
Chapter 13

(Knox's POV) 'Alpha, we have just been informed that a lone wolf has entered our territory.' My beta Jax says.

'Keep it there. I'm on my way.' I growled out keeping my stone face on again.

I left my office, and made it outside. Shifting mid air I ran to the borders.

'Alpha. The hunters took the lone wolf, and I heard some pretty disturbing things. They mentioned the word experiments. And they will be performing these experiments too. And I know you won't care, but these experiments could affect us all in the long run.' Jax says.

'Pack meeting, immediately! ' I roared through the link.

And I went back to my office to discuss with my Beta. Jayne was already in my office, and he didn't look happy. He also had an unreadable expression on his usual calm face. Sitting beside him was his mate, Bren. And let's just say it was a shock to see her in this state. Bren isn't one to show her emotions; but I knew something had happened. Finally Jayne spoke, and the information was quite shocking.

"It was not a wolf as I had thought, instead the lone animal turned out to be a Hybrid. And a hybrid species we know well. Alpha. I'm afraid to say that the hunters have a Tox in their grip." With this new information, our situation just escalated.

"Then we need to rescue that poor Tox, and if we can't I'll bloody hell die trying." I growled.

Quest growled in agreement, which confused me. He hasn't come out or spoken since we lost her.

Lexia's POV: Darkness. It's the only thing you can't destroy, and it's always the first and last of all things. No light, no escape, just an empty, endlessly deep, black pit.

Suddenly I felt a tug in my heart, and I don't remember a thing. Hell, I don't even remember my own name. I was nothing, nobody, useless, annoying, but most of all I was lonely. I kept feeling tugs, and then began to hear and feel things. Awful things like pinches, pricks, and other poking pains. Yet, I still couldn't move or even open my eyes. It was as if I wasn't in control of my own body. Looking around in this dark, empty, space something began to form in the distance. Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew past me sending chills up my spine. I began walking backwards slowly. Only I was stopped by an all too familiar voice.

"Lexia. I told you we would meet again, only this time that goody, goody, white, angelic two shoes won't be able to protect you now that I'm here." He says.

I turn around to see the one vile creature I wished to have never come in contact with again.

"Now, is that any way to talk to family?" He snarled like a dog.

"We are nowhere near family, and never will be."

"Now that's where you're wrong. We're more alike than you think."

"You have no understanding of what has happened. Have you young Lexia? No, no you don't! As you can tell we are not in our proper world or universe as some say. Meaning both of us are in the same situation, which also goes to say good luck!" The familiar voice said and went silent.

Suddenly an all too familiar sound is heard. And when I ask Tala for her opinion it's quiet which makes me worry. The sound I hear is getting nearer and nearer as I have this mental battle with my head. If only I was aware that I was spotted and drugged. By the time I realized what was going on, the ground beneath my feet started to move almost like waves in the sea. And my surroundings began to literally spin causing me to only see a blur of greens and blues. Soon enough, black dots danced across my vision and my hearing gave out only leaving an annoying ringing sound behind. And then without any warning my legs gave out, and I was falling to the ground. But before I hit the ground all the lights turned off and everything was black.

When I became conscious, I woke up only to find I was in a metal chair with shifter cuffs. Cuffing both my wrists and ankles to the chair. I tried to struggle and escape but soon came to the conclusion that it was impossible. A movement from a dark corner in this white room is what caught my attention. I glared at the corner and snarled. A dark, spine tingling laugh was all that could be heard in the room. Well, except two heartbeats. But other than that, it was your typical kidnapping scene.

"Lexia, I must say when I was told the Universes would collide like the prophecy foretold I laughed like the mad maniac I am. But being the enemy of Lex, and coming face-to-face with a female version of him, it came as quite a shock to me and my men. At first we thought you were a twin of his, but your DNA proved us wrong, in fact your DNA showed us that you're from a different universe! So to add onto that, I wanted to know if you knew an enemy named Zen? or anything close to that?" A man asked.

I stared in shock, as I had just realized who this was. I was kidnapped by this maniac. Again!

"Zero!" I growled.

That made the man freeze mid step, and he turned towards me on his heels very slowly. A sickening grin was displayed on his face.

"Great! Even in the world you're still obsessed with me." I mumbled.

That caught his attention quite quickly.

