
Alpha Rejected By His Human Mate

On the engagement night of Lilith with the boyfriend she loved for years, she ran into him a girl, and later she realized that losing her love was far from the worst of that night... Is it better to entangle with a billionaire who doesn't know how to love, or with the weak Ex who hurt you in the name of love?

Nyx_Rai · Fantasia
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7 Chs

001 Lie To Yourself

"What a pretty wall, isn't it?"

Lilith jumped at the sudden question, only to realize that her roommate had been waving a hand in front of her eyes for quite some time now.

Emma giggled at Lilith's confused look towards her question: "What are you staring at our wall for?!"

"Jacob is coming to pick me up! So--" Still having the stupid smile on her face when her mind was drifting, Lilith stood up and spun in front of Emma, "How do I look? Please tell me it's perfect!!"

"Elegant, beautiful, cute." Emma nodded with a serious face before she turned on the taunting grin: "Wayyyyyyy overdressed for a date night."

"Except it's not JUST a date night." Lilith stared at Emma, trying to sound mysterious.

Lilith couldn't keep her lips from curving up even for one second to make a straight face.

"Wh--Oh my God!" Emma gasped, "It's tonight?! He's finally introducing you to his family?!"

"Yess!!!" Lilith yelped as she threw herself onto Emma but only for a second, "Careful! Careful with the makeup and the dress..."

"Black suits you." Emma took a step back and checked Lilith up head to toe as if looking at her for the first time, "My little girl is finally grown up."

"Ughhhh..." Lilith rolled her eyes, "My mom won't talk like that even if she's still alive. She would be the coolest mom, unlike you."

"Hey!" Emma protested, "Who has been taking care of you, huh?! You ungrateful brat?"

"You have!" Lilith grinned at her and gave her a hug, stopping the silly joking around.

Nothing could wipe the smile off Lilith's face today.

"Wow... But seriously, you guys finally made it..." Emma exclaimed, throwing herself onto the sofa with a long exhalation, "When did you start dating? High school?"

"Since our first year." Lilith grinned, sitting on the chair with her back up straight. She didn't want even a wrinkle on the dress, "He was my deskmate--"

"And your soulmate AND soon-to-be roommate." Emma giggled, "I still cannot believe you guys haven't slept together, like, ever?! What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing! He just takes it really seriously, okay?!" Lilith threw a pillow at Emma but she dodged it, "Plus, we JUST made 18 last year!"

"Exactly, LAST year!" Emma rose her arms in frustration, "Stop hiding behind the underage shield!"

Lilith turned her head as she mumbled: "Besides, I WANTED to wait as well."

"Sure, YOU wanted it." Emma rolled her eyes, "Not because you would do whatever he tells you to do."

"That's so not true!" Lilith protested, "Plus, Mage families have all kinds of weird rules, okay? I'm but a humble human, so of course I try to respect his lines more."

Emma chuckled when Lilith said the word "humble" with a little curtsy.

"Well, no Mage family ever takes in a human, that's true. Today is the day when you finally convinced me that true love exists, okay? You win." Emma sighed with a smile, infected by Lilith's excitement.

Lilith grinned, taking in a long breath to calm herself.

SHE didn't even believe they could make it herself, not until a week ago when Jacob asked her to attend the "important meeting" of his coven tonight.

Tonight he would announce their relationship to his family.

Tonight Lilith would be embraced into his coven and turned into a witch.

Tonight was the night, where they would finally be together, forever and ever--

"Now you are appreciating our ceiling, great."

Emma's voice felt so far away from Lilith. She heard her, but she didn't seem to understand even a bit.

"When is he picking you up?"

"Hmm?" Lilith took her phone to check the messages, "Oh my God! He called me! How could I have missed his call?!"

"Well, probably because you were busy staring at the wall and the ceiling." Emma giggled.

"Stop it!" Lilith wanted to rub her face but she stopped herself in time so she wouldn't ruin the makeup, "He's gonna be MAD! It was TWO hours ago! Should I call him?"

"Hmm, yeah!" Emma frowned but didn't say too much.

She didn't like how Lilith tip-toed around Jacob on things that upset him, and he gets upset easily!

At that time, Lilith just told herself that he was just a precise guy who demands respect for his time and his privacy.

"I should go." Lilith decided.

"To where?" Emma sighed, "Can't you just call him and ask him to come again?"

"I don't want to..." Lilith shook her head, "Plus, he was gonna take me to his place first anyways. Something about preparing me for tonight's ritual. I'll just go and make up for the time wasted."

"But Lilith--"

"Please Emma, can I borrow your car? Please, please, please!"

Emma always comply, and Lilith grinned as Emma dangled her car key in front of her.

"Ughhhhh, how come you can be so cute and normal in front of me but not in front of the guy you are going to spend your life with?"

Emma complained, but Lilith didn't hear Emma because she was out of the door by that time.

She was still happy and excited on the way driving to his place as she felt her hands shaking on the wheel, but when she got to his door, nervousness caught up.

Lilith stood at the door for a few seconds before she finally took a deep breath and knocked.

Unfortunately, the door slid open on her knocking.

Surely enough, Jacob was there. Not upset as how she expected though, but surprised.

Guess it was because of the pretty girl in his arm. He pushed her away the moment he saw Lilith as if that would make it look better.

It didn't help that the girl's red lipstick was still printed on his lips.

"How did you open the door?!" Jacob exclaimed and wheeled his head at the girl with the huge realization: "Ann! Was this your plan all along?!"

"Ohh, you mean the little spell you used to lock the door?" Ann curved her lips with a cute shrug, "How would I know that she would just barge in like this?"

Lilith rose her eyebrows in shock. Should she say "sorry" now?

Lilith didn't even feel anger at that moment. He was a powerful wizard from a Mage family, and she was... gorgeous. It just made sense in so many ways.

"Ann..." Jacob sighed heavily before he turned to Lilith, "Baby, please hear me out. She's just a friend who happens to come over. You know? For the night. She's also a witch."

Gorgeous AND with magic? Great. Lilith heard laughter in her head, and that was her laughing at herself.

She really should have seen this coming.

"Baby, please. We were just goofing around. I didn't mean to kiss her." Jacob let Ann go and walked toward Lilith, but Lilith's body took a step back before she even realized what she did.

How could you not mean to kiss someone? Should fact check it scientifically. Lilith heard herself joking in her head.

She seemed to have lost the ability to talk...or think, properly at least.

"Lilith, you know I love you..." Jacob took Lilith by her arms. There was a little shaking in his voice.

"Really?" Lilith didn't even know whether she actually said that out loud because she felt something was crawling on her face, and she only realized it was her tears when she raised her sleeve to wipe it.


Now the makeup was definitely ruined.