

They shared small conversations all through the ride back to the hotel. No teasing, taunting or even arguing between them. Sierra liked it, it felt really natural like they've been doing this their whole lives. He asked her about her favorite food and colors, places she'd visited and her favorite places. The conversation was heartwarming, they arrived at the hotel and she groaned that they had to call it a night.

"I had an amazing time with you, Sierra. You're good company" He told her taking the hand on her laps into his, he intertwined their fingers together, she looked down at it before offering him a small smile.

"I had a good time too." She replied. "Thank you for giving me an audience and entertaining me."

"Sierra, you don't realize that you've got me on a chokehold. You've gat all the power." He confessed. She was quiet, Seth was a very blunt man he wasn't afraid to say how he felt. He says things just the way they are. Even if she wanted to she couldn't be sincere with her own feelings. She had guilt piled up for her, it was only a matter of time until there'll be no room for them because her sins would have been too numerous.

"Don't say things like that. You're in charge, I don't want to pull the reigns." She whispered unable to meet his eyes, the words intended double meanings.

"Why? I'll be there to guide you if you fear you might pull too hard and miss directions." He said softly, something tugged in her chest, when she brought her eyes to his all she saw was honesty and longing, her heart ached.

"I'm sorry."She whispered and he nodded in understanding.

"Goodnight." He told her leaning to kiss her cheek softly, he leaned back a bit staring at her lips like he wanted to kiss he but he was holding back. She watched him timidly, she felt vulnerable like this with him. Sierra knew she wasn't the best at handling emotions but something about Seth wanted her to take the jump, she wondered if the fall would be too hard.

She locked her lips with his, he didn't move for a few seconds, then he kissed her lightly, and very softly like she was fragile, he was slow and intentional with it, his hands only in her hair and her face tugging and gently pulling, he ended the kiss with one last peck.

"Goodnight Seth." She replied opening the door to step out. She stepped aside and watch the limo drive away, only then did she make her way inside feeling a turmoil of emotions.

Sierra got back to her suite, going straight to the mirror she glanced at the simple diamond necklace he gave her, the heart shaped pendant sitting right at the middle. It was beautiful and unique, she loved it immediately more than any other thing she owned. She didn't know why, maybe because it came from him.

After she'd changed into a night dress a knock came, she went to open the door and it was Sarah. She looked sad and her eyes were teary.

"Come in." She led her to the sofa and Sarah sat down quietly.

Sierra went to get wine pouring it for the both of them and she handed one to Sarah who quickly gulped it requesting for another, she complied and served her a second.

"Another one" She demanded and sierra shook her head.

"What is it? What happened." Sierra asked.

"I'm just sad. He didn't take it badly but there was no excitement on his face I didn't expect differently but it still hurts. I tell him I'm pregnant and he gets surprised, then he masks it immediately with that aloof face, asking me what I plan to do with the baby. He didn't say our baby or your baby, he called it the baby!" She rambled on, pausing to cry. Sierra patted her back awkwardly, gently rubbing in slow circles.

"And what did you say?" She asked.

"I told him I've made a decision but I want to hear his opinion before I tell him what it is. He says he's responsible just as much as I am, that whatever thing I've decided on he'll agree to it, we can't reverse the situation we have to go with the way we've seen it." She sniffed.

"You're hurt about his indifference to the situation, right?" Sierra asked and Sarah nodded.

"He could have at least shown a little emotion, even if it's a negative one. I wanted to get a reaction from him so I asked him what if I've decided to abort the baby, he goes ahead to say whatever decision you make I'll be there to support you. How do I respond to that?! I just had to confess that I was keeping the pregnancy and he still says I'll support you, I'll try my best to be a good father. He didn't talk about us, he threw me right off the bus." She yelled, crying harder by the time she was done.

"Did you ask him what was the plan for you both now things have made this turn?" Sierra asked her and she shook her head.

"I just couldn't, I was afraid I'll get hurt more than I already am. It's obvious all he wants is just co-parenting and that's all." She said.

"This isn't going to be easy, Sarah you have to be emotionally strong. A baby isn't an easy job, it's a lifetime commitment from the both of you. As much as it'll hurt you if Ian doesn't want anything more from you then don't force it, you might end up in a situation that's far worst." Sierra consoled.

"But it's so hard, It's just so one-sided. I'll try not to force anything between us. He has promised to be a good father and that's what matters the most." She cleaned her tears with the sleeve of her clothes. Sniffing and shaking as she tried to hold in more tears threatening to fall.