"Am I male or female?" I looked at him with a stupid look and said the first thing that came to mind, "Why the hell does that matter, you're still E.V.I.L." I spelled it out for him.

"Describe me!" He literally looks like the Cheshire Cat now.

"Annoying, bitter, criminal, dumb ass, eerie, fake, maniac, horrible, irritating, killer, lunatic, murderer, nuisance, o-" He cut me off.

"Alright. I get it," Zen snarled.

"Now, down to business. Can you guess why I have you here? And why didn't I kill you as soon as we found you?" He asked

I groaned. I literally almost got rid of him; only to be thrown in a world with an even crazier version of him! If possible his Cheshire smile got even wider. And then he began to explain his grand scheme.

"You're here because of some experiments I need tested. Which also means, no one will come to your rescue since no one knows you're here." His voice hinted at a smile, but I couldn't look at him.

"Sleep tight cupcake!" His mocking laughter bounced off the walls, then he injected something in my neck. Causing me to immediately pass out. And soon everything was black once again.

When I woke up, I felt buzzed. A human's version of drunk, only were–animals don't get drunk. To be honest, it takes a huge amount of alcohol to get us drunk. And because of the stench in the room, I knew it wasn't alcohol affecting me. Looking around, I was in a different room. This time I woke up in a lab. Different equipment was scattered around me, and that's not all. I was strapped to a chair with normal handcuffs. My chest hurt as if my heart was just ripped out physically. And my head was spinning with many thoughts. I was interrupted in my deep thinking when the door opened and two men entered the room.

"Good morning cupcake!" One of the two men exclaimed in a cheerful tone.

Then memories flooded back to me like I was running a marathon, and I immediately snarled and fired questions at him.

"Let me go!"

"What have you done to me?"

"Not a morning person are we?" He chuckled.

I ignored him and continued glaring. When the other man approached me; he tied a cloth around my mouth causing me to shut up. My wrists and ankles were still cuffed. But I glared at them, and they just circled around me, inspecting me.

"So, how's being human?" Zev smirked.

I gawked at him in disbelief, it all made sense now. They stripped me of being a Tox. I was just human. It's a miracle that I survived through whatever it took to make me like this. But from their grins I just knew, it was far from over! I was right. Because next thing I knew, I was being wheeled over to a room with a large video camera in one corner of the room. The other corner of the room was empty; but that's where they stopped the chair. Zev went up to the camera, and grinned mischievously behind it. Pressing the record button. Zev stood behind me with a threatening hand on my shoulder. All I knew is that whoever this video is for, Zev was trying to lure them out. I glared at him from the corner of my eyes. Since this jerk shut me up with a gag.

"Greetings Knova, guess who I found. I found this little ball of fire! She's your mate from another universe. And I'm guessing this little girl has friends and family in another universe. Still not sure what I'm gonna do with the spit fire. But I'm sure it won't be as bad as what's been done already. Have you wondered what it's like to be stripped of your Tox, well she has! The poor thing's human now. Oh wait, how about a little demonstration?" He pulled out a normal knife and slashed my arm. I winced, not giving him any power but continued glaring at him.

"She's got quite the mouth too. Just like your mate did! Say Lexia be a good girl and speak." He commanded harshly untying the gage.

"Take your own orders mutt and shove 'em up your ass. I may be human now. But at the end of the day, I still have some pretty dangerous friends. And you're just an ass hole." Venom dripped from my words.

"I think I like you quite better." He muttered but I still managed to grin at his annoyance.

"Drop the cocky act, it's time for business." And again he gets straight to the point.

"Zero is so much better at discussing deals with enemies, you suck." I growled out.

That caught his attention, and his head whipped in my direction.

"Please go on." He said through gritted teeth.

"I mean c'mon, Zero in my universe went viral about the supernatural world. He brought vampires, shifters, hybrids, and witches all to a TV station. Hell, he even had demons on his side. In his interview—that was live— he even had the council of the supernatural involved. I mean come on, compared to him you're nothing." I gave him a pouty face, remembering the camera's still rolling .

I continued to brag about what a fluke he was here and how successful he was there. I was almost jealous of other me and his friends. They had it easy here! Finally he cut the camera and left the room grinning like a psychotic maniac. I rolled my eyes, if only I had realized what I actually put into his messed up brain!