

Its my first try on writing something and also English is not my mother language so please don't be harsh on me :)) Henry Kowalski was a junior grade programmer with few hobbies but with grand future dreams. After headhunted by Triad Corporation. He was more than sure about those dreams.. (the process of rewriting, editing and polishing released chapters never ends)

Demastikus · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Isle of Solitude

The Triad Company's Isle of Solitude in the late evening.

As one of the Triad Companies' purpose-built islands. The isle of solitude was organized, well planned, clearly separated sections, and designed with the idea of majesty. Its architecture demonstrated the arrogance of the Triad's World View. "One above of others" is their usual motto that shows itself even in the research complex buildings organization. Some buildings were built as higher, more detailed, and more luxurious than others, In their section's as a show of their higher status. While Corporation likes to show its splendor to others even with the architecture, it did work with meritocracy as the core belief. If one wants to be "Above others" then they need to be dedicated, hard-working, and selfless.

The Isle of Solitude consisted of 13 different research complex sites and one civilian section that covers research complexes from outside where the populace lives. Research complex sites had a hexagonal-shaped structure with an outer hexagonal ring with 6 research complexes and an inner hexagonal ring with the same number but a bit more advanced research complex and research and administrative complex in the middle section. All the complexes were almost the same, Triad corporation was obsessed with similarity and symmetry. The building aesthetics were majestic but uniform, focused on practicality, many were dark gray, and many had a technological look and style logos on their facades as a sign of their expertise. The outer hexagonal divisions were mostly focused on civilian technology, while the inner hexagonal divisions were mostly on secret military technology, and the central section was usually devoted to the management of other divisions and also most important but secret projects.

Island's management consists of Heads of research divisions, 3 executive directors, and senior executive "AI" Ubiquitous Adam. the "Ubiquitous" part was added and used by the tens of thousands of the personnel and employees of the island. Ostensibly, control was in the hands of these council members. But it almost belonged to Island's Main AI "Adam". While "Adam" does all the menial jobs on the island. Most of the complexes owned their secondary AI systems too.

But now smokes and fires were rising from the North of the Inner Zone, which belonged to top-secret projects of the inner hexagon ring, and from above, these fires seemed to be sweeping most of the buildings with reckless fervor.

On normal days, many people were roaming the streets of the "outermost ring," as the inhabitants of this segment called it. But now the whole island looked desolate. On closer inspection, many of the streets are filled with people's bodies that most of them lying there but not moving, except for some writhing in pain.

# Otawan Complex Secondary / Emergency AI "Emmy"

System Report. 6 hours since the connection outside of the Otawan complex has been cut and the Emmy system took over control of the Otawan complex systems.

-Attempts to connect with Main AI "Adam" failed

-Attempts to connect Council Representative Office failed

-Attempts to connect Otawan Complex Head Office failed

-Otawan Complex infrastructure appears heavily damaged. There are innumerable systems fault reports

-Complex Security Personal; Unresponsive

-Complex Drone Security System; Offline

-Most of the security cameras without "Emp" protection are offline

-Complex Research Division Administration; Unresponsive

-Emergency Protocol "Protect the Light" was activated 2 hours ago.

-Selecting the next candidate for "Protect the light" in progress

# Security Report.

Security is compromised in multiple sections. Security personnel unresponsive

Working security cameras 126.

# System Report

Arc reactor in failsafe mode.

Mainframe needs urgent repair

# Classified Section Authority Level Omega

Otawa Complex Research division's 500 Members employee's status report.

212 employee corpses were counted in the observable area of still active security cameras.

184 employees' life signs were detected in the observable area of still active security cameras.

102 employees still unaccounted for

North Section Otawa Research Complex 19:20 Hours. Floor C Low level classified zone - Backup Room C3 Security Camera focus on the body lying on the floor

# "Otawan Complex AI "Emmy" Personal Information Database

-Harry Kowalski

-Software Engineer - AI - Implant Specialist

- Classified Information Class Omega

-Authority Level Beta-03

-Gender Male

-Affiliation: Dougan Complex.

-Life signs Stable

-Current Status Unconscious,

-Survival Chance according to the data on the latest attempts % is 42.4.

-Selected as Primary Candidate for retrieval and carrying research data classified as Type C,

Harry barely opened his eyes. It was hard not to notice the striking red light of the emergency light system. "uh oh.. what with this headache.. and why I'm lying on the floor especially this cold floor while there are tons of comfy places there, and why the hell emergency lights on. Hey Adam what happened..!!"

