
Alpha’s Forceful desires

He hated his sister after she caused the death of his mate…until he started to feel desires for her that he didn’t want to feel.

Oluwakemi_Deborah · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven Alpha's Forceful Desires

"Nonsense " Austin said "When I become Alpha, everything will be changing around here. Especially with her. I can't stand her anymore Father. I need her to know where she stands" Austin said with so much disgust that I could feel it in my bones.

"She is our sister Austin" Jeremy said

"She is the reason for every misfortune of this family!!!" Austin shouted in anger

"She is not my Sister and never will be" he added as tears fell out of my eyes seeing how much he hated me.

Unable to take anymore harsh words, i said something.

"What is going on here?" I whispered and everybody snap their heads towards me.

How did they hear me from there.

"Baby, you are home" My mum quickly ran to me and my Dad joined her. She enveloped me into a hug and my Dad just stood close.

"Where did you go Mia, we were worried about you?" My Dad asked but I could not even process what he said.

My head was still wrapped around what I heard a minute ago and why everyone is in our living room.

"What is going on here" I asked again and everybody was silent.

"It's nothing Darling. We were all just worried about you" My Dad said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, Darling it's nothing to be worried about" my mother added but I am not a fool.

I know what I heard…and saw.

"It's not nothing!!" I shouted "Why was Anaya kneeling in front of you guys and what does Miley mean by lowly omega ? Why do I need to be protected? What does Austin mean by becoming Alpha and how am I the reason for the misfortune in the family? What are these people even doing in our house? Mum , Dad how are you guys even here when you are supposed to be in California? I was gone for only three hours, how did you guys get here so fast? What is going on here?!!" I asked with anger this time.

Nobody was saying anything.

Why is nobody saying anything?

"Darling, It's…" Ny Fad was about to say something but Austin interrupted.

"No Dad, enough of this. I am done walking on eggshells around her. It's time she knows the truth" Austin said angrily

"Austin…" My mum called him but he was adamant

"No mum, It's time she knows the truth about her reality. It's time she actually knows the effect of her actions after she took Ariel from me" He said and I groaned.

I was tired and angry.

I was done

"I did not take Ariel from you!!!" I shouted angrily to his face

"What did you say?" He growled and the sound of it sent shivers down my spine.

But I was angry too

"I did not take her from you. Yes, I wanted her to go back to her house that night but it's not my fault that she got hit! I am tired of you bringing her up every time. She is dead!!! So stop being a crybaby p and move the freak on from the cheating whore!!!" I shouted and immediately I heard gasps.

I realized what I just blurted out, out of anger.

"How dare you?" Austin growled and fear enveloped me. Suddenly his changed color and he started taking predatory steps towards me.

What is happening?

Before I knew what was happening my brother's was cracking. In less than a second, my brother was replaced with a massive black wolf.

"Aaaaaah" I fell to the floor.

"Austin, calm down " i could hear my mum and Dad screams.

I crawled backwards out of fear as the wolf walked towards with it's baring teeth out.

Before I knew what was happening, the wolf lunged towards me and before I could process what was happening another wolf lunged to the black wolf but the black wolf hit the other wolf to the side and placed its focus back on me

"I am sorry " I whimpered and cried as it got close to me. It brought out it big paws and raised it to the air, about to hit me.

Before I could feel the impact of it's paws on me…darkness claimed me.


I didn't expect to see her dressed like that. Is that how far she was willing to go? I have known since when we were kids about Mia's feelings for me. At first I thought it was just a harmless crush and that she would get over it. But when I lost Ariel because of her feelings, I couldn't help the hatred I developed for her. The only reason I have not torn her into pieces and ripped her heart out is because of my parents and brothers. I took the anger out on the rogues that attacked Ariel, I killed them with my bare hands.

I hated that I couldn't do anything to her and I hated her more because she doesn't not know the effects of her actions on me. She took a piece of my soul, She took my mate from me and left me with a dead but alive body.

