
Chapter 66-04

I had just spoken the words, yet I already wanted to take them back. My eyes watered on their own accord, and I suddenly felt lonely.

I hardly noticed Layton moving, until I felt his presence right in front of me. I opened my eyes just as he placed his hands on my shoulders and made me stand up from the couch.

"I am presenting you to our pack this weekend. I’ll give you these days to clear up your mind. But just so that we are both on the same page, you should know that I will not allow my mate to walk away from me."

"Layton, I-"

"Don’t. I don’t want to hear it. Those thoughts of yours better go away and fast."

"You can’t decide for both of us!" I snapped.

"I can and I just did. You’re my mate and my mate is not going to be running around like a Rogue," he finished, just before turning away from me.

In just seconds, he had the window opened and was jumping out of it.