
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Danger Signs

Eclipse took a seat in front of Alazne, relaxing into the chair's velvety cushion with a long breath. He could not help but admire her beauty and elegance, from the blue T-shirt she was wearing to the pearl earrings on her ears. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail, showing her immaculate skin, and her lips were adorned with a crystal lip gloss that sparkled in the light. Eclipse was utterly captivated by her beauty and wished he could spend the entire day admiring her.

However, Alazne remained focused on her job, barely glancing up at him, leaving Eclipse feeling dissatisfied. He cleared his throat, the sound reverberating in the silent office, and spoke up.

"Hi, how are you doing?" Eclipse ask, his voice forceful and his gaze locked on her stunning blue eyes.

"I am alright, I suppose, but I am concerned about Raja. He is my brother and friend, but right now, I am not sure," Alazne sighed helplessly, her voice gentle and troubled.

Eclipse felt a twinge of jealousy but pushed it aside. "Listen up, everything is OK. "Give him some time, and he will come around," he told her, his tone solid and reassuring. He pursed his lips, his eyes narrowing slightly with thought, as she gave him an uneasy nod.

"Do not fear, Raja is the most trustworthy person I have ever met. "I am sure he will not be able to stay away from you for long," Eclipse remarked, his voice steady and assured. Although the words left a terrible taste in his mouth, he reassured himself that he was not doing it for Raja, but for his mate's happiness.

"Okay, I appreciate it. "I did not realize I needed to hear that until you told me," Alazne added, her grin sincere and thankful.

Alazne believed her shattered friendship with Raja had something to do with the enigmatic man seated in front of her, but she chose not to say anything. She had a feeling that if she said it, Eclipse would give Raja a hard time, and she was not prepared for that.

As they both sat there, looking into one other's eyes, she realized Eclipse was gradually infiltrating her life, but she was not sure if she was ready for him yet. Eclipse was undeniably attractive, and he had begun to grow on her, but she would not admit it, at least not yet. Eclipse's phone rang, interrupting their stare, and he answered it while still holding one of her hands.

Eclipse's lips tightened into a disappointed grimace, his brows furrowed in annoyance as he listened to the person on the other end of the call. Alazne watched him, almost giggling at his adorable expression, but she managed to keep it together.

"Listen, I need to leave. "I will come over when I am done," Eclipse replied urgently, standing up and virtually racing out of her office. He was in a rush, and Alazne exhaled as she continued her task.

Eclipse arrived at the pack house in minutes, his steely eyes scouring the front yard for two lifeless, pale, and blood-drained figures. The sight sent shivers down his spine, and his heart was full of anguish and wrath.

"What happened? How did this happen? Who is behind this?" He bellowed in a cold tone, his voice sharp with anger and determination. For goodness sake, these lifeless bodies belonged to children.

"It's the vampires. They are back for vengeance, and this is just the beginning," Gabriel's mate replied, her eyes flashing with urgency and warning. "You need to keep your mate close, very close," she added, emphasizing the importance of Alazne's safety, Eclipse released a sigh of helplessness, Alazne was an independent woman so she would never come home with him without knowing the reason behind it.

"I warned you, but you did not listen, these are danger signs" Christoph replied, shaking his head, remembering the night Eclipse went too far. He had attempted to stop him, but his headstrong sibling would not listen. Eclipse was attractive but vicious, and everyone knew it.

"I just hope Alazne doesn't pay for your sins. "She is too innocent for it," Zane muttered with a concerned sigh. Eclipse understood that he was doomed. Not only had he not yet claimed her, but his prior transgressions had put her in danger immediately.

"Where are their parents?" Eclipse asked, referring to the lifeless bodies on the floor. Godfrey and the others gave each other an unsure look, knowing very well their Alpha prince would not be happy with their response to his question.

"They don't have parents. They were orphans," Godfrey replied with a sigh. The moment those words fell from his lips, he felt his back drenching in a cold sweat. Eclipse looked scary with his claws and fangs elongated, his left eye blazing an electric blue and his right eye blazing darker.

He was so mad that, the vampire prince could stoop so low as murdering innocent children and draining them of their blood. He has to get him before he gets to his mate who knows nothing about the mystical world. But he knew that eliminating a vampire would not be an easy fix.

Vampires are blood creatures devoid of any emotions except the excitement of killing and they are very cunning and tricky, especially the gifted ones.

He knows what Christoph was talking about, but all he felt was anger and irritation. He despises those creatures and he would eliminate every single one of them that poses a threat to his people. He took off his jacket and covered the face of the two corpses as he tried to calm down.

