
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

This book is based on a seasonal Fantasy Season 1 Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time, he was known to be a merciless and ruthless Alpha of his time. But what happens when he found his mate? What happens when Laila discovers more about this mysterious Alpha? Season 2 Here, we have Liam Greyold, said to be the most handsome and strongest Alpha of his time, he happens to fall for Lily Cavan, who happens to be his Mate but rejected him because of the unfinished battle between the Werewolves, Witches and Foxes.. Read to discover more fantasies...

Royal_Anna · Fantasia
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71 Chs

Chapter 43 Like father like son

(Like father, like son)

  Clinton's POV

I had not been myself ever since I discovered I had a son and my mate was having a hard time. I wanted to go to them and comfort them for all what I put them through. I was supposed to be training some soldiers but I asked Ekan, my Beta to train them, I was in my private bar room as I sipped from my glass, hoping the Luna, Laila will help me talk to them.

"Alpha, we have a young stubborn pup here, he said he wants to see you." Goodwyn, my gamma said, he's a stubborn and strong headed young man and I loved him for that.

"I'm coming." I said as I sprang up from my seat feeling empty, I opened the door to all my guards and strong men staring at me.

"What?"I asked hoarsely, hating the pity in their eyes.

"You're not like this Alpha, is anything wrong?" Reid, one of my boys asked as I shook my head.

"Take me to the boy." I stated and they lead me to the throne room

"Where's he?" I asked

"Over there." They pointed to a kid who crossed his leg upon the other looking at us. It was him, my son

"He looks so much like us." Jeff stated and I smiled. He truly seems hard to please, just like me.

"Hey." I called as I sat on the seat close to him everyone was confused

"He looks like you." Goodwyn whispered to me and I nodded.

"He's my blood." I mind linked them and they gasped

"Hey." He spoke, His voice was matured for his age. I smiled at him and looked around him

"I came alone." He stated with his chin up.

"What?" I asked, he came alone from that far? I stared at him.

"What? Can't blame me, I'm just desperate for answers." He stated and from the look of things, he's just a smaller version of myself.

"You all should leave." I mind linked them and they left.

"So.. What answers?" I asked

"Why do I look so much like you and why'd you make my mum cry?" He asked, a bit rude

"What's your name?" I asked him, I wanted to touch him and tell him that I was the reason they'd suffered and that I'm really sorry... But I can't and the pain is much.

"I'm Gray." He said extending his hand for a handshake

"Clinton." I said taking his small hands in mine, they were soft and warm and I pressed my lips together to hide my emotions..

"You haven't answered my questions." He said boldly as a maid brought him a bowl of chips and red wine

"Take the wine away..." I said and she was about taking it away

"No, I love wines and besides it's not my first time tasting it." He announced and I smiled at how matured he is. I waved to the maid the maid then left.

"How old are you?" I asked him as he opened the wine and turned himself half the glass same to mine.

"Going to 6, any problem?" He stated sipping from the glass and I smiled shaking my head my eyes never left him. I had a warm feeling watching him, he's really adorable and smart. He acts so much like me and looks like me too

"Why do i look like you?" He asked again and my expression dropped, how am I to tell him? He'll hate me right? I'll lose him again.

"I'm... Your father." I said as his jaw dropped, he blinked making me chuckle, he's a funny and adorable kid

"You're... My dad?" He asked to confirm what he heard and I nodded "woah..." He whispered and looked at me with a smile, it warmed my heart in a way I can't tell

"I'm no bastard son?" He asked

"I'm here okay? I'm not married, if I want to be, it's gonna be your mum okay?" I stated and he nodded

"Are you a werewolf?" He whispered and I chuckled at his behavior

"What's funny?" He asked

"You sure you're going to 6?" I asked and he sighed massaging his temples

"Cos i am a werewolf, so are you a werewolf?" He asked and I nodded, he smirked with a slight nod "cool" he whispered.

"Come with me." I said and he nodded. I held his small hands in mine and I felt proud of him.

"Where to?" He asked arching a brow

"Wanna show you something." I said to him and he sighed as we walked out of the throne room

"You staying over?" I asked and he shrugged, I smirked

"I and ma got into a little argument, she said not to meet you that you're a bad man..." He said and my heart clenched at those words, I stooped to his level and stared into his eyes.

"Do you believe that?" I asked and he sighed looking at me

"It's complicated, I love my ma so much, she's all I've got, she ensures I get whatever I asked for and to me, she's just like a girlfriend I have to protect, I can't watch any man hurt her or I'll kill'em." He said and I nodded, I'm really proud of him and I owe him a lot for standing by Flake while I was not there... I felt useless to them, I wasn't there when she needed me the most. She ran away for crying out loud and I couldn't track her down. I brushed his hair with my fingers, I nodded at him

"Thanks for protecting her..." I said

"Do you still love her?" He asked and I nodded, I saw the glitter in his eyes

"So much, I love you both and I'll do anything in my power to get the both of you back." I admitted with determination in my voice

"I trust you." He said and I smiled, those were the most precious words I've ever heard in my life time.

"Thanks for trusting me." I appreciated. I took him to the boys scout where we train our strong soldiers and male werewolves

"Here, we train our males from age 15 to be strong and to defend themselves." I said and he grinned, I saw his perfect set of white teeth

"Cool... You know I can train too," he said and I smiled at him and padded his grey bob hair.

"This training is for those who can half transform." I explained and he nodded, full of excitement as Jeff pured, he loved our pup and I love him too, I smirked

"Here, we're all werewolves and our pack, The Silver moon pack, you know about a pack?" I asked and he nodded to my amazement "how?" I asked knowing Flake was human

"I know I was a werewolf from 3, and I've read a lot about them, packs, Mates, Pups, rogues and sharp senses. I love myself and my kind, I got my wolf Mike on my 5th birthday isn't it surprising?" He smiled and I marveled at how young yet matured he was.

"You amaze me." I stated and he scoffed and his eyes softened

"Why didn't you come for us earlier? I had always prayed to meet my father one day." He said and I sighed heavily and guilt filled me again

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you existed." I admitted and he chuckled

"That's funny." He said and I smiled

"Come," I said to him as he took my hands in his, I brought him to the training zone as we called it.

"Everyone, meet my son, Gray." I said and they gasped, Gray was ever bold and as little as he is, his Alpha aura radiated through him.

"Hello everyone, nice meeting you." He was glad to meet them and they chuckled at how bold he was.

"Hello there little man." Goodwyn greeted and they exchanged handshakes, Everyone shook him, welcoming him.

"You found her Alpha?" Ekan asked drying his wet body.

"Yes, will soon bring her." I said as I caressed Gray's hair, he love it here

"With my son." I said and he winked at me, I smiled at him, can't wait to win Flake back, My Luna....