
Alpha Rejected By His Human Mate

On the engagement night of Lilith with the boyfriend she loved for years, she ran into him a girl, and later she realized that losing her love was far from the worst of that night... Is it better to entangle with a billionaire who doesn't know how to love, or with the weak Ex who hurt you in the name of love?

Nyx_Rai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

005 Don't You Hurt Her

"Oh my God, what happened to you?!"

With no answer, Lilith buried her face into Emma's shoulder, knowing her tear-makeup-mixed face would totally ruin Emma's favorite sweater.

"Come and sit, you poor thing!" The sweater was no longer Emma's priority now, "Tell me what happened?"

"I don't want to..." Lilith mumbled and tears burst out of her at the first sound she made.

The water tap won't even spill water like her eyes spilling tears.

"What did he do now!" Asked Emma with her teeth clenched, "HE did this to you, didn't he?!"

"It was me..." Lilith shook her head, couldn't complete too long sentences, "It was my doing..."

"How on earth was that YOUR doing?!" Emma couldn't keep her voice down, "All this because you missed his call?! Are you fucking kidding me--"

"No..." Lilith shook her head, sobbing, "It wa-wasn't like that..."

"Then what happened!" Emma let out a frustrated plaint, "Please, Lilith, you are scaring me... I have never seen you like this before..."

"He was kissing her when I--" That was all Lilith managed to say.

"Oh my God..." Emma got the picture somehow, out of Lilith's nonsense sobbing, "You deserve better! I've got you baby! don't you worry about a thing!"

Lilith just curled herself as small as she could under the pillow on the couch.

"You rest here." Emma patted Lilith on the arm, "I'll get you a cup of water."

Water didn't help.

Food didn't help either because Lilith couldn't even manage to take a bite. And movie, music, pillows didn't help. Nothing helped.

Sleep would help, but hours passed yet all the history with Jacob was like a messed up movie fast-forwarding in Lilith's head and they won't let her the comfort of unconsciousness.

Lying there with her head in throbbing pain, Lilith couldn't help her mind wondering to the meetings which she would have been but not...

Lilith suddenly sat up: "I have to go."

"Okay, where?" Emma asked with sleepy eyes, not understanding the situation.

"I have to leave the town, Emma." Lilith took a deep breath and wiped her face hard with her hands, "Can I borrow your car for a few days? I promise I'll return it, but I really have to go today."

"Oh my God, Lilith!" Emma gasped and was now fully awake, "Are you crazy?! You have a life here! You can't just leave your life just because some jerk--"

"Emma, please. I don't want to talk about it. I just have to disappear... now." As her last word fell on the ground, Lilith was already up.

"Lilith, please," Emma followed her around in the room as she began to gather her stuff frantically, "I know you are hurt right now, but we need to take time and think--"

"You know my intuition is always right, Emma." Grunted Lilith with her hands moving fast, "Remember how I told you to buy the lottery?"

"That was just luck!" Emma sighed, "But this is your life! Lilith--"

"Okay, then luck is how I ended up in this city after my parents died, and luck is how I found you as a roommate." Lilith threw her backpack on her shoulder, "I have always known that I should not be with Jacob, I knew. I went against my intuition and you see where that led me?"

"Lilith..." Emma sighed but Lilith was already by the door.

"Please, I need your support." Lilith lowered her head, avoiding Emma's eyes.

"Ughhhhh!" Emma let out a frustrated groan, "Of course you have my support! AND my car! You little devil! You will always have me..."

"I love you, Emma." Lilith hugged Emma hard, "I'll be alright, don't worry about me. I just really need this."

"I know you will be." Emma nodded, trying to hold back her tears, "Just promise to come back when you are healed, okay? I don't know how to survive without a roommate to take care of."

Lilith chuckled at her words with tears still hanging on her cheeks.

By the time Lilith managed to drive onto the highway in tears, Ann was at the DMV, looking up Emma's car with the manager lying on the floor unconsciously under her sleeping spell.

Emma's car was her only clue, and Ann knew she didn't have too much time with the wand before the coven catches up with her.

Fate is a curious thing.

Ann got to Emma's home not too long after Lilith drove away under the dark night.

"Who are you?" Emma opened the door so happily thinking Lilith changed her mind, only to find a stranger at the door, with a luring smile that would conquer any man.

"That's none of your concern." Ann smiled at Emma, "I advise you to tell me where Lilith is, and please just listen to me. DON'T do anything stupid."

"It's you, isn't it?!" Emma suddenly realized who this woman appeared out of nowhere could be.

You have to hand it to women's intuition.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Ann giggled as she pulled Emma on the collar with her other hand put on Emma's forehead.

"Let me go!" Emma struggled but to little use, and Lilith's face appeared in her mind no matter how much she resisted.

Emma didn't have magic, but she knew Ann got what she wanted from the evil smile on Ann's pretty face.

"Ann! You took the wand, didn't you?" Jacob ran towards them just as Ann started leaving, "How could you--"

"Jacob." Ann said only one word, and there was no room for him to say anything else.

"Ann, please give me the wand." Said Hank softly, following Jacob, "It's no small thing to steal The Shadow. I know you have prepared for this day for long, but stealing it is not gonna get you power."

"I have to meet her, Hank." Ann said with desperation in her voice, "I HAVE to know! I promise I'll give it back, but it can't be her! It can't!"

Both Hank and Jacob were shocked by Ann's sudden outburst. They sighed with the same heavy look, but there wasn't much they could say.

Pride WAS Ann. It was what she was living for. Losing the night she had prepared for for years to a human girl was not a light blow to her.

"Ann, we are looking for Lilith as well." Jacob used his softest voice, "You can come with us if you like."

"And if..." Ann hesitated, "If it WAS her, then what?"

"Ann, The Shadow appears in my visions a lot." Hank sighed, "It's all our fate that's at stake. We have to handle this matter delicately. You know that."

"You would take her in and give The Shadow to her." Ann nodded slowly with s shade of desperation in her eyes.

"It's not that simple--" Hank started but Ann cut him off with outbursting rage--

"Maybe she's not powerful, maybe she only got it from The Shadow! Have you thought about that?!"

"None of us know what The Shadow could do. It has slept for centuries." Hank sighed resignedly, "Ann, please give me the wand."

"I have no choice," Said Ann with stone-cold eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Ann? What are you--"

Before Jacob could finish his question, a beam of light shot out of Ann's hand went right through Emma's shoulder, just inches above her heart.

All three of them were taken by shock, except Emma didn't know what was happening, unlike Jacob and Hank.

"I'll be back for my punishment!" Ann was already by her car when Jacob and Hank rushed to attend to Emma, who was now bleeding heavily on the ground.

"Ann! Don't you hurt Lilith! Ann!" Jacob shouted as he followed Ann, but her car already dashed into the dark night.