
Alpha and Omega, the wolf and the moon

Story about a man who has no allegiance to any king nor queen. He lives in the forest of all creatures. he is an assassin for hire during the war. One day the man walks into town and brings in his kills for payment and a new girl who has just been assigned to the front line to help fight against the rebels who wish to bring her king and queen harm this man is one who fights both sides he is a skilled killer he can not be traced and anyone who tries dies in the process. The man has never known peace every time he finds a sliver of peace it is destroyed by one side or the other so instead of trying to find love he has hardened his heart and his body to kill anyone once he has been payed and anyone who tries to bully or shove their power around his killed for free by his hand. The setting of this world is past earth where kings and queens fight over land and money and riches. With certain ones using Devine weapons Authors notes The story may change a little I have a few ideas for where I want to go with the story I do have two other stories so I’ll try and update as much as. Can on all of them. Thank you for reading hope you enjoy

Derek_Scott · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Life as the wolf

Watching the forest and it's movements the man called the Wolf sat against a tree camouflaged he watched as animals came and went and the wind blew he saw the leaves chasing each other as the the howl of the wolf made the wind blow. The wind stopped and the bugs stopped making noise the once lovely forest became deadly silent as the forest knew something wasn't right and so did the Wolf he watched for movement and he found the reasoning behind the forest going dormant. Wolf watched as three men walked through the forest the giant trees seemed like watching beasts to the three men as they walked they could feel the eyes of the forest watching the as they walked they knew they weren't alone but they dared not to stop as if they did who knows what was waiting. The three men were on a hunt for the man called the wolf. Not knowing the man they were hunting was hunting them as well he was sitting in brush against a tree not twenty yards away. The leader of the three me said,"We need to make camp and get a fire going it'll be dark soon" the newest recruit to the three said,"Why so early it's only four in the afternoon" the leader looked at him and said,"It will be pitch black in no more than two hours we are in the heart of the forest it's like death creeps in these trees when the sun goes down you can't even see your own hand in front of your face" the man nodded and they all started setting up camp the leader set up his bed roll and set it up while the next man grabbed firewood and started a fire took cook their meal and the recruit hunted for their supper after everything was done they all sat around the fire and the recruit asked,"So why do they call this guy the Wolf" the leader looked at him and said,"Well legend had it that this man has befriended all animals and they help him hide and move around this forest he is like the wolf mostly they say he hides and watches his prey while waiting for the perfect moment to attack. The only survivor said right before he was attacked he saw a black wolf with a white face right before he was attacked he said he was hunting him for the thirty thousand gold pieces when he was coming up a hill he looked up and saw a wolf watching him the wolf walked down the other side of the hill when he turned and looked down the valley he came up when he saw a figure covered in a black cloak and had a white face covering and he knew this was the man he was hunting but it was to late as he already had three arrows in his stomach and he said the only reason he lived was because he faked death and he watched as the figure loomed over his body. He said he had eyes so dark there was no life in them they looked dead inside" the recruit looked bewildered at the leader and said,"So if we see a black wolf with a white face what do we do" the leader got serious and said,"One of two things draw your weapon and cover your body with your shield or drop to your knees and pray for a quick death" The recruit looked scared. The two men kept talking while the recruit went and camped in his bed roll. Wolf slowly moved towards the camp of the three men he knew one of them was his target he just didn't know which one he just knew one of them was.