Yes that's right, Ariel wasn't dead. She has been in coma since that night and the doctors say she has less than ten percent chance of ever waking up. I could not get myself to pull the plug, ten percent was something.

But it's been four years now and Ariel has not still woken up.

Everyone has tried to convince to move on but I can't. The council are already complaining. I cannot become Alpha until I have a functioning mate.


I heard my phone ring. It was a message from Miley.

"Are you coming to the party?" She asked. I didn't plan on going before but…

"Sure" I replied and before taking my motorcycle key. I got to the garage, took out my motorcycle and rode off.

Alpha's in my pack have been blessed to have a second mate if their first dies. Which is why there is pressure on my neck to pull the plug. I made a deal with the council to get a selected wife and not pull the plug. They agreed since that's the best they could get out of me.

And that is where Miley comes in. I have decided that she will be my chosen mate. When I asked her, she agreed immediately. It's the only reason she came to Stanford.

She is smart, strong and tenacious. Every quality I want in a Luna. Plus, she is Ariel's sister. I guess I just wanted the title of Luna to be connected to Ariel in a way. But i cannot deny the fact that she cheated on me.

I guess when I felt that extreme pain in my stomach at the pack house was when Ariel cheated on me. I never thought about it because never in a million years did I think that she could cheat on me.

At first I thought Trent was lying but there was a video proof. It was short and didn't look bad merely looking at it but I know Ariel. She was only ever like that with me.

I was angry…

Not only at her but at myself. What did I do that made my mate cheat on me?

She was only ever supposed to be attracted to me…so what went wrong?

As soon I as I got to the party, I waited outside for a while. I was not ready to go in. I don't think I want to pretend that I am enjoying the company of college jocks and half naked cheerleaders. After a while, I entered in to find Miley.

I saw her coming out of a room and I pulled her back in and closed the door.

"Austin.." she said

"I just need to tell you my plan in person. Once we get back to the pack house, I am going to announce you my Luna. But first…" Before I could continue, we heard a knock on the door.

Thinking it was one of those horny teenagers in need of the room, I pulled Miley into the toilet.

"As I was saying, we would first have to inform…." Before I could continue again, I heard the quiet opening of the toilet door. Immediately a smell wafted into my nose, Miley's expression also indicates that she knows who it was.

I was about to send her away when Miley grabbed my face and smashed her lips on mine.

I felt nothing, but I let her do it anyway.

I was angry, I still have a Nate bond with Ariel, but I let her continue.

She is going to be the mother of my cubs and future Alpha, I might as well get used to this loveless union.

Moreover, I don't care if Mia gets hurt by this. She is the reason we are here in the first place.

After Miley was sure that Mia had left, she pulled away.

She seemed awkward and embarrassed by what she did. Not wanting to push the anger on her, I decided to leave.

"We will talk later" I said before leaving

I decided to clear my head so I went for a long ride. I got home at the dead of the night only to meet some of the pack members in our living room.

"What is going on here?" I asked

"Where have you been?" My mother asked with worry

"What is wrong?"

"Mia took my car and she has been gone for hours" Mike said while staring angrily at the omega that was assigned to secretly be by Mia while posing as a best friend.

"Anaya, how could you loose her. You are supposed to be watching and taking care of her" Mike said in a very cold voice.

"Why can't we just tell her who she is. A lowly omega who can never shift because she is weak. I don't understand why we are protecting her" Miley said and there is the tenacity I like. Miley hates Mia as much as I do.

"Never talk to my daughter that way" My Dad said and I almost rolled my eyes.

"We won't be saying anything until we determine that she is ready" he added

"Nonsense " I said "When I become Alpha, everything will be changing around here. Especially with her. I can't stand her anymore Father. I need her to know where she stands"

"She is our sister Austin" Jeremy said

"She is the reason for every misfortune of this family!!!" I shouted in anger

"She is not my Sister and never will be" I added and I meant every word

"What is going on here?" I heard a whisper and everybody snap their heads towards the direction.