
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasia
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66 Chs

Chapter 31 Back to the pack

(Back to the pack)

Laila's POV

I woke up early to Kenny who was sleeping peacefully by my side with her teddy bear. I smiled and caressed her hair, I missed this little fellow, can't wait to have a child of my own. Kenny was special to me, she differs from other kids her age. Recalling the incident yesterday, I blushed and looked at my beautiful diamond ring. Chris gave me this ring, he proposed to me and gave me the ring. A smile crept on my face as the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and the waitress entered, I shushed her from waking sleeping Kenny up.

"Ma'am, this is your food and this is Kenny's, you should hurry up cos you guys are leaving by 8am." She said and with a bow, she left. I gently tapped kenny

"Kenny, wake up sweetie." I said and she spun to the other side of the bed. I smiled and gently carried her that she sat on my laps. "Kenny... Wake up, it's morning." I said and she fluttered her eyes open

"Luna, you're still here." She happily stated and hugged me "Good morning." She greeted and I smiled

"Morning, we are moving soon, so clean up and have your breakfast." I said to her and she nodded. I helped her clean up and while she had her breakfast, I cleaned myself up. I put on a black blouse and a red and black striped pleated short skirt with my heel sandals. I wore a coat, with my scarf around my neck. Winter's coming soon, everywhere is cold.

I had my breakfast of toast bread, potato salad and my hot creamy coffee. After we were done, we headed out of the hotel room and to the garage. There, they were expecting us.

"Aunt beauty," I heard a small voice called as her strawberry scent wafted through my nose.I turned to the direction of the voice and was glad to see julie, Jim's toddler with a tall man I guess might be her driver. She ran to me and I smiled at her

"Julie." I carried her "you're growing taller," I said, she still look pretty as always, once like her father.

"Good day everyone." She greeted the rest and I could feel Kenny's rage

"Get away from her, she's mine." Kenny said and I shook my head

"No Kenny, Julie is a smart and friendly girl too." I said and Kenny shook her head

"I don't like her." Kenny said and Julie shrugged tauntingly

"Well, I knew aunt beauty before you." Julie retorted, though she was right but I can't make my Kenny feel bad, i sighed and pressed my lips

"Stop arguing you two." Selena came to my aid and I smiled at her.

"Now you two stop that, she's here for you both, you should try getting along." Selena said

"Hello Laila." Jim's voice called and I heard clark growled

"Hey Jim" I turned to Julie "Julie go to your dad now okay?" I stated as she nodded obediently

"Umm... Nice to meet you again Laila." Jim said and this time Chris pulled me to himself, making Jim frowned.

"Don't meet her again." Chris said and I smiled and rubbed his cheeks.

"There's no need to be jealous, I'm here for you." I said to him, I can see the rest grinning.

"No, don't meet him again. Let's go." He said and I speard Jim a glance before entering the Lamborghini. People were taking pictures of the incident that took place.

"I'm going with Luna." Kenny stated then I waved at Julie who waved back at me. I smiled at how jealous both kenny and Chris were.

"Do you two have to be jealous, can't I say hi?" I asked and Chris pulled me to himself with Kenny in the passengers seat, I smiled at him

"Don't even say hi to your high school crush." He ordered

"I'm not longer into him Chris, I only crush on one person now." I stated and he frowned, how much will it take to tease him

"I won't tell you, he's another Alpha from another pack." I said teasing him and he growled lowly.

I could feel his fingers caressing my thighs and damn, it feels so good, I bit my lips when his fingers moved deeper and I stopped him, I was already hot, and I don't even know how to stop it. It was so intense and i was still breathing hard, my body was hot, I felt like I was burning up

"What did you do to me?" I asked him and he raised his hand in surrender

"It's not me, you're in Rut and so am I, wait let's get home." He whispered to me, his breath on my skin was worsening matters.

"How far are we?" I asked him

"Not that far anymore." He said to me with a smile, I closed my eyes reciting a poem that do help me calm my fever when I was little.

  We arrived at the Alpha's palace, I could see almost half the crowd cheering for my return. I never knew they would miss me that much

"Sapphire, do something." I said to her

"I'm weak Laila, you should have our mate now..." She said and I shuddered, I'll be losing my virginity to him? today? Oh gosh

"Come on Laila, he's our mate okay?" Sapphire said trying to calm my nerves. The pack bowed to me after an older man performed some rituals for bonding I and Chris to the pack forever. It was not calming me down and I made eye contact with Chris to hurry up, he nodded and whispered something to the priest who declared us mates and did a little more rituals then he bowed and waved at us. Chris came closer to me and I shook my head

"Don't touch me, don't come close, please." I pleaded cuz him coming closer will worsen matters here.

"Come on, don't shoo me, Let me help you, just let me help you okay?" He asked and I ran inside, I ran to my chambers, it was already cleaned up, with a 'welcome back Luna' banner. I rushed to the toilet and locked it, I turned on the shower and the water dropped on me, even with my clothes on, yet I was still hot. I parted my lips and breathed heavily

"go to our mate now Laila. " Sapphire ordered and I felt the knock on the door. I opened it to see him standing there, he's so hot that my mind betrayed me as my body moved on it's own and I moved my fingers up his hard chest. Damn, I love the feeling and I subconsciously started  unbuttoning his shirt.

"Calm down Laila," he said and while he turned to lock the door. I took off my clothes, I could feel his eyes fucking my body.

"Please look away." I stated and he gulped, his eyes filled with lust and desires, his gaze was giving me goosebumps as I fondled with my bustier, I took it off under his gaze and I pouted

"Look away Chris." I said in a pleading tone and he shook his head

"I love this view," his voice was deep he stated as he walked towards me with that masculine aura of his.

"Don't come close." I whispered as Sapphire purred, he smiled moved backwards and sat on an occasional stool by my bed side.

"This was your mother's chamber right?" I asked, I saw his frown but he nodded, and turned his back to me.

"This was where she betrayed my father." He forced out those words

"Then why don't I move to your chamber after our marriage?" I asked him and he nodded with a smile.

"How old were you when you had your wolf?" I asked and he winked at me, sending shivers down my body

"I was 5 when I got Clark and seriously we do love you so much." He took tentative steps towards me, his eyes never left mine.....

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