After getting up and seeing one of the LCD screens hung on the ceiling next to him with some blood stains at its corners. and the rest of the computer lab equipment out of place.

"Wowww... I'm Cursed or something? There are tons of screens out there. Only one of them falls off and its target is the back of my head."

He checked where it hurts mostly "Only a small scar and some swelling... That's a good thing. It could have been worse. Right. Right, Adam? Damn AI why ignore me "

After he became sure every part of his body was where it was supposed to be. He looked at his surroundings

"Why everything looks like someone threw them around. An earthquake hit us or something?"

As Harry tries to adjust to the headache and dizziness. Getting a "forced nap" on the cold floor makes his muscles sore.

"Adam!!! Yeah. right. AI's there to help us anywhere anytime... Nice advertisement motto. Well, if outside the same as here. Probably something happened. There should be some rescue people why I'm not being connected yet. Ohh "cold grave" with all of this shielding for "backup units" it's normal to not have a connection with the main system. Well that damned ai and that security guard at the entrance knows that I'm here... Adam is not responding… so probably security dude busy or something?"

After dusting off his clothes and moves to the nearest table with a computer to check if he can reach outside and connect to some people who can give some information about what's happening. He tried to power up some computers near him without success

"Why nothing works. I'm not going to believe some power outage could happen in this place. there is no way for that to happen. No signal on phones too. and the only way to get information out of reach.

He started to get stressed because of the situation he was in "why its mandatory to leave Communication Bracelets outside when you enter 'cold graves' meh the protocols. Sometimes these people became too sensitive..."

He kept murmuring with frustration "I hope that damned thick door still works and I can be out of this place." and moving towards the only exit from this "Cold grave"

"While this headache not going to kill me. Should try to focus on different things. Well, again I'm in luck. There are tons of stuff to focus on like getting out of here first without not getting stuck here..."

Contrary to his expectation he successfully opened the door via a still working security interface. Harry Kowalski lefts the main backup room that had been called by everyone a "cold grave"

"Wohoww freedom finally... "

After exiting the backup room while trying not to scratch the swelling on the back of his head, he try to focus and check the place, He did not notice but three of the security cameras focused on him and keep tracking his every movement.

"and now where is the security, what was the name, George or something? Adam Answer me. Damn AI and why is no one around for god's sake!

Harry continued to look around, but couldn't see the bloodstains that looked like a handprint on the hallway wall in the red light of the emergency lighting.

"Well whatever, I know where that George put my communication bracelets there shouldn't be any problem getting it, I'm not to be blamed buddy you were the one who left your station. "

Moving towards the security point he gets behind the table where security personnel put his Communication Bracelet

"Come to papa my little precious, now let's connect back to civilization.. and see what's happening, why no ones around...

putting the bracelet to his wrist and after confirmation of his ID, the Bracelets lights come to life and keep blinking with never seen ferocity"

"wow wow, there little one what's happening there are tons of not answered calls. and lots of notifications there? ow what happened"

while Harry checked the calls that he missed and tons of notifications, his ear implant activated without his command, and some not-so-smooth but the metallic voice

# Employee #100045324-004 This is Emergency Protocol Artificial Intelligence called Emmy I have managed to connect you via your ear Implant.

# Please acknowledge that your Ear implant has been activated by me with the rights granted to the system by the Company Headquarters as per the Employee's Agreement section 8 line 5 Emergency protocol allows me to reach your implant

"oh heck. I Acknowledge but I can't remember that section and that line. well if you say so probably it is. Emergency AI? so that's why my usual buddy AI Adam is not answering…"

# Thank you for your understanding and your corporation #100045324-004

"Np at all "Emmy"

# You have been selected for having the authorization level and survivability percentage, among the living and having non-violent tendency with abnormal strength employees

"uhh what authorization? Selected for what? and non-violent tendency? What's going on?"

# Authorization: Light Armor Project Genesis, Genesis C Level Lab #4 Research Third Assistant Authority Level Beta-03 Harry Kowalski you are selected to carry confidential and important research data to a secure location

"ah that authorization level, Ummm. That given to me for doing basic backup work, on some unnecessary project files"

# Nevertheles You still have the authority and responsibility to do the work you have been assigned

Every journey starts with the first step and this is my first step

Demastikuscreators' thoughts