

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Two

Hazel's POV


I stared at my reflection in front of the large mirror as my mother dressed me in a red, velvet dress in readiness for the Selection, which was only an hour away. She took her time to make me up and get my hair done. I could not remember the last time she had paid so much attention to all the delicate features in my body.


But then again, she was only doing this for her precious daughter and so that this golden opportunity would not pass her. I had never met a mother this selfish in my entire life.


She adjusted the corset of the dress and watched my reflection from behind me, her eyes critical and serious.


"Too tight?" She asked me and I shook my head and gave a small, polite smile.


"Not at all." I lied. I could hardly breathe in the corset and I would do anything to take it off my body. Harriet was better made for this kind of life. Not me.


"Remember, be respectful and courteous. Act like a lady; delicate and soft. Don't show everyone how clumsy you are or I swear by the gods, I will never forgive you if this opportunity slips past our family." My mother reminded me. This was not the first time she was telling me this. It was probably the hundredth time today. I knew if I messed up, my head would be served for dinner tonight. Not to talk of what Harriet would do to me.


As if on cue, the door was slowly pushed open and Harriet walked in, limping and using the aid of a clutch stick. Her eyes scrutinized the dress I was wearing. Her dress. The same dress she had almost started a fight at the mall for. She stared at me as sad, bittered tears filled her eyes. My mother's face fell and she left me to attend to Harriet.


"Oh, come on, darling. Don't be like that."


"I'm fine, mother." Harriet sniffed back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes and she held her head up to gather her confidence again.


"That dress looks lovely on you." She told me. "Who would've thought you'd be the one who would get to wear my favorite dress instead of me?"


"I'm sorry, Harriet." I felt the strong impulse to apologize. "If you are not okay with me taking your place, I could just stay back and…"


"No." Harriet's strong, blunt reply came. "Don't. Don't stay back."


She helped herself to advance closer to me.


"You cannot stay back. You have to go there and save my spot. Promise me you'll come back victorious and top all the rest of the girls there." She said to me with pleading eyes that melted my heart. For the first time in a very long time, I pitied and felt sorry for her.


"I promise."


She gave me a small, encouraging smile and arranged the tendrils of my hair neatly. Her fingers slid to my cheeks, cupping my face into her hands. Her eyes locked to mine, the softness gone and a malicious determination in it.


"Oh, dearest sister. I am not asking you for a favor. I am commanding you to fulfill my heart's desires. If you mess this up, I will mess with the rest of your life. Are we clear?"


I blinked and gulped down dry lumps down my throat. Where was the pitiable girl from a few seconds ago? Being sisters with Harriet for twenty years, I should have been able to look past her manipulation and deception and know she didn't deserve any of my pity or compassion. As always, she was using me to get what she wanted and treating me like a nobody. Just like she had always done.


"Are we clear?" Harriet's grip on my face was harsher now and I tried my best not to let my eyes get teary. My mother was watching us without doing anything to save me.






By the time we got to the Alpha Quarters, the castle was already filled with many young girls, looking both nervous and eager. I couldn't look past them as opportunists. All desperate for a chance to creep into the Alpha's life and trap him down with a child.


I waited in the great hall, eager and feeling all sweaty under my dress. I couldn't wait for all of this to end so I could tear this dress off my body and return back to my normal life and my books. The rest of the girls had their eyes traveling around, looking for the slightest sign of the Alpha. I was sure that just like myself, most of the girls had never met the Alpha or seen what he looked like. He was only seen in the upper class area of the pack and never in the lower class area and he hated public appearances on the television and the papers. Because of this, many people didn't know what he looked like but that never stopped the different speculations about his look to fly around. Some people said he looked as good looking as Zeus. Some said he looked like a hideous monster, which was why he didn't like to show his face.


Well, we shall find out the truth about his looks today.


"Oh my goodness. The Alpha is here." A girl whispered to her friend and the rest of the girls turned their heads to stare at the direction of the entrance. The regalia of the Alpha and his mother was enough to confirm the girl's words and we immediately curtsied in greeting. We watched the Alpha's feet walk elegantly past us, our heart in our mouths. It wasn't until he was seated on his throne before we raised our heads again. The girls stole him some glances and I did as well.


