
Chapter 72-03

The halls were silent, and I was late to class once again.

When I entered, the guys didn’t say anything. Layton walked in with me, gave the teacher a harsh look, and then walked me to my seat.

The class stood still until Layton left the room. It was impressive how much he affected everyone, even the humans.

"Did you two talk things through?" Jared asked me when the buzz started up in the class.

It had taken a few minutes after Layton left for the students to feel comfortable enough to continue their chatter.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"So things are good between you two?" Nick asked.

Jared and Tyler looked up when Nick asked that question. I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t want to lie to them, but I wanted to talk things out with Layton first.

"We talked," I admitted, because that part was true.

"But you fixed things, right?" Jared pressed.