Earlier in the week

Wolf walked into the nearby town of Silver Moon the towns main import was sliver which meant good pay for those who were bounty hunters. As he walked into the town he saw a flier and it said,"Blood arena come one come all winnings are forty thousand gold pieces entry fee of one thousand gold pieces". Wolf laughed at the flier as his master wanted him to enter before he was killed. Wolf walked through town wearing his cloak just no mask since no one has ever seen the man they call the Wolf's face they don't know what he looks like, He could not remember his original name as he was five when his family was murdered and his master took him in at six and the name his master gave him was Knight he was supposed to be trained and go into the Dark Knights but things changed and now he is just a bounty hunter. A man stumbling bumped into Knight and the man yelled,"Watch where you are going" Knight ignored the man and the man yelled,"Hey you need to apologize for bumping into me or i'll make you" Knight Heard the mans blade slide out of his sheath Knight turned and said,"It is you who needs to apologize for bumping into me" Knight watched the man. Knight had his arms and weapons hidden under his cloak. When ever Knight knew he might get into a fight his body changed his once kind eyes become cold of a killer like he could turn it on and off and his once relaxed posture became rigid as he knew he was faster than everyone he fought and he has fought Dark Knights only one man knew who he was and who his master was but he was rumored to be dead. Knight focused back on the man and he put his hand on his Katana and he readied himself to drop his cloak to be able to preform on optimum ability. The man sat watching when a crowd began to form and the man said,"Your not worth my time" the man pushed the sword back into the sheath and Knight said,"You have challenged my honor so I suggest you draw your sword to defend yours or I will take your life" Knight dropped his cloak and showed his weapon. Knight stood in his fighting stance waiting to draw his weapon because his master taught him Never show your cards to the opponent until right before his life is yours. the man watched to make sure Knight was for real. The man drew his weapon and said,"I guess you really want to die but before you do i am here to say I am the kings royal guard commander so your death is imminent" the man studied Knight as he stood in a weird stance he had his right arm across his torso and had his hand on his sword his left hand over top his right arm holding his hand out and his body turned sideways as he could not tell what his sword was he figured it was just a generic broad sword but his stance was one for speed not one of your average sword so he knew he must have something special. The man looked at Knights eyes and he was taken back he had eyes like a Dark Knight he had never seen eyes like that outside of the Dark Knights. still he readied himself. Knight watched the man as he drew his Scimitar which is a Persian sword. The man charged first and Knight watched as he came closer and right before he started to swing Knight tightened his legs and jumped forward at a blink of an eye and had drew his sword and sliced horizontally across the mans body and the crowd gasped as the man who was once standing still is now behind the man who claimed to be a royal guard. Knight's blade dripped with blood and the man turned and he felt pain in his stomach and he touched his stomach and felt wet he looked down and saw blood pouring from his stomach and Knight turned and said,"I figured you would be laying on the ground by now so I guess you want to go again or shall I let you leave with your life" This angered the man as a man who looked no more than twenty years old had almost defeated him and he has thirty five years of training and this man here injured him badly he knew he couldn't go back to the castle with out this mans head so he readied him self again and Knight readied himself and he waited for the mans attack. The man charged again and Knight waited until he was barely half the distance in between them as they originally stood and Knight took a deep breath and tightened his legs again and he cleared the distance with barely being able to be seen because he knew not to give away his secrets without a real challenge. Knight had already passed when the man swung the sword and this time the man fell to his knees and he felt pain all over his body. Knight said,"The first attack is called the claw the second attack was called the wasp and the third attack was claw again" the crowd gasped as they had only saw him move once but what they didn't see was that when he first attacked on the second attack he stuck his blade into the mans body three times horizontally and when he passed he cut the back of the mans knees with the same horizontal slash. Knight picked up his cloak and tied it back on and he pulled a white cloth from the cloak and wiped the blade clean and he threw the cloth towards the man who was still kneeling and said,"Had you listened to me and just walked away you would have been able to survive the first slash but now you will bleed out before they can even get you into the doctors office" Knight closed his cloak and and walked off towards the Tavern to get information. Knight walked into the Tavern and walked to the bar and the man behind the bar motioned for him to go back towards the back office and he opened the door and found Logan who was the owner of the tavern and he handed the man three pieces of gold and Logan said,"Rumor has it the man you are looking for will be going to hunt the Wolf in the forest about two miles from town" Knight nodded and walked out of the room but before he got all the way out and asked,"Have you found him" Logan said,"No but we know his name is Jack we are very close he left from his home is Krills just five days ride and he had only been gone a day or two they said he was going towards the Castle like he was a worker or someone of special tendencies because a wagon took him along with four guardsmen" Knight nodded and left from the tavern"