"Hey, what's going on here," a familiar voice came from behind Eclipse causing his eyes to widen in shock, everyone had the same expression, and Eclipse quickly turned around to face the person with a nervous smile.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alazne asked, her attention was focused on Eclipse that she didn't notice Godfrey signaling the others to take care of the corpses.

"Yeah, I'm good, just feeling a little feverish, that's all," Eclipse said with a nervous laugh, although Alazne knew he was being weird, she chose not to say it.

"Okay, you forgot your wallet," Alazne said stretching it out to him with a warm smile. Raja who was coming from behind Alazne's expression turned helpless as soon as he noticed her presence but he couldn't return because he had an important message to deliver to Eclipse.

Eclipse who sensed Raja approaching didn't flinch or utter a word as the girl placed the back of her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. "You are burning, gosh, you are so careless," She mumbled under her breath, pulling him inside the living room, she sat him down and got a pill and a glass of water for him to take.

Alazne might not know what bond she shares with Eclipse but she has unknowingly started falling for the Alpha prince. Whenever she sees him in distress she feels pained, her conscience would not permit her to ignore him but she would never tell that to Eclipse because there was something about him that didn't sit well with her soul.

Her spirit tells her that the young man is not an ordinary person, he is darker than what he portrays to his family and friends and she is determined to uncover what he is hiding from everyone.

"You should go to bed, I have unfinished work to do," She said with a tired sigh as she walked out of the living room, everyone breathed s relief sigh as Raja walked in with a serious expression.

"We have a mole," Raja said coming to a stop in front of Eclipse. "I suggest you keep her in the pack house, they know about her," Raja said, his voice coming out very serious, Eclipse felt like the world was closing in on him, these vampires were testing his patience, he mulled secretly.

Eclipse told Raja to track the mole but he should also make sure, the mole wasn't alerted, as it stands now, his mate's life was in danger and they needed to be careful. He told Godfrey to make sure the two teenagers were buried in the pack commentary, and he also told Gabriel to assign some of the elite guardians to watch the orphanage every day and night.

As Eclipse sat alone in the living room, his mind raced with thoughts of the dangers that surrounded his mate. He knew that he had to protect her at all costs, even if it meant facing the wrath of the vampires. Alazne was the light in his dark world, and he would do anything to keep her safe.

As the night grew darker, Eclipse's determination only grew stronger. He knew that the battle against the vampires was far from over, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way. With Alazne by his side, he felt invincible, and he knew that he had to overcome every obstacle threatening to uncover his identity to his mate when his relationship with her had not even gotten anywhere yet.

With a heavy heart and a fierce determination, Eclipse vowed to do whatever it took to protect his mate and his pack from any threat lurking in the shadows. The vampires may have started a war, but he was ready to fight until the very end. Alazne was his mate, his love, and he would not let anything or anyone come between them.

He now stood in front of Alazne's house with a confused expression on his face, his determination from earlier wavering; he did not know what persuasive lie he would make her to persuade her to accompany him to the pack house; he could not tell her what was going on, and certainly, he could not force her to come with him.

Eclipse has never spoken a lie in his life, and no matter how bitter the truth is, he will thrust it down your throat before you know what it tastes like, yet his human partner was not someone he could expose his entire universe to; the warning signs were too great.

Eclipse strode in without knocking, inching toward the kitchen to see if she was there, but she was not.

He climbed upstairs and used her scent to quickly locate her bedroom. He was glad to find her in her bedroom, busily typing away on her portable laptop.

His eyes scanned her body, she was wearing a silk pink short and a tank top, her hair was flowing behind her casually, and about yen files, were scattered on her bed, he found himself asking exactly what work she does for her to be working so much and he wondered if she has even eaten anything during the day.

"How were you able to find out where I live?" Alazne questioned without raising her head, it didn't shock Eclipse that she sensed his presence, it must have something to do with the mate bond, he thought as he sat on her bed with an exhausted sigh.

"I don't know, I just knew," Eclipse responded, his tone sounding unsure of what he was telling her.

"How convincing," Alazne comments making the man aware that she knew he was lying to her but she didn't want to say it directly otherwise it'd have been quite embarrassing. She continued to asked him what brought him to her aboard.

Eclipse licked his lower lip in nervousness wondering how to conjure a tangible lie for her so she could come with her, oh how he wished she was a mystic creature at this moment then he wouldn't be in a tight position, Eclipse couldn't help but think.

He felt helpless, he closed his eyes briefly before opening them again, as his eyes reflected determination, he told himself that he must do whatever it took to keep his mate safe from the dangers looming over them so without

In other words, he went into her closet and did what he thought was best to keep himself from being caught in the web of lies. Eclipse walked out with a small suitcase, Alazne looked at the man and then at the suitcase in surprise.