

Its my first try on writing something and also English is not my mother language so please don't be harsh on me :)) Henry Kowalski was a junior grade programmer with few hobbies but with grand future dreams. After headhunted by Triad Corporation. He was more than sure about those dreams.. (the process of rewriting, editing and polishing released chapters never ends)

Demastikus · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Trembling Knight

"Stop reading my private file!" while saying that she hit him with a light punch.

"So I hit the jackpot. You do have some weird quirks. Oh my, oh my."

"You were bluffing?" said Elizabeth while rolling her eyes at him.

"Of course, I don't have full access to your file. Just minor details. Who are you, what are your body measurements, and who were you with? Etc."

She makes a fist "you want some of this right?"

They kept moving slowly and silently with a few whispers in between, When they reached one of the corners Harry heard a noise and stopped abruptly, Elizabeth was following him too closely and can't stop herself and bumped into him,

"Wow, ma'am… Not the right time or place…" he said in a low voice, grinning, and then gave a hush. He approached the edge of the corridor to see what was making that noise. Trying not to be seen, looked across the other side of the corridor. He saw another 'Abnormal' ten to twelve meters ahead near an entrance of a lab that they need to enter, that one hitting his head to the wall. He watched this for 10-15 seconds trying to figure out Why this one hitting his head against the wall.

He turned to face Elizabeth "I don't understand that ... he's banging his head against the wall at a brisk pace, for a few seconds I thought it was some kind of code but I guess not" while pointing to another side of the corridor" and we're very close to Equipment lab D5 damn. Should I try to take out this one, or we just throw something to another side for creating some noise to distract him? That's works in some movies"

Elizabeth gestured for him to wait, She wanted to see too before deciding anything and she get closer to the edge to check the 'Abnormal'.

"I know that guy. Well, I don't know any name and other info but I saw him a few times. It's more disturbing when you see a known face become like this. How can you throw something to the other side without being seen? it's like twenty meters or so"

As they talk in low voices how to distract the 'Abnormal' and drive it away. They didn't realize that the Abnormal had stopped beating his head. It does not just stop. Turned its head towards where they are and make a slow step towards them. Its first few steps were slow and unsure but after a few more and a few more it speed up. The length between them was only 10-12 meters and for a normal person, ten seconds was enough to pass it. It took 4 seconds for it. By the time Harry noticed the sound of steps

It was just meters away from where Elizabeth was standing "Hollllyyy!" cried Harry. What happened next was completely blurry for them. The moment the Abnormal makes a move towards Elizabeth for whatever reason it can think of. Part of Harry's move was reflexive and part of it was the result of the trauma he had experienced when the woman he had seen before knocked down a larger man. That scene was deeply etched in his subconscious. With some fear and survival instinct, his body pumped so much adrenaline in that split second and his sore muscles that crying a moment ago surged with power and Harry swung the fire extinguisher with all his might

The next sound heard in the hallway was the cracking of bones. The Abnormal's head and the bottom of the fire extinguisher met within half a meter of Elizabeth. The Abnormal's head cracked and half shattered. Then no sound was heard but a small cry from Elizabeth's mouth. The Abnormal's body continued to move and hit Elizabeth's body. Both Abnormal and Elizabeth dropped to the floor.

Elizabeth nearly had a second heart attack in a matter of hours. Cause of the first one was her colleague Carl, and the second is someone she only knows my face.

Harry just stood there, or rather, frozen like a statue. He looked at the deformed fire extinguisher in his hand. He could still recall the "feeling" when the fire extinguisher, the weapon of his choice, came together with the Abnormal's head. The power his body burst forth is not known to him until this day. While part of it was probably adrenaline but some part of it was something he felt never before

Elizabeth's cry for help woke him from his reverie. "Are you okay Elisa?" she said. He tried to lift the dead man's body off of her. Its Body was very light for a man who was around 1.70 m tall, or its weight normal but he wasn't normal anymore. He froze there for a few seconds, then he grabbed her arm and helped her stand up

Elizabeth with a pale face "Thanks for the save. It was too frightening. What happened here in the few last hours? I'm going to have lots of nightmares about this place. If we manage to leave this place of course

Harry tried to focus on what she said, while his face shows he was still deeply thinking about something. Then he grinned "Do you expect less from your White knight my dear damsel in distress" and made a gesture like bringing the sword he is holding close to his face like a Knight salute.

"Ohh what a knight you are. Still trembling" teased Elizabeth.

Harry glanced at the corpse he had pushed a few seconds earlier. Shaked his head. Then looked back to the corridor where 'Abnormal" come from. "Our little episode dint garner too much attention. We should move while it's still silent Staying here too much with this body is not good"

"That guy "pointed with his head "somehow heard us. One of the important things Emmy informed me about. These 'Abnormals' their strength is abnormal, their speed extraordinary. If I'm right this one heard our whispers from ten meters away "It's unbelievable I know. But I saw it with my own eyes.

"Somehow they are changing. Getting stronger and faster. If we delay too much. I don't know what will happen to us" said Henry with a forlorn look in his eyes

# Your progress is not slow but not fast, I still don't have much data to give you exact numbers. But with current data, you need to make haste before it's too late. Just a reminder. There are more of them in subfloors and they too change. After the next room, you will be in the security camera area coverage

Harry looked at his hands holding the fire extinguisher deformed but still intact. He loosened his grip when he noticed that they were turning white from squeezing the handle of the fire extinguisher. Not only is the bottom part of the extinguisher but also the handle is deformed.

Harry looked at Elizabeth and said, "How are you feeling. Can you move?" she asked. Elizabeth was trying the breathing exercise when she heard him, "Yes I can," she said, still a little fear in her voice.

Saying, "Emmy, we need to talk one-on-one as soon as possible," he started to walk towards the lab they were supposed to enter.

# Whenever you want, Mr. Kowalski.

Elizabeth said, "I don't feel good walking around empty-handed, can we check to see if we can get something from the next lab. Looks like I might need some tools to defend myself as well."

"Yeah, that's on my mind too. I hope it's not like others filled to the brim with computers and holographic projectors... Why are all the labs configured like that... Augmented this... Augmented that... Augmented Reality pissing me off since I woke up. Nothing to throw at these 'Abnormals' or bash their heads. "

They didn't linger there as Harry had said. They continued walking towards the next lab, but here it was another disappointment for them. There were no tools that could help them defend themselves. Harry replaced the deformed fire extinguisher with a new one he found in this lab. All the laboratories they passed through to get here were equipped with the latest augmented reality technology and oriented towards theoretical research, so most of the tools and equipment were either fixed or could not be used for self-defense.

The laboratory they were in was like a bridge between the two sections they used the second door to enter the other section where the equipment lab D5 was located.

Harry was thinking about the changes he felt in his body. At first, he thought it was just adrenaline. However, the miraculous healing of the wounds he received in the last hours. Also, increase in strength. Decreased fatigue despite lack of rest. What they were pointing at was bothering him.