
Alpha King's Tequila

Deandra Sparks wasn't immune to arrogant male energies especially when it came to a powerful one like this one in front of her. She had read about Andrè Rossi and seen most of his pictures but seeing him in person, she felt she should sue all those photographers for not doing justice to his great beauty. Damn. The guy was hot as hell! He was saying something but Dee was not listening. Her lips fell slightly open as she followed the trail of his lips on the back of her hand. How would those lips feel on hers? ******************************** Andrè Rossi the son of one of America's most influential businessmen, Lukas Rossi, woke up to see a false publication on the media by his ex-girlfriend, accusing him of rape. And now his distraught father whose greatest fear was a bad family reputation had sought to hire the service of a media revamper that would help erase the scandal that his son had plunged them into. What happens when the feisty, masochist article writer Deandra Sparks comes into the picture? Will her flame burn the infamous New York award-winning Casanova? Is she willing to quench this fire in him? And what happens when she is in a struggle between yielding to his soft touches and keeping to her resolution of not mixing business with pleasure?

Gemini_writes · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The revamper

Deandra dragged her skirt down for the tenth time since leaving her house to the D'Lukas mansion for her interview.

Not long after they had gotten home that day, she had received a mail from the head of media for the Rossi's firm, inviting her to their mansion for her scheduled interview.

At first, she had wondered why they would schedule the interview at their home instead of the dynasty. But on second thought she realized being media personnel, probably they were trying to avoid attracting public inquisition on her appearance at the firm_they are smart, she had thought.

She had made sure to do a little search on the family and had found out a little backstory that most of these media houses failed to showcase to the public or maybe they made them keep quiet. She found out the Italian family migrated to the United States sometime in 1987, and as of then Luka, being the father to Andre, had nothing apart from the satchel and his passport and his dear wife Lolita Rossi.

After landing in the US, he had made up his mind to take advantage of the opportunity that America made available to its inhabitant. In the story, he said he had read a lot about the American dream since he was a child, and had vowed one day to make it across to the land.

A Series of events took place in their lives afterward from the bad to the worse. A time came when they nearly gave up and traveled to back Italy. But then, one day he said his wife had given him the idea about starting his own investment company.

At first, it was a whirlwind of chaos, tumbling the business around. But he had refused to give up because he believed something good was going to come out of it, combined with his wife's consistent encouragement.

Today, D'Lukas Dynasty stood out among the best investment companies in the United States.

The moment the cab stopped in front of the tall giant silver gate, she straightened her skirt again and alighted from it.

She was about to knock when the gate opened and she walked inside half_mindedly, looking around for the sign of anyone around. Seeing no one she ambled on, admiring the way the flowers lined up the driveway down to the main building.

On getting to the building, she eyed the hefty armed bodyguards standing in front of the building, wearing black shades with no inkling of a smile on their visage.

"Hello. I'm here for the interview." she forced a smile while waving at them. None of them responded to her. She wondered if they were statues but then, a statue wouldn't just move its mouth. She saw it, it wasn't imagination.

"Okay, I fancy you are trying to do your jobs, but ignoring me, is absolutely shitty you know that?" she expunged even as she was afraid they might get angry and shoot her to death.

Oh, Lord, Dee control yourself and be nice.

She tried again, flashing her provocative professional smile.

"Okay, let's do this again. My name is Deandra Spark, I was invited_" the door to the house suddenly flung open and a sturdy man came out.

"This way, Ms. Sparks, we have been waiting for you," the newcomer said, beaming at her.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was beginning to fear they would shoot me," she told the man who smiled and shook his head.

"That's the orientation given to them. They don't speak to anyone. Not even the mistress herself. And by the way, they would never have shot you, only frustrated you with their silence." he chipped in and chuckled.

"Oh, okay. I understand. So are you the one that sent me the invite? Like the head of media?" she queried as they passed through the elegantly well_furnished living room. She whirled about to check out the huge artwork of Lukas and Lolita smiling lovingly at each other.


They reached the huge transparent double doors from which if you are in the living room, can see everything on the other side. The door opened on its accord and they passed through.

The man continued to answer her question. "No, I'm not. My name is Simeon. I am the assistant to Mr. Andre." he quipped and smiled. It seemed he smiled a lot Dee pondered, walking beside him.

