
Chapter 31-01

Zev spent the afternoon telling me stories about the time when he and Layton were kids. I listened intently, absorbing every word he said.

"I always thought our packs would merge once we took over as Alphas," Zev said.

"You did?" I questioned, trying to consider the possibility.

"It made sense back then. Layton and I, we were brothers," Zev said, a sad tone taking over his voice.

After that, he told me more about shifting. He even mentioned why most of them had skipped a year of school.

"It happens when we turn sixteen," he said. "Our Wolf acts up and starts going wild."

The Wolf inside of them matured when they turned sixteen. It had happened before that a Wolf overpowered the human side, so they needed to thread carefully during that period. The rebellion usually lasted a few months, but they were kept under watch for longer, just as a precaution.

Zev smiled at me knowingly when I mentioned mates.

"He told you, huh?"