
Chapter 93-01

I woke up with a banging headache. I felt like I was in a daze. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t keep my eyes opened. They would drift off for a while, and open up for just a few moments.

Every time I opened my eyes, Liam was looking down at me.

"Hey Cass," he would whisper, and his hand usually ran through my hair or caress my cheek.

After those times, I just kept my eyes close. Whenever I moaned, Liam would ask me if something was wrong. I couldn’t manage to give him an answer. My body felt numb, and I couldn’t move my hands or speak.

I opened my eyes slowly. The sky was darkening outside. It must’ve been late in the afternoon.

When I tried to sit up, my head got dizzy. I moaned out in complaint. When I tried to raise my hand to rub my eyes, I realized I was handcuffed to the post of the bed.