I was a little surprised that he looked nothing like most of the rumors spoke of him. He looked nothing like Zeus or a hideous monster. He looked like a god even greater than Zeus. The handsome, siren and dark features of his face caused my heart to stop beating for a moment. Even as he was seated on his throne, he looked very tall and dominating. He had the most intoxicating good looks I had ever seen in my entire life.


Whoever would win today's selection would most definitely be a lucky girl.


"Let's begin." The Alpha's mother instructed and a younger woman stepped forward, a long scroll in her hands.


"Please step forward and present yourself as soon as you hear your name." The woman instructed and I waited nervously as she proceeded to read from the long lists of names.


"Penelope Landon."


A girl walked elegantly from the row we stood, gently and elegantly towards the Alpha and his mother; Luna Theresa. She curtised before the both of them. Luna Theresa's eyes analyzed her entire body critically while the Alpha's eyes looked bored as though he didn't want to be here in the first place. Luna Theresa waved the girl away with her hand and she curtsied for the second time before turning her back and walking towards our direction again. She looked a little red in the face and as though she was going to cry any moment from now.


She had lost and she knew it.


The woman called another name and the girl received the same treatment from Luna Theresa. It continued that way with the rest of the girls that followed. I was lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear my own name being called.


Or rather, my sister's name.


"Is Harriet White not in this gathering?" The woman's voice was stern and impatient this time. I almost jumped off my skin and I raised my hand quickly to identify myself.


"I'm here! I'm here! Oh, my god. I'm so sorry." I babbled and fetched my dress into my hands, quickening my pace towards them. It was not until I was halfway that I recalled that I should have strode towards them. Not half-ran, half-walked. I could already tell that I had lost. My family would definitely disown me today.


I cleared my throat and strode towards them regardless. As soon as I got to them, I curtsied.


"Rise." Luna Theresa commanded and I obeyed her order, feeling all the eyes in the room prick into my skin. I stole a glance at the Alpha and took my eyes away immediately, as soon as our eyes met. He had a small amused smile playing on his lips. Since the event commenced, I had not seen the Alpha smile. I wondered what could be funny to him right now.


"Teeth." Luna Theresa ordered again and I blinked, confused.


"Excuse me?"


She deadpanned and gave me an intense stare. "Show me your teeth, young lady."


"Oh. Shit. Sorry."


Fuck. Did I just curse? You're so screwed, Hazel. Screwed.


I opened my mouth and shone my teeth. A frown creased Luna Theresa's forehead.


"Is that a chocolate stain on your teeth?"


"What?" My eyes shot open in horror and I felt my teeth with a finger. I removed my finger again and stared down at it to see that she was right. There was a bit of chocolate stain hanging on my teeth. How could I be this messy and careless?


"Leave." Luna Theresa stared at me with disgust and waved me off with her hand. At least, I knew this was coming so I wasn't surprised when I got rejected. I curtsied before Luna Theresa again and turned my feet to leave but the Alpha's voice stopped me.


"No. Wait."


I turned around again to face them. He was standing on his feet now, looking tall and dominating. With our gaze meeting, I felt overpowered and small in his presence.


"Show me your teeth again." He asked me and I did as he ordered. The Luna stared at us in puzzlement.


"Harriet White, is it?" He asked for confirmation and I nodded my head.


"Yes, my Alpha."


He kept his eyes fixed on me and didn't take it off for a moment. He stared at me, intrigued. Almost like I was an object he was trying so hard to decipher.


"Harriet White. I, Alpha Kain of Vixen park chooses you to be my selected concubine."


Wait. What! Was I hearing things correctly?


Luna Theresa mirrored my shocked expression. "What are you doing, Kain?"


"Choosing my concubine, mother." He moved his eyes to her and then back to me again.


"I shall send the guards to come pick you up from your home and bring you to my chamber in the castle tomorrow night."


He raised his gaze to look at the crowd of girls behind me and spoke with a tone of finality.


"The Selection is over, girls. The winner has been chosen. Go home to your families."


And just like that, he was gone, leaving me standing in daze while the rest of the girls whispered in jealousy and shock behind me. Luna Theresa stared at me suspiciously as though I had charmed her son.


Or maybe I had. Else, why would the Alpha choose me out of everyone else even after seeing how clumsy I was?


I guess I'll have to wait and find out tomorrow night. At least, I was lucky I won't get killed by my family now.