
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Chapter 20 I don't want to see you

(I don't want to see you)

Chris was going crazy, he threw me to a sofa and growled at me.

"Who is he to you?" He thundered and I flinched in fright

"You're going crazy Chris..." I said shaking my head as he grabbed me and dragged me to the exit

"Chris stop, stop you're hurting me!" I yelled, but he never seem to stop and then I took a stick as he pulled me, I hit his hand on mine and he growled as he loosen his grip on me and then faced me with his red eyes... I became scared as I moved backwards

"You dare challenge me!" He growled

"No, I..." I was frightened right now

"Run!" Sapphire yelled as I started running, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

"Clark has taken over, don't say a word or he'll hurt you." Sapphire said

"I can use my fighting skills on him." I said as I looked backwards to know if he's catching up. I entered the elevator without looking and was surprised that he was inside the elevator, his looks were more scary

"Wanna run from me?" He growled and I shook my head

"What to do, what to do..." I tensed as he grabbed my neck hard, I struggled to breathe as tears fell down my cheeks and soon I blacked out.


I woke up in a soft bed, I gasped, how did I get here. I was about to seat up when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, I looked up to a sweet young lady, she smiled at me

"Where am I?" I asked her confused

"You're safe now." She said and I looked around again confused, all I could remember was Clark strangling me and Sapphire taking over.

"Sapphire, sapphire." I called and she stirred and stretched

"Laila, please let me rest all, I've been up all night." She complained grumbling and I giggled

"Please where are we? I can't remember a thing." I said to her and she just sighed

"Please rest for now Laila, don't stress your brain much." Sapphire said and I obeyed her. I woke up in the evening, I woke up to the aroma of fried chicken and sauce. My mouth watered as I walked to the direction of where the aroma was coming from. It was a small but comfortable kitchen. I smiled at the young ladies there and they returned the smile

"Hi, I'm Laila, and you're?" I asked and they smiled again

"I'm Maria and this is cherie." The younger one said and I nodded

"Please can.. You remind me how I got here?" I asked , i'm so confused myself

"You came here asking for a night, you forced yourself in and we had pity on you when we saw your wounds.. So we decided to accommodate you and you healed so fast." They said and I frowned at Sapphire,what was really going on?

"I was wounded?" I asked and they seemed confused

"Yes.. Don't you remember?" They asked and I just nodded so they won't suspect a thing. They smell human, I just couldn't understand why Sapphire left Chris.

"Please excuse me, where am I, like what place is this called?" I masked with curiosity, they glanced at me

"You're in san Francisco." They said and I gasped, she risked an 8 hours ride? For what? What would have provoked her to that extent?

"What did he do to you?" I asked Sapphire who whimpered, she was hurt and I felt it.

"We'll talk later." She said

"Please umm.. Where can I get a job here?" I asked the girls as they served dinner, I need to do something.

"Well.. What did you study in school?" Cherie said and i smiled

"I studied industrial designing." I answered sharply

"Okay then, we have a job for you, at the estate... But they don't pay that much." Maria said and I smiled at her, "thanks." I said and she nodded and brushed my hair backwards

"You are a very beautiful woman." She commented and I smiled


Amos POV

I was not myself anymore.. Remembering my words and how I had hurt her. I said some words I didn't meant, and now I can't find her anywhere... I can't cope like this

"We didn't find her Alpha," my guards reported and I was unexplainably shattered. What was going on? Why did she had to leave me, I was just mad at her; I never hated her.

"You got the news regarding Mr. Beth?" I asked Frankie who handed me some files

"Angel said she once crushed on him during high school, but he rejected her then." He stated and I fumed more

"But he's married now and divorced with a daughter." Frank added

"What a loser." I scoffed, then ran my hand down my hair.

"Nicky, please help me find her, I promise not to hurt her anymore." I said sincerely to Nicky and everyone gasped, I raised a brow

"Did... Did you just pleaded with me Al..Alpha?" Nicole stuttered and I realized the reason they gasped

"Yeah," I said softly "I pleaded, she's changing me... Everything about me, I need her, I want her." I could feel Clark's whimpers, I was restless

"It was all your fault Alpha, you never valued her and now our people won't get a Luna." Nicky said and i clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"She ran away from me!" I hollered

"Because you chased her. You chased her away Alpha," Nicole said and then the throne room opened as selena entered with her head bowed.

"My king do permit me to steal my husband away." Selena said with her head bowed.i just waved my hand at him and she walked over to Nicky and whispered something to his ears making him flinch while I discuss business with Frankie

"What is it Selena?" I asked hoarsely

"It..its nothing Alpha," she said shaking from the tone Of my voice

"Are you trying to play dumb with Me?" I asked and she shook her head, Nicky wanted to come to her defence but I raised my hands to him, signaling him to keep quiet.

"Um.. Kenny refused to eat until we bring back the Luna, and its only her father that could make her eat Alpha."

I signed, Kenny was so close to Laila, if for any reason she should be that way right? I shook my head, Laila is not coming back here, not after what she did. But I was the one that told her that I hated her and that she's bringing problems to my life. Why won't she run away

"Frankie," I called

"Yes Alpha," he answered with his head bowed

"Share the guard into different groups and send them to hunt all the united states for my Luna and do it quickly." I said and they all smiled

"Let me go with them Alpha, she's my best friend." Angel said as she walked in, I could hear the steady breathing coming from inside her and I smiled

"You're pregnant?" I said and they all gasped, surprising she hid it from them... She too looked shocked, Selena hugged her

"You are not leaving our pack anymore right?" Selena asked and she shook her head with teary eyes as she gazed at Frankie with a warm smile, she rushed to him and hugged him.

"You're not leaving the pack then." I said "it's dangerous for you and the pup, she won't want you risking your life you know," I added the last words with a low voice

"No Alpha, I can still look for her, she'd only listen to me Alpha, I've known her since we were toddlers." She said and I nodded.

"Permit me to go with her Alpha," Frankie said and I shook my head.

"Gerald will guard her well." I said and he smiled " I need you here." I added and left the throne room

"Thank you Alpha, I promise to bring her back." Angel said and I left...