

The status window was the bare minimum. Not only did I have no skills, equipment or quirk. My strength and stamina were below that of an average person! "System, is this a joke?" "No Master. The information is correct . As you can notice you are currently very weak but with hard work and the bonuses from the system you will surely get stronger."

I felt as if I had been scammed. The anger rose in me and I shouted "YOU ARE A USELESS SYSTEM!!" Just as I said that I saw a pop up screen.

{Entry Bonus : The Wheel Of Fortune!}

Controlling my anger I asked. "What is this?" Nervously the system replied. "The Wheel Of Fortune is where you can attain skills, quirk, points and other features. To use the wheel of fortune you have to pay 2,000 points but since this is your first time using the system, The system will reward you with a free chance of luck for glory." The System's words sounded like a script. I was about to answer when I saw another pop up.

{Press to spin the wheel or dismiss the wheel of fortune}

"Spin the wheel." I ordered the system. Suddenly there was a wheel in front of me. The huge shiny heading and the lit up border were attractive to the eye. It had many features written and an arrow stuck in place as the wheel spun.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Once the wheel stopped spinning I saw the pop up that I had won a free upgrade! "System, what can I do with a free upgrade?" "To upgrade skills, equipment and other features, master needs to have a minimum amount of points. This requirement will increase with every upgrade. Using a free upgrade you can skip the points collection process and after using such a ticket the requirement doesn't change either!"

The System's words satisfied me. "I don't have skills or equipment so…?" "Don't worry master upgrade is used for everything you can upgrade your strength, intelligence,.." "Stamina!" I cut the system off. "I want to use this pass to upgrade my stamina."


"Congratulations master, your stamina is now upgraded." Impatiently I asked "Is there anything I can upgrade with the points I have now?" "Of course master. You have 100 points; the upgrade requirement for strength, intelligence, stamina, agility and HP are currently 10. What would master like to do?"

Updated Status Window:-

Name: Hana Hayashi (Isabella Diaz)

LVL: 1

Title: None

Quirk: None

Skills: None


Agility: 5

Strength: 3

Intelligence: 6

Stamina: 4

HP: 100/100

Status: Healthy

Equipment: None

Point Total: 60

I was not happy with the status window but it was better than when we had started. It's…progress. "Can I leave now?" I remembered that all for one was the one attacking my orphanage in the excitement and irritation of gaining this system.

"Yes, the master can leave at will. But master I must tell you the time you spend here can be very different from the time of the outside world. 10 hours here can be 10 days. Be careful." Tsk, this was a bad idea. Everyone must be worried.

As I left the system heaved a sigh of relief. The new master was moody.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: The main characters name is Hana not Kana.

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