
Alpha Apollo

Blackwolfrose01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Part 1

Alpha Apollo's POV.

I was walking in my dark castle there was only a few candles lit to light the halls. I was soon met with my beta Ron "sir it's been almost 300 years and you have yet to find your mate " I looked at him and showed my fangs " I am your alpha do not tell me such things a Luna will only make me soft , I'm the most feared alpha in the west do not make me banish you " Ron simply looked down n walked away  , Ron had a mate her name was raven. I walked into my office and sat down I looked at the pictures of my parents the late alpha and Luna of this pack , but they passed away shortly after I became alpha . I'm Apollo Black I'm the Alpha of the shadow moon pack and this is my story of how I found my mate and became the most ruthless alpha of the west . My castle is hidden in the mountains only can get to it in wolf form , my wolfs name is atlas and his fur is black as night as most of my pack members fur is unless they are the ones packs I've killed and they just joined my pack to not become rouges .