
ALpha's dangerous Attraction

Laila Hales grew up to believe she was a human, only for her to discover that she was a werewolf... Meanwhile, Christamos Greyold was the the richest and most successful Alpha of his time.... read and discover more..

Royal_Anna · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Chapter 17 He cheated on me

(He cheated on me)

After Laila took her bath and switched into a jeans pant and a half  top. She decided to look around the magnificent building... She then walked around the building from the north to the eastern part of the building. This mansion was just like a princess dream home, it was not only beautiful and big but lovely and comfortable too... Everything was in his favorite color and way of arrangement. Just remembering him made her feel angry again. She visited the second music room as selena warned her not to enter the room with a black door.

        Laila's POV

so I entered the one with the white door.. I fell in love instantly with the room as I love singing, since I had a good voice. I was the leader of our music department back then at college and everyone knew that everything that concerns arts was inbuilt with me. I walked around the garden of different colors and selected some white flowers, red roses and blue hibiscus flowers. I wanted to paint them, maybe make out some new designs. I scented their fragrance and sighed, They were heavenly and beautiful. I dashed for the painting room where I saw different paintings and designs and as I expected, there were two doors as well. I entered the one with a white door, I arranged the flowers in a glass vase and I set to work. I remembered the little cute kenny and decided to surprise her. First of all, I painted the flowers just the way they look, I brought out my phone and using the photocopying machine, I photocopied a picture I stole from her and placed it on the platform as I started drawing her. A smile on my lips, sometimes I just wished I could have my own child, at least felt what it seems like to be pregnant, I love kids, so much and I can't wait to have mine.

"You want a kid?" Chris asked as I jolted from the deepness of his voice.

I was stunned, how did he know what I was thinking, was it from the mate bond reaction or what?

"How are you able to read my thoughts?" I asked arching a brow

"I don't like being asked questions, find it yourself." He replied rudely and I scoffed, he never seems to change, still rude.

"What are you doing here then?" I asked with a creased brow, I don't want him here

"I know you don't want me here, but I'm your mate, you should look at me while talking to me, young lady, I wanted to know what you were up to." He said and looked at me but I didn't look at him "you're an artist?" He asked me with no smile

"I want to go back to my flat tomorrow and resume work." I said painting Kenny's cherry red lips.

"You go no where." He enunciated as I turned to look at him. He was hot and attractive on his costly brand of pajamas that revealed his hard hairy chest. He looked so deadly attractive with his light green eyes."What?" He asked making me feel embarrassed as I blushed, I cleared my throat and continued my painting

"I want to leave, I want to be by myself." I said not glancing or looking at him. He became quiet all of a sudden and I tensed at his sudden quietness, what is he planning now.

"You should curve the eyes to give it a special fitting... " he said guiding me on the eyes, looking at the painting, I smiled, a warm feeling flowed through me when I imagined how thrilled she'd be. This was going to be my last week in this castle, so I wanted to surprise her, I love her beauty and cuteness

"You want to have a kid?" He asked again and this time, he came close to me... I knew I couldn't lie to him so I just shrugged hiding my emotions

"Who wouldn't want one?" I muttered

He helped me draw the left eyes as he placed his hand on mine, I felt the sparks and shuddered. I wanted to withdraw my hand from his but he held tight and a tiny smile crossed my lips as sapphire purred. He swallowed hard staring at me and the shook his head like he regained his senses, he immediately stood up and turned to me with those cold eyes of his

"You're leaving tomorrow and resume work the upper week." He stated hoarsely and left, angrily slamming the door making me flinch

What was wrong with him for heaven's sake. Does his mood swings affects his brain? I scoffed as I shook my head and continued my painting.

After the painting, I smiled at my work I used all day painting this portrait and it is beautiful

"Wow... That's one lovely talent you've got there." Sapphire said

"Yeah, I just wish my prayers are being answered and I'll have a child of my own." I said to Sapphire

"Only our mate can impregnate us, let's go to him now." She suggested and I choked while drinking my bottled water, I don't need him in my life any more, but I can't stop myself from being attracted to him.

I went to my room and took my shower, I rubbed my body cream and for some unknown reason, my body became hot.... I just shrugged it off and wore my evening pajamas as I combed my hair, my hand came in contact with somewhere around my neck and it stung

"Huh," I lamented and raised my hair to reveal a little mark. I gasped in shock, I was being marked? By who?

I became afraid I didn't remember being marked.

"We're marked Laila and I think the Alpha marked us." Sapphire said with excitement as I fumed. The Alpha marked us? How dare he mark us without permission?

"I angrily slipped on my flip flops and headed for his chamber, I was about to enter when the guards stopped me

"You're not allowed in my lady." One of the guards said

"What?why?" I asked fuming

"Let's go in there Laila." Sapphire said

"Get. Out. Of my way." I warned as they became scared and finally succumbed to my commanding voice.

I kicked the door open and entered the room to see a pretty blonde haired lady straddling him. Sapphire whimpered and I was no better, I was hurt deeply hurt. When he saw me he pushed the lady off him

"Laila, it's not what you think okay..." He tried explaining and I just frowned like I was not hurt. I can't let him nor this whore see my weak side

"I just come to say goodbye, I'm leaving and you would never find me. I'm gonna try my best to erase this fucking mark! And I don't want to see you again!" I yelled in pain

"Oh, so you are the Alpha's mate?" The blonde asked and I ignored her. He was looking at me with a hurt expression as he grabbed the blonde by her cheeks and pulled her hair roughly then he threw her away.

"Never. Let. Her. In. Again!" He growled at them as they bowed like little kittens as he locked the door, I was about leaving when he pulled me to himself as I wriggled

"Let go of me you scumbag!" I yelled as Sapphire growled

"No, I won't be letting you go until you listen to me." He said almost in a pleading tone.

"But i don't want to! I don't care what you do with other women but what I do know is that I'm erasing this mark!" I growled and he brought me on top of his laps.

"Look billu and I had been friends since childhood. Her father and my father had been friends but I never had an atom of feelings for her okay?"

He explained and I still wriggled

"I think he is saying the truth Laila." Sapphire stated.

"Please let me go!" I pleaded, I don't want to be stuck with him, I don't want to fall for him. He's already mesmerizing my senses

"No! I won't let you out of my sight." He said as his eyes turned red "You are MINE." He said and I blushed.....