and after that school would be over.

"You wanna game tonight...or just chill? I could seriously use a gaming session." Regrettably, I shook my head. "I got a late shift tonight."-----"I find it crazy how your job is so close to this city and yet you never once take the time to visit it."---"Money's tight. I don't got no reason to travel to places where I don't have no business being."----"Business? Oh yeah....Prim."-----"Don't speak it out loud. No need to state the obvious." I sighed in a bit of annoyance.

Prim....my little sister was a topic I never wanted to speak lightly upon. I extremely disliked it alot whenever someone spoke her name in vain without having a good reason to. Which is why I found it convient only so few people I know who knew about.....well the situation.

My stomach rumbled a bit since I haven't eaten anything during the break. Despite that I didn't want to cut it late and get into any more trouble. "Wait. Here you go dude!" Ohgi tossed me a packaged apple stuffed donut looking pastry he got from the counters. "Oh shit didn't know they had my favorite." When I caught it softly, I was shocked to realize that it was actually soft and warm.

"Wait you got it heated?" I asked. Oghi nodded. The reason as to why this came as a surprise was that before he came here, the two of us had a short conversation about the pros(?) and cons about the school. One of the cons was that the school cafeteria (like many other places) served the most horrendous cold and/or nasty food. He even mentioned that the microwaves and ovens were not to be used by the students themselves for some odd reason. So to be able to get such a nice, sweet yet rare delight served as a great pick me up for me.

"Well um catch you later I guess?" Oghi waved awkwardly to me. "Yeah we can still play tomorrow if not stupid or crazy happens."