Present time

Watching the three men Knight put his white mask on and started to move towards the three men the one who was curious about him was farthest from the fire and he was barely lit up by the fire. Knight slowly crept towards the man who went to bed early he walked slowly not making a sound knight stood over top of the man and he grabbed a blade and held it to the mans throat and the man woke and Knight just shushed the man and he motioned for him to follow him and Knight walked the man deeper into the forest and tied the man to a tree and disarmed the man and Asked,"Which one is Stein" the man said,"I don't know I was just hired to come with those two guys to hunt you down" Knight looked at the man and said,"Why Hunt me down nobody would dare put a bounty on my head" the man said,"I don't know I was told there was a big payout to anyone and or any team that could take your head" knight nodded and said,"Well normally I don't kill anyone I don't have bounty for but now I need your head" Before the boy could scream knight hit the man as hard as he could knocking him unconscious and he untied the man leaving him by the tree. Knight went after the other two and he walked into the bow to man camp and stuck his sword to one of the mans throats while the other jumped up knight said,"Ah Ah don't be a hero or both of you die" the man who jumped up dropped his sword and knight said,"Now which one of you knows why you are hunting me" the man with the sword to his throat said,"The leader of the kings men have set a bounty on your head but they want you alive but the bounty was dead or alive double the amount of you were alive" knight asked,"Who is the leader of the kings men" the man said,"She is one of the fiercest warriors we have seen she fought her ranks from the bottom to the top her parents were murdered by a mad man who is still on the loose she has been assigned to the front line which is now just two miles out the other side of the forest" knight nodded and said,"What is your name" the man responded,"Worthington" knight looked at the other and said,"And yours" he said,"Bell" knight asked,"Who is stein then" Worthington said,"He's the boy why" knight cussed and said,"Well boys thank you" Knight took off back to the man he now knew as Stein to find him missing. Knight followed his footprints he left and he found the man running back towards the town Stein had just ran broke the forest line knight ran and climbed to the biggest tree on the edge of the forest line and grabbed an arrow from his quiver mounted on his waist and his bow which was as hidden by his cloak and he knocked the arrow he drew the arrow and aimed and said,"Fly" he then loosed the arrow and he fired another and a third all three making impact with Stein's shoulders and his left knee causing the man to fall to the ground. Knight jumped down from the tree and walked to the man who was screaming in agony and he saw the towns folk coming out of their houses to figure out what was going on Knight kneeled to the ground and said,"I would've made this painless had you not lied to me" Knight drew his dagger and looked at the towns folk and saw royal guards running towards him he shoved the dagger into the mans spine severing it. He then put a note on the body and he disappeared back to the forest where guards chased after him while some ran to the mans body. Knight disappeared into the trees while guards in armor ran through the forest looking the attacker. Knight watched from the tree tops at the guards as they walked through the forest combing the under growth looking for him. Knight heard a horn go off and he looked and saw a group of Dark Knights surrounding one person as they walked towards the forest the on in the center took of the helmet the Dark Knight was wearing and what Knight found was that this Dark knight squadron was all females the on in the center was a beautiful woman with Strawberry Blonde. She stood out to him and he jumped from the tree onto the back of one of the guards and knocked him out and he looked out at the Dark Knights and took off deeper into the forest and the Dark knights followed him. Knight ran into a clearing and disappeared into the other side of the clearing. Knight did not live very far from here so he had to be careful. The nine Dark Knights ran into the clearing and the woman with strawberry blonde hair said,"Circle formation it could be an ambush be careful he is the most dangerous of all" Knight watched from above in the tree tops as the women stood into a circle formation around their commander. Knight let out a light chuckle one that could be heard from the nine. Knight kept hidden from view even in the dark forest the most trained eyes could see. Knight said,"Hello ladies its been quite a long time since i have seen the Dark knights a first for for an all female Squadron of Dark Knights" the Strawberry Blonde said,"Show yourself coward" Knight smiled and said,"I'll make you a deal, I