"Sometimes it hurts more to hold on than to let go. You'll be fine, okay. Go shower, eat and get some sleep. You look like you need it " Sierra told her and She nodded.

"Thank you so much Sierra. I'm glad I can confide in you." She said genuinely, sierra smiled to her and she left.

Sierra fell deep into her thoughts. It was easy to give advice to Sarah than her own self, she felt conflicted. She decided she would continue to know Seth, she convinced herself she was only getting to know him, there was no manipulation being done. Her phone dinged when she opened it a text came from Seth.

'I can't stop thinking about you, Sierra ' He wrote. She read it grinning.

'Just the person I was thinking about right until your text came' She replied.

'Really? And what is it about me you thought about" He asked

'The night before you left' She replied. She saw his call come in, instantly and she picked it up.

"Why are you calling, it's midnight " She scolded.

"There's no rule to not calling at midnight" He sighed and then he spoke back into the phone " I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you're fine." He said.

"I am fine, Seth. Thank you anyway." She smiled

"What details about that night did you think about? He asked. She laughed softly.

"Everything about it " She said in a soft whisper.

"Did you come with a vibrator and perhaps lube?" He asked, she was speechless for a short while, she cleared her throat regaining her composure.

"Yes I did come with it." She said. It was almost as if they were In a whisper battle. Her tone changing to a really feminine sound, she was a little breathy from all the suggestion in his tone

"Go get it, how about we make a replay from that night over the phone." He said. She rolled over to the other side, opening the drawer and bringing out the vibrator and lube just like he wanted.

"Get your clothes off." He demanded. She quickly slipped out of the nightgown she was wearing. Now she was naked waiting for him to say something, she was excited and anxious, this was the first she was going to do this.

"Lie on your back and spread your legs for me." He said in a soft command, She found herself obeying.

The rest of the night went on along with the orgasms she gotten from Seth's voice saying all those dirty things to her. At some point he'd requested to switch to face time, then she had touched herself to him. He watched her from the phone, he liked every bit if it. She became aware of Seth's fetish. He enjoyed exhibition. After the call had ended he'd texted her telling her he hoped she'll sleep soundly. She smiled hard like a school girl, it didn't take long to fall asleep and she slept really hard.

Sierra didn't want to think she was manipulating Seth like Eleanor wanted her to do, she couldn't even if she tried, her feelings towards him were genuine but the goal now was to make him completely fall for her so she could take it from there.

When she woke up it was midday already, she opened her eyes tired and lazy. She went about her daily routine, calling Richard a short while later, she needed to know how everything was going. So far everything was going really well, she was satisfied.

She decided to spend the day in the hotel room, Seth didn't text or call she assumed he must be really busy. Later at midnight he called, she wasn't asleep just yet, somehow she knew he would call so she waited.

He apologized to her for not calling her sooner. That night they talked about their irks and played question and answer games. There was no dirty talk or teasing. She came to realize that Seth was not doing it because he wanted something from her, he genuinely wanted to know her better. She loved talking to him.

"So Sarah dropped the bomb on him and he didn't react the way she expected?" He asked over the phone.

"Yes, he's so neutral face. It must be frustrating talking to him." She said smiling.

"Actually it's not, it helps my sanity since he doesn't chitchat. That's expected of Ian, trust me, inside he's a wreck. He doesn't want to hurt her so he's playing safe." Seth explained.

"He's still hurting her, it feels to Sarah that he really doesn't care and he's just taking responsibility."

"He cares about her. Ian doesn't sleep with anyone, he has too connect with you on a deeper level. He's just scared to commit, he's some fucked up person."

"Oh so you know Ian's sex habit, how do you have such information? Or is there something I don't know about?" She teased and he laughed, it was comforting.

"Sierra you amaze me. Ian and I aren't lovers, if that's what you infer. Please don't put such thoughts in my head, it's grimacing." He said and she laughed.

"I can't even imagine, it's way too funny. What if he's your secret lover and you're trying to cover it up by camouflaging with me, that'll be hell of a plot twist." She chuckled.

"Immediately no! I see you have a very broad mind, you should have become a writer instead." He joked, there was a playful silence between them until he broke it. "Go to bed, it's late already. Tomorrow's a big day."

"The elections." She replied

"Yes, you'll fly with me." Realizing how demanding that was he corrected it "Will you fly with me?"

"That's better. I will, only cause you're asking so nicely." She said, he chuckled. "Besides, a chance to join the mile-high club. I won't want to miss it" She teased and he sucked in a breath, he was picturing it, his silence said it all.

"I'll be looking forward to it." He said.

"Goodnight, Seth."

"Goodnight, Sierra."