
Alpha’s Forceful desires

He hated his sister after she caused the death of his mate…until he started to feel desires for her that he didn’t want to feel.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter Six

Mia's POV

"I hate you!!!" I shouted at him, snatched the hoodie from him and raced to my room with tears dripping from my eyes.

"Mia!!" I heard Mike's voice but I do answer.

I was hurt.

How could he say that to me? No matter what has happened, I was still his sister. How could he be so cold and ruthless?

I enter into my room and slammed the door. I climbed my bed and curled up in a ball. I cried my eyes out as I squeezed his hoodie against my chest. After I could no longer cry, I found myself sniffing his hoodie.

I hate that his scent calms me down. I hate how I can't get over it. I hate that I suddenly feel protected. I hate it all.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door but I didn't answer.

"Mia , come on . Open the door" It was Mike.

"Go away" I shouted.

"Come on Princess, please open the door" he said with a warmth that I know all too well.

I decided to open the door for him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as soon as I opened the door.

"No" I replied truthfully.

I sat on my bed and he did the same.

"Your makeup is ruined" he commented

"I know" I said and he chuckled

"It's not funny" i said with a little smile.

"I know…. But at least you smiled" he said and I gave him a smug look.

"How about you forget what happened just now and just go have fun at the party" He said and that sounded like a good idea.

I don't need to sit at home sulking about him.

"Fine" I replied and he smiled with relief.

"I will be waiting downstairs " he said and I nodded.

After he left the room, I proceeded to clean off my makeup. After that, did the simple mascara , eye liner and lip gloss makeup.

After I was done, I wore Austin's hoodie over my body in dress and it covered it up. The hoodie was very big on me. I didn't bother to change into another outfit because I was too tired to do that. Also, my mood was already ruined and at this point, I could careless about what I look like. After I was done, I went downstairs where Anaya and Mike were waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" Mike asked and I nodded. We proceeded to the garage where Mike's car was parked. I quickly sat at the back seat. Mike gave me a suspicious look.

"What?" I asked while acting oblivious. He just rolled his eyes and giggled.

If I can't have a love story, I will better if Anaya does.

As Mike was about to start the car, I heard the sound of a motorbike. It was Austin. Was he also going to the party?

"I don't think he is" Mike said making me realize that I voiced out my thoughts.

"Mm" I replied as he drove off.

I was leaving the house to get hover him, seeing him at the party won't help.

We finally got to the party and as expected, it was loud and sweaty. Mike went to meet his friends while Anaya and I just sat down.

Anaya started waving at someone. I looked to the direction and it was Miley.

"You guys are here. I thought you ditched me at the last minute" She said and I almost rolled my eyes from how she sounds and looked.

Arrggh why do I care? Austin can never like someone like her.

"We would never " Anaya said.

"There's a bowl of punch over there, let's go get a cup" She sand Anaya nodded. They both looked at me to join but I shook my head.

"I am not thirsty, I will wait here" I said and they nodded before leaving to get a cup.

I sat down staring at the sweaty and horny people as the share sweats and salivas. I literally wanted to puke but all that thought was pushed back after I saw Austin going upstairs.

He ended up coming to the party.

Why is he going upstairs?

A big part of me was curious but the smaller part of me stopped me.

It was stronger

Or not

I gave up being strong and was about to stand up and follow him when Anaya came into my view.

"Where are you going?" She asked as she sat beside me.

"No where" I lied.

She passed me a cup.

"There was Pepsi" She said and I nodded and collected it.

My mind was still on Austin.

I looked at Anaya and she was lost . She was staring in one direction and when I traced her sight, it was on Mike.

"Why can't you just tell him about your feelings?" I asked

"I can't " she replied like always.

"Why not?" I asked the same question that I always ask.

"You will not understand " She replied.

She always says that. Normally I would leave her thinking that she needed more time to tell him. But it's different now. It's like everybody knows about her feelings for Mike, Mike included.

So what's going on

"Why won't you just tell and get over it?" I asked , my voice a little raised.

"It's because of you Mia, he is mine but you are ruining everything!!!" Anaya suddenly screamed and ran off angrily.

What just happened?

Because of me?

What is she even saying?

I was dazed for a few seconds. What is wrong with everybody today? I decided to go look for her. I searched and asked everyone but no one seemed to know where she went. I decided to check upstairs. She might be in one of the rooms.

I searched all the rooms up to the last one. No one was there either. As I was about to leave the room, I heard a sound coming from the toilet. I walked towards the door and it was slightly opened, so I decided to peep.

As I peeped, what I saw disoriented me that I staggered back. My heart started beating erratically as I felt the innermost part of me consumed in sadness and pain.

It was Austin and Miley, kissing.

Tears poured out of my eyes uncontrollably.

"Run!!!" my mind screamed and I decided to obey it. I ran out of the room as fast as my leg could. When I got downstairs, I ran to my Mike.

"Borrow me your keys, I left something in your car" I said hurriedly. I didn't wait to hear what head to say as I snatched the keys from him.

I wanted to leave this place and go faraway where I can be alone. I got into his car and drove off.

I just wanted to be by myself.

After an hour, I found myself at the beach.

I tried to forget my pain in the breeze of the night but what I was feeling was no normal pain. I felt like my body was on fire , like I was jolted with electricity.

Soon the physical pain stopped and the pain that I felt in my heart was more visible.

I stayed for hours at the beach before driving back home at the dead of the night.

When I got to my street, the car suddenly stopped. Not knowing what to do, i got down from the car and decide to walk home since it was no longer far. When I was close to home, the lights were on.

Indicating that nobody has slept.

I knew that they must be looking for me but i didn't want to see anybody so i decided to pass through the back door but not before cleaning my face and acting like nothing is wrong.

I am good at hiding my pain

As I tiptoed into the house and was about to climb the stairs, i stopped in her tracks.

I was shocked as i stared at the people in my living room. Both my parents, all my friends in college and some people i usually see around. Anaya, Miley, Tracy were all seated too.


"Anaya, how could you loose her. You are supposed to be watching and taking care of her" I heard Mike said in a very cold voice.

The way he talked sent shivers down my spine. Anaya on the other hand looked like a dog that is being chastised by a wolf.

This is not the Anaya I know.

"Why can't we just tell her who she is. A lowly omega who can never shift because she is weak. I don't understand why we are protecting her" Miley said with bitterness


What does that even mean?

"Never talk to my daughter that way" I heard my Appa say.

"We won't be saying anything until we determine that she is ready" he added

"Nonsense " Austin said "When I become Alpha, everything will be changing around here. Especially with her. I can't stand her anymore Father. I need her to know where she stands" Austin said with so much disgust that I could feel it in my bones.

"She is our sister Austin" Jeremy said

"She is the reason for every misfortune of this family!!!" Austin shouted in anger

"She is not my Sister and never will be" he added as tears fell out of my eyes seeing how much he hated me.

Unable to take anymore harsh words, i said something.

"What is going on here?" I whispered and everybody snap their heads towards me. How did they hear me from there.