She looked around as they neared the pool. Three people were sitting around a table. They stopped talking the moment she approached and turned towards her.

Dee suddenly became conscious of everything about her. Three pairs of inquisitive eyes on her. What would they think of her? Would they think what others thought of her as looking too feisty because of her red hair?

"Welcome, Ms. Sparks. I am pleased to meet you especially after reading your portfolio. It was impressive." squibbed Lukas, stretching out his hand which she smiled and took. He raised it to his lips and kissed it, surprising her instantly as her eyes widened.

"Italian tradition." he surged and chuckled. His wife joined in chuckling. There was something titillating in the way he said it, especially with his pronounced Italian assent. If she didn't know better she would think he was flirting with her.

These people are weird. She mused, smiling along.

"Thank you, sir. I do my best." she simply said.

"Okay. Meet my dear bella moglie Lolita Rossi," he introduced his wife whom Dee shook hands with, admiring the deep dimple that formed on Loilita's flawless gorgeous face.

"And then my son whom you may happen to know...Andrè Rossi." he turned towards his son. Dee followed and looked up at the infamous Andrè Rossi that has been causing havoc among the female race and her heart somersaulted.

When she walked in, she didn't pay attention to him. She had only identified Lukas who had come forward to greet her.

He was looking at her intently in a somewhat awkward way. She tried to normalize her breathing that has suddenly become abnormal.

"Andrè..." The raspy voice of his mother dragged him back from his daydream.

"Yeah. Hy. Pleased to meet you," he said hoarsely, picking up her dainty hand in between his wild large ones. He raised it up and slowly laid a chaste kiss on it.


Dee wasn't immune to arrogant male energies especially when it came to a powerful one like this one in front of her. She had read about Andrè and seen most of his pictures but seeing him in person, she feel she should sue all those photographers for not doing justice to his beauty.

Damn. The guy was hot as hell!

He was saying something but Dee was not listening. Her lips fell slightly open as she followed the trail of his lips on the back of her hand.

How would those lips feel on hers?

"Ms. Sparks!"

She snapped out of her fantasy and snatched her hand back from Andrè. She turned with her blushed cheeks towards Lukas.

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't hear the last part," she cleared her throat and said, trying to regain her composure.

"I said after going through your portfolio, we decided you are perfect for the job. Congratulations, you just won the contract." Commended Lukas, reaching out to shake hands with her.

"Seriously? Oh my! Thanks. Thanks, Mr. Rossi. I promise you won't regret this," She said blithely, her face lightening up in a smile.

"You are welcome, Amigo. I trust you would deliver. Now Simeon would provide you with the documents to sign and go on to fill you in on the other matters. I and my wife would retire into the house now." Lukas told her and stood, reaching out to help his wife who smiled at Dee and followed her husband, leaving just her, Simeon, and the hot _ass_male to themselves.

"May we proceed?" She heard the assistant say and she gleefully nodded, unable to contain her joy at the good news.

After signing the documents she sat back on the chair, her eyes darting randomly to Andrè who didn't hide his assessment of her. Each time she looked up she caught him staring, making her cheeks burn in anxiety.

What does he think of her? She thought, straightening her skirt nervously.

"Simeon, can return the document to father and tell him she is through with them?" Instructed Andrè to Simeon who responded in affirmative and dashed out of the place.

Dee was abruptly out of place and wished the ground would open and swallow her up. She has never in her entire life been this tongue_tied but here she was shifting about, affronted by the male figure that suddenly stood from his seat to replace the one close to hers.

"So Ms. Sparks, it would be wonderful working with you." he drawled flirtatiously at her. She gathered all the strength and boldness in her and stood up, meeting his gaze

" Look, Mr. Rossi, I know what you are trying to do. But I assure you it won't work. I am only here for work and I advise you should learn to control the rod in between your legs. It is why you are in this mess in the first place!" Dee snarled at him, picking up her bag from the table.

He stood also, towering over her in a bid to intimidate her.

"I know your type. You try to play hard to get at first, but then, eventually, you will give in and donate your cunt. Until then, it's nice having you on board, Ms. Spark" he said hoarsely, making her stomach tingle.

He had the guts!

She eyed him up and down and then growled angrily and stormed out of the place, hearing him chuckle in victory behind her.

" I won't give you the victory of ruining my wonderful day asshole..." she grumbled more to herself as she darted inside the house.


