
Chapter 108-02

I wasn’t sure how long I flew. I didn’t really feel tired, but the sky had grown dark. That might’ve had something to do with the direction I was going in.

Before leaving my house, I had only been carrying the clothes I was wearing. I didn’t have my phone, or any money. In my haste to leave the house, I hadn’t thought about that. After what happened with Hanna, I couldn’t really think about anything else but that.

I lowered down in a small tree covered area. Even though I wasn’t tired yet, I wanted to take a break. I needed to think, to breathe, to be. It had been hard to breathe while I tried to contain the exhausting cries wanting to leave my body.

I could hear the bustle of a city somewhere up ahead. I didn’t want to be around people, but I thought it might’ve been better than the silence that covered the woods.

I did my hair in a braid that would definitely fall off. I didn’t have a band with me to hold it together.