
Alpha's Destined Mate

"I love you, Veronica." He murmured. He grabs her hand and places it on his chest, "Listen to my heart, it's screaming your name." "You are my other half—my life, my world and I can't live without you." He exhale deeply, "I love you, my love." Veronica listen carefully to his heart, it's like telling her how longing he was for her touch and hug but she's still afraid to trust him especially one of his race killed her former lover. But her mind and heart telling her opposite, it pursuing Veronica to gave him another chance to prove how worthy he was. Veronica remove her hand from his chest and look into his eyes which she saw how desperate Raver was. Is it worth it? Is she ready to forget everything and let him become part of her life? What if Veronica has a blood of his most rival and worst she's the daughter of the hunter who killed half of his race? Will Raver still accept her as his mate? But what if discovering his mate's identities will lead to their separation? Will Veronica be able to handle another heart break after he left her without any goodbye?

Unbelievablesmile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


Veronica's point of view

[So, how's your project?] My friend asked me through the webcam, she called me because she wanted to annoy me.

"Nothing special, just doing our project since our professor rushing us like he's having a lot of work to do," I complained.

[Really? Is that all you did?]

I raised my eyebrows when she said that. I'm not surprised because knowing Ellie, she was a girl whose mature and open-minded.

"What are you expecting us to do except our project?" I asked and acting like I don't know what she was referring to.

[Come on, Veronica. You are older enough to know what I'm trying to say, besides you're a virgin and maybe it's time for you to give up your virginity.]

I widened, "Ellie! How dare you!"

[What? I'm just telling the truth because you hadn't given yourself to him since Tariq wants to get married before claiming you, that's not necessary at all.]

"It is. If you really love each other you'll have to wait until he's ready, even if I served myself on the table he wouldn't lay his hands on me and he won't claim me unless we're married."

Yes, he's that kind of man. That's why I loved him so much because Tariq? He never failed to amaze me with his way of showing his love.

But fate takes him from me. Fate doesn't want to see me happy because it preferred seeing me crying than smiling.

[Let's move on. I called you because you are not responding to my email and messages, it made me think you've gone and been hit by a car.]

I chuckled and shook my head, sometimes I was thinking about how I ended up becoming her friend. She's not the type of girl you can get along with as soon as possible because Ellie is a weirdo.

[Where's your father? I haven't seen him and I notice you were alone, did he go for a hunt? Or he's taking overtime again?]

I sighed, "Actually, I'm waiting for him before going to bed. I had to lock the door because I might unable to hear him when he arrives."

[Does your father has a duplicate key to your house? You can sleep since he had it.]

"He did but he lost it. Now we need to share our one house key, but I think he hides it so I have to stay here all day."

[I wish I have a father like him. Taking care of me, and doing all the best he can to ensure I wasn't involved in any murder. How I w—"

"Ellie?" I gently hit my computer because it might be having a problem again.

[Veronica? Are y—"

"I think the connection was lost," I uttered.

"Ellie? Hey?"

What a misfortune.

"I need to unplug my computer, I think it has a problem again."


I don't have a choice but to unplug my device and restart it. I plugged it in again and go back to my seat to open the switch but I scream as I saw someone standing behind me.

I turned around to see who it was but there was nothing behind me, my heart racing because of that.

I exhale deeply, "I'm just hallucinating."

I stood up and approach the window to close it, but before I do that I looked outside to feel the cold breeze of wind. It hit my face causing me to close my eyes and let the wind hug me.

But I felt someone staring at me, so I opened my eyes and looked around the surroundings to see nothing but a quiet and dark road.

"I should go back inside because maybe Ellie start panicking by now," I laughed at my own thoughts, and remember how funny her face was.

I close the window and pull the curtain before coming back to my seat. As I turn the switch on, Ellie's picture appears on the screen of my computer so I immediately accept it.

[What happened? Why did you end our call?]

I told you, she's going to panic.

"My computer shut down, so don't worry I am completely fine. Calm yourself down because I am alive and breathing," I said just to make her calm down.

[Thank God! I thought you were dead!] She replied.

I chuckled, "What makes you think I'm dead? I told you my computer shut down so I had to restart it."

[Are you serious, Veronica? I just saw a man's shadow behind you and suddenly the call ends so, why shouldn't think something happens to you!] She shouted like I was kidnapped by an unknown person.

But it doesn't matter to me because what I'm thinking is the word she said. She caught my attention, and it made me feel unsafe for one second.

"What did you say?" I asked.

[What'd you mean? I almost died because of a heart attack yet you're asking me like there's nothing happened?]

"Well, there is not. No one's here except me."

But Ellie's eyebrows meet as I told her that as if I was joking and that's not a good joke, I waited for her answer while deep inside I was thinking about what she just said.

[There's literally a man behind you before the call disconnected, I wasn't joking, Veronica!]

"Ellie, I know you're worried but you don't have to scare me just to stop me from going out. I am old enough to protect myself so chill," I'm telling her that even though I can't stop thinking about that shadow.

[Whatever, go to bed. I still need to deal with the guy I meet a while ago, he doesn't stop pestering my life if I didn't agree with his desire.]

"It's late, don't tell me you are going outside to meet that guy you've said?"

She nodded like meeting a random guy wasn't new to her, [Yes. Actually, he's a nice guy who offered me a drink in the closest bar, so don't wake up late because you still have an exam to pass.]

"As if I have a choice," I replied and rolled my eyes.

[Good night, Veronica!]

That's all she said before ending the call and leaving me alone again, I take a deep breath as I turned the computer off and lay on my bed.

I'm still thinking about what she said, and I'm sure there were no other people inside earlier so I think Ellie was hallucinating.

But what if there is a man? And she was right all along? What I see is not a hallucination but it's real.

I sighed before rolling over and hugging my soft pillow tightly, my eyes landed on a picture and I suddenly smiled because that was our photo together.

I grabbed the picture frame and stare at it, "I miss you, my love. I wish I can bring back all the time and choose the right decision. If I'm not stubborn maybe you're still alive and we are still together."

Maybe I wasn't doing my best to look okay in front of everyone, and I'm not acting like I can stand on my own after losing you...

I'll hunt that monster down and proves that I was innocent. I promise you that, my love.