
Alpha's daring Queen

Who would believe that in a world full of mystery, Half human half wolf really exists. What will you feel if you just not saw and met the beast in human form, but you also had mate by one? Would you believe in it or treat it as a dream. A beautiful dream or a nightmare?

Lady_xheimin_143 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

That night..(Kiezer POV)

Looking at the moon his mind travels back on that night…

"Big brother!! You've been.. Drugged again?!" His brother Kaizen exclaimed in disbelief. In his blurry vision he can still see that he's laughing at him.

"Stop laughing in there and help me go to my room!!!" He growled.

"Fine.. Fine.. Why are you so careless!! You're still on your matting stage. That drug will surely add to your arousal. After chasing away your mate, who will help you with that?!" His brother scolded him while helping him on his walk to his suite.

"You know very well that drugs affect our senses. On top of that, tonight is the start of the full moon, big brother. In your stage you definitely can't control your transformation this time." His brother added.

His brother is right. This is the mating season for their kind and he's in the right stage for it. But he doesn't know the reason why the she-wolf that the elders choose to be his mate doesn't have any effect on him. In wolf form or even in human form. That's why after trying many times he just sent her back to the elders. As for the drugs, like what his brother said. 'AGAIN' he already lost count on how many times those humans try to drug him, especially women who want to tie him. But even though they drugged him, nothing happened.

That's the reason why people assume that he's a gay. They never heard him get laid on any woman. On top of that he's also surrounded by men who are his brothers. But tonight the reason why he got drugged is different. For the first time in his life he saved a human girl who tried to be drugged by someone. He saw the girl on the bar of that hotel sobbing on the counter when a young man put a drink beside her and walked away. Looking at the girl he's sure she's already drunk.

Although he can't see her face, looking at her porcelain like skin makes his hormones go wild. He swapped their drinks secretly. He doesn't have a plan of drinking the drinks he swapped from her but when one of his business partners saw him and asked for toast he had no choice but to drink it. When he looked back at the girl on the counter, she's not there anymore. He just shrugged his shoulders and escaped the party when he felt that the drug was starting to kick in.

"Here's your room. Do you want me to summon Chris here?" Kaizer snapped when he heard his brother.

"No. I'll be fine. Besides, Chris doesn't want to go out in places with lots of people when the full moon strikes."

"Yeah right. Get inside now. Don't forget to lock the door. I need to hide too for a while. Unlike you I'm not that experienced in controlling my transformation."

"Call the others and tell them not to go outside if they can't control their transactions yet."

"I know.. Go inside now so I can leave. Full moon is about to happen any minute now."

The room is dark when Kaizer gets in. He didn't bother to open the light though. The light comes from the big moon outside that illuminates the room enough for him. Although his sense of sight is starting to become blurry because of the drugs, his sense of smell is still on high alert. He removes all his clothes and walks straight in the bathroom. He froze when he smelled something. Someone is inside the bathroom!! And base on the scent. It's human!! A woman!!

How come there's a woman here?! Darkness is what greeted him when he opened the bathroom door. In his blurry vision he saw a girl sitting on the tile floor in the corner of the shower.

"Timmy? Is that you?!! I knew it!! I know you will choose me!!"

The girl threw herself towards him. Thanks to his quick reflexes they didn't end up lying in the cold tiles.

"Don't leave me Tim. Don't do this to me. You know how much I love you right?"

The woman said crying on his shoulder. He doesn't know if it's because of the drugs or anything that he suddenly feels his hormones go wild. He instantly becomes like a wolf in the heat now. He tried to push her away but the woman is hugging her so tight.

" No, please don't push me away. Please.. I love you Timmy don't give up on me.."

Kaizer frowned at this. She's too drunk to notice that he mistook him for another guy. And just how great is that Tim guy for her to cry and beg like this? He tried to push her away again this time with force but she just hugged his neck more. He sighs in frustration. This is bad. The more her body pressed on him the more she put him on heat. The natural heat coming from this woman's body made him go crazy.

Having an idea. Still carrying her like a kid clinging on to his father, he put their body under the cold shower. Maybe with this she will sober up a bit. She heard her yelp but still didn't let him go. Kiezer needs to think of a quick way to get away with this woman because his body is starting to betray him.

"You want me to give you myself like you always asked, right? I'll do it now. I'm ready to give it to you just please don't leave me."

To his surprise the woman cupped his face and kissed him. If you can call it a kiss. She's just pressing her lips on him. He feels a thousand little electric bolts rushing inside of his body that electrify him from head to toe vice versa. He lifts his hand that's holding his waist to her shoulders. He needs to stop her before he totally loses his control.

He held his breath when the woman daringly sucked his lips as she tried to give him a proper torrid kiss. Then her kiss goes down to his neck. Nibbling and sucking so lightly. He drew a sharp breath when the woman's lips went down to one of his nipples and bit then sucked it that made his control all flew away instantly. His hands that rested on her shoulder slid to the back of her head and to her waist hugging her closely. His lips that just stay still before are now moving hungrily as he kisses her like he wants to devour her.

Her sweetness, her warmth, her moan and her scent drives him really mad. He's aware that he takes her innocence in a rough and harsh way. No matter how hard he tries to do it gently, he just can't. She really let the beast out on him. In the middle of the ordeal he feels his body is slowly transforming. That's why he took her from behind despite her confusion. When she screamed in pain at his harsh entry. Apart from him , he wants to beat himself by hurting her.


The way she begged him totally let the beast out on him. He mated her like there's no tomorrow. In fact he was surprised that his bed didn't collapse from how hard he did it. In his euphoria he forgot to notice that he is mating a human. The storm inside him subsided a bit. His body doesn't want to let her warmth go. He still wants her more but the woman is so weak now in his arms. He lays her on the side while he's hugging her from behind.

"Take care of my puppies. Take care of our babies."

Is the last thing he remembers he told to her before he fell asleep.

When he wakes up the following morning, she's already gone. All just left is a stain of blood in his bed and on his fur. He felt so tired and fell asleep again afterwards. When he woke up again it's already been five days. He wants to find her but he doesn't know how. CCTVs are no help at all as it didn't capture her face clearly. He tried many times until he finally gave up.

After almost a year. A woman comes to his office claiming him as the father of her kids. In that instant when he smells the three kids he already knows that they are his. But what makes him confused is the woman who said their mother. He can't recognize her at all. He can't smell his claimed territory on her. The smell of her blood is there, as to how he remembers what it smells like. But there's something in her that didn't match the girl that night.

They did a lot of DNA testing but all the results are positive. And that's convinced him that she's really the mother. All he really just wants is the kids. Who would have thought that after offering the woman a very huge amount of money she would refuse it. She dared to make a bargain on him instead. Leaving no choice, he agrees to her request and brings them to his home.

Who would have thought that she's really like this. An irresponsible and greedy woman who only loves herself. He sighs in annoyance. If he just knew..