will drop down and I take on your best fighters and if I win I take on you Miss Strawberry and if I win I walk away and the Bounty comes off of my head" The commander of the squadron sat quiet and then said,"If I win" Knight said,"Ill talk to you and I will show you who the real Wolf is" the Strawberry blonde said,"Your not the the Wolf?" Knight said,"No I am not just a really close friend" the Strawberry blonde said,"Okay i agree" Knight hid the mask in the tree and kept his hood up and dropped to the ground and four women stood forward and the Commander/Strawberry blonde said,"One on one or all at once" Knight smiled and said,"Which ever is easiest" two women stepped forward and Knight said,"now ladies I will not be going for the kill i will hit your armor and thirty percent power in the "deadly spots" agreed, i don't want to hurt you but you guys do what you have to do". The women nodded agreeing with what he said and the women drew their swords one was a long sword and the other was a broad sword. Knight smiled and dropped his cloak showing his weapons he dropped the quiver and the bow. and he put his hand on the daggers he was carrying and he stood waiting and the two women charged and before they could move three feet two daggers were in their chest plates directly below their necks right where their jugulars would be both women dropped their guards and put their weapons away and said,"Dead" the next two stepped forward and drew their swords one was a roman gladius and the other was a saber the smaller of the two said, "That dirty trick won't work on us" knight drew a short sword he was carrying and stood at the ready waiting for the two. they took off in different directions and knight rolled forward so he could not be attacked from both sides the taller of the two girls charged and slashed her saber only to be shocked when knight blocked the blade while watching the smaller girl and he turned and flipped the girl and held the blade to her throat and she said,"Dead" he dropped the blade and watched the girl as she charged him and she swung the blade and he caught it and she gasped when he grabbed the blade with no blood and he said,"A fighter who has been in many fights have special gloves and armor made out of metal" he grabbed the saber from her hands and held it to her throat and she said,"Dead" Knight smiled and he turned towards the Strawberry blonde and said,"Now that you know one of my secrets I will show you why i am one of the best fighters besides the wolf" knight untied the sword from his back and tied it to the his side and he stood in front of her and asked,"Before we begin I will say the same I will not be going for the kill but just points on your armor but i have never lost a battle and I don't plan to now but before I start my onslaught I would like to ask your name" The woman said,"I am Breanna" Knight smiled and said,"I am Knight" Knight went quiet and put his hand on his sword and he watched her every movement like he was studying her and she was doing the same his body became rigid and his eyes changed to his stone cold eyes and she looked taken back then her eyes followed suit and Knight smiled and disappeared and so did she you could hear swords clashing and then you would see Breanna appear and get knocked back and night would appear and then they both appeared and Knight said,"If I didn't have so much to lose I would want this fight to continue but I can't" Knight sighed and said,"Now if you want me to train you to go as fast" Knight disappeared and reappeared in front of Breanna, "as i can" he jumped back again just as fast,"I will but as of right now this fight is over" Breanna went to argue when the smallest girl said,"Commander look down at your armor" a clean slash went from her left to right side on her abdomen and then their were four dents where the a blade had hit all vital points. Knight said,"Now I held back a lot because my blade is a rare blade made by a man who is no longer alive all my weapons are made by him but he was killed long ago But I will teach you as much as I can I will even teach the whole Dark Knights if you would like but the bounty comes off right now because as all of you stand all nine of you would be dead against the wolf I am the only one who is fast enough to come to par with him" Breanna looked at him and said,"Girls take him Knight was gone before they could move and he held a small blade to one of the girls throats and said,"We had a deal I walk away freely and the Bounty comes off of the Wolfs head" Breanna looked at him and said,"Cut the Bull Shit i know you are the Wolf because you said the Bounty comes off of my head you slipped" Knight smiled and said,"Well shit" his eyes turned cold again and Breanna said,"Don't do what i think you are going to do" Knight gave a cold smile and said,"Tell the others to leave and I will let her go" Breanna nodded and the others went to argue but she gave them all a look and they left. Knight let the girl go and put the knife back and he stepped backwards and picked up his gear and stepped to the edge of the forest and asked,"Why do you want me huh" Breanna said,"Because i need your help with the rebels I need you to help us kill them" Knight looked at her and said,"What is the pay" Breanna said,"what ever you want" Knight smiled and said,"Well ill have a small list the main thing is my pay into the Blood arena and ill name the others after some time thinking" Breanna nodded and she said,"Then will you accompany me to our camp" Knight nodded and he walked towards her ,"Now the Bounty comes off and no shackles and I also want my Bounty for killing of the man and No those are not my other things I want those will happen no matter what" Knight said coldly and he waited for her to lead the way she walked through the forest and he followed her until the edge and they walked and he saw all of the women who were once in the clearing and Breanna walked over to the women to talk and Knight waited for the women and they walked and Knight followed them and Two guards tired to grab Knight before they could one was held with a dagger to his throat and the other was held by another dagger and he looked at Breanna and she freaked out and she said,"He is not to be harmed he is under my protection and the same one of the king" Knight let go of the guards and put his daggers back and the Guards said,"Ma'am he is someone of question who looks like the wolf and one who is wanted for killing a Royal Guard" Knight looked at the guard and said,"The Guard you speak of challenged me first and when tried to turn coward and run I challenged him to a duel for Challenging my honor if you wish the same fate challenge me to a duel" The Guard looked at Knight and he said,"I challenge you to a duel" Before breanna could say anything the Guard said,"For Slandering of a Dead mans Honor" Breanna looked at Knight and he turned and walked away from the guard and the Guard took the opportunity to attack. Before he could attack Knight fully Knight disappeared and reappeared behind the Guard ,"attack a man from behind is a cowards move" he said coldly and he dropped his cloak and readied for another attack and the nine women watched Knight and saw how stiff his body was and the aura he was giving off was far worse than Breanna's Aura when she is mad. The guard turned and looked at Knight with slight fear in his eye as now he knew he was dead against this monster before him. The Guard charged and Knight disappeared and reappeared behind him with a slice on his chest causing blood to pour from his armor and knight turned and is blade dripping with blood and said,"Shall you run and take your life with you like the coward you are or shall we fight to the death" the guard got pissed and turned and charged knight again knight waited till the guard was half way to him and disappeared and reappeared behind him and the guard fell to his knees in pain and knight said,"I have now killed you the same way I killed your friend the first attack was called Claw and Second was Wasp and the third was Claw again now you get a blood and white colored rag to commemorate yours and your friends death" knight pulled a white cloth from his sword and threw it towards the mans body and he sheathed his sword and he grabbed his cloak and put it on he pulled the hood and walked towards the Nine women and all of them had curiosity and lust in their eyes while Breanna also had fear in her eyes this was the same attack as he did to her when they had their practice duel so the joke she thought he was playing is real he really did hold back and if he had wanted to he could have killed all nine of them if he wanted to. Knight waited for Breanna and he said,"That is why I stay to myself you all fear someone like me but it was you all who created the monster I am today. Breanna looked at him in anger and she bit her tongue knowing he is unstable right now. Breanna walked to a wagon and the girls climbed on and Knight followed suit and the wagon pulled away and one of the girls asked,"How did you become what you are" Knight looked at her and said,"My master groomed me to become a Dark Knight he was once a trainer for them but he was killed and shown as a traitor for doing his job so instead of joining the Dark Knights I became one who culls the evil and also works as a bounty hunter" the girls looked at him and one asked,"What style do you use" Knight smiled and said,"Well the original style was called cobra but my master created a new style similar to the cobra but meant for super high speed it is called the Arctic Wolf's White Paw it technically doesn't exist so there is no way to defend against it everyone who knew it was killed for using it" The girls quieted down after his answer as they were taught Cobra and they knew he was telling the truth. The rest of the ride was quite they rode for about an six hours as they had to go around the forest. They came to a camp of soldiers and huge walk of tents there were men who watched the ten of them leave the wagon and most eyes were trained to Knight who they knew as the Wolf that is why Breanna left was to find the Wolf and get him to help or force him to. The ten of them walked into a tent and the nine of them when they entered said,"General Rune" they bowed and Knight stood watching the Man studying him and one fo the male Dark Knights said,"Bow to the General or we will make you" Knight smirked and said,"I bow to no man and no man can make me bow now if you would like to try I'd love to show you" The General raised his hand and said,"Knight do you not recognize your old uncle" Knight looked at him and dropped his hood and walked to him and said,"So your going by Rune huh I thought it was Drake Ruin" Rune laughed and said,"It was until you know" Knight nodded his head and Rune said,"I guess it makes sense" Knight looked at him questioningly and Rune said,"You being the Wolf I only knew of a handful of people who could move with speed and I thought all of them were dead" Knight nodded and said,"I heard you were killed when all of" Before Knight could finish Rube said,"No don't finish it can't be said" Knights eyes turned cold and he said,"What they don't know and the old king that fat bastard" Before Rune could stop him Knight was grabbed and thrown from the tent by the Guard and he was tossed into the opening surrounded by tents Knight stood with fire in his eyes and said,"You will die now for touching me" The girls had Just walked out and so Did Rune and rune stopped Breanna and the girls and said,"Don't go near him the Knight I see before me is one who has changed a lot since I saw him last he will kill you if you get in his way" Breanna looked at Rune and said,"How do you really know Knight and can you tell us about him" Rune said,"Well when my brother took him in he was just six I think and my brother trained him and groomed him to be a man who stands for justice and honor and to be one to protect those who needed it so he was to join the Dark Knights well Before he could join a few things had been put in place by the king and a few others to kill my brother and the others as they thought he was to powerful and thought he was brainwashing his students to go into armies and bring them down from the inside out and so the king had evidence and he sent his best men and Knight cut them down like butter and so rumors started that it was my brother who had done it and that he was far to powerful so they hired someone close to him who had the training to kill him so the person did and now that person is running for the rest of their lives for if that man catches him they will never see death only before for it but then the King had not really killed my brother but just weakened him enough to where the guards could catch him and put him on trial and in the trial they painted him as a traitor a man who wanted to over throw the king. Now how Knight survived that I don't know and how he has become what he is today there will be a change in time as now the boy who now is Knight is a true master of the Arctic Wolf's White Paw there are only three left but the other two don't stand a chance against Knight he is a true killer now from what I can see by him he is alone he has always been like that when we would walk through town together we would always see beautiful women and he would always want to talk to them but he was always afraid and I see since what has happened has closed him off from the world" Breanna looked at Knight and watched him as he now stood over the Dark Knights body and he cleaned his blade and grabbed his cloak and cover himself again and two Dark Knights went to grab him and Rune said,"Stay where you are Knights for his actions were just he was attacked" Knight looked at the two he was dripping with blood part of it his own but most of it the Man who is now dead. Rune nudged Breanna and said,"Watch over him and have your warriors do the same he seems to trust you" Breanna turned to ask but Rune was gone and Breanna said to Knight,"Let's get you to the infirmary to have your wounds checked Knight nodded and followed Breanna and Knight said,"I need to wash off before I go to the infirmary most of the blood is not mine" Breanna nodded and she walked to a nearby creek and she turned away from Knight as he cleaned the fresh blood off of him. He came out of the water and said,"I don't need the infirmary so I will find a place to rest and I will fix the few cuts I have up myself" Knight turned and before Breanna could say anything Knight cleared the creek and was on the other side. He walked to a small set of trees and he grabbed materials to make a small shelter against the tree. Knight took off his cloak and he unarmed himself he took of his bow and arrow then he followed with his short sword daggers throwing knives and sword he then took off another jacket like cloak without a hood he then took his armor off which was special made shirt and pants that had pieces of metal sown in between each layer he then slid his gloves off which were the same thing just more metal in between layers he sat in his pants and shirt he took his shirt off and grabbed his small medical kit which was just a needle and some thread he then grabbed his sanitizer which is a candle and lit the candle and he threaded his needle and sanitized the needle and started sewing his deeper cuts. Once he was finished he grabbed a cloth for cleaning his sword and walked back to the creek and wet the cloth and cleaned the blood from his skin he then walked back to his shelter and he sat back in the middle and started the pain staking process of cleaning and sharpening his weapons and getting ready to sleep he grabbed his bow and arrow and walked into the small gathering of trees to find his dinner he walked and found a rabbit he shot and hit the rabbit in its head he grabbed it and cleaned and skinned the rabbit. Started a small fire outside his shelter and he slow cooked the rabbit over the fire he cleaned the arrow he used and the bow and put the arrow back in its quiver and placed the bow next to his sword. After a while he ate the rabbit and put the fire out he laid on the ground and prepared to go to sleep when he heard footsteps he grabbed his dagger and blew out the candle he had burning and he waited he saw three figures walk forward and he attacked the first one and got the dagger to the persons neck and he saw her Strawberry Blonde hair and he let her go and walked back into his shelter and he said,"If you don't want to die so easily make yourself known because had I not seen your hair you would be dead" Breanna sat up from the ground as she had fallen when Knight let her go.