
Alone in Kalda

A young girl named Katerina Bennett is sent away to fulfill a promise made years and years ago. But something along the way happens and she embarks on a journey of love and sorrow.

KatelynJoy · História
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Time to get up," Gia busted into the room with a big smile on her face. I goran and sit up.

"Todays the day," Hilly walks in behind her.

"Yippie.." I smile sarcastically.

"Honey, i know you're upset but just think about you get to stay here and you also get to help Elliott be happy," she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay let's do it." I sigh and stand up.

"Here you go." Hilly hands me some bread to eat.

"Thank you," I smile "So whats first?" i ask taking a bite of my bread.

"Let's get you dressed," Gia pulls out the dress, the beautiful emerald dress with white under skirts. I pull off my night clothes leaving me in my undergarments. Gia takes the dress and bunches it up. Putting it over me. I put my arms in the sleeves and it falls onto my body.

"Perfect." Gia smiles.

"Now let me do your hair," Hilly says sitting me down.

"Let's put it in one big side braid," Gia suggests. Hilly nods in approval and starts on my hair.

It took less than 10 minutes for her to do my hair, she put beads into some strands. I take a deep breath.

"It's going to be okay," Gia puts her hand on my shoulder in a reassuring motherly way.

"I really don't want to do this," I sighed standing up.

"Please don't bail, for Elliott, for Kalda." Gia pleas.i swiftly nod and stand up and make my way to the door. The weight on my shoulder to go through with this almost feels physical, almost suffocating.

"Katerina," a voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Eerika,

"Eerika." I smile and give her a hug.

"Are you ready?" She asks me pulling away.

I shake my head. "No, not really."

"Well, neither is Elliott." She says, i look at her confused.

"He almost failed retrieving his sword, he thinks he will bring you bad luck." the young girl tries to explains looking concerned for her brother.

"Trust me when i say this, this will only go as smooth as it can." I put my hand on her shoulder. She looks at me confused "What do you mean?" I chuckle to myself.

"Neither of us wanted this, but we are doing this for the sake of me staying in Kalda."

Eerika scoffs "Is that what you really think?"

"Honestly, yes." I start my way to the door.

"Elliott doesn't think so," I stopped in my tracks hearing what she said. What does he think this could mean?

"He's doing this because you are the best thing that happened to Kalda, Katerina you have a light to you that no one else has," Eerika says

"What?" I utter in shock.

"Everyone who you have crossed paths with, you left a mark, a mark of kindness. After the attack, you went straight to aide other people, even though you were injured yourself, so don't do this for yourself. Do it for Kalda." Eerika looks at me one last time before closing the door to the hut and walking away.

"Shes right, I have been selfish." I say to myself. "Lets go get married." I exit the hut with a haste.

"Gia," I called as i saw her.

"Katerina, come." She waves me over to her and Hilly.

"I'm ready," i state confidently.

"Are you sure?" Hilly asks.

I nod, "Lets do this." they lead me near the river.

"Katerina!" Niklaus runs to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey buddy," i laugh

"Elliott is over there," He points to his older brother.

"The elder of the council is the gothi of the village so he will conduct the ceremony," Gia says walking up to me.

"Okay," I nod looking over at the elderly man talking to Erik.

"This is the first time an outsider has married Kalda blood, this could go great or terrible." Hilly says also walking up to me.

"Are you ready" Gia asks

"Nope, but let's do this." I walk up to where Elliott is.

"Ah, young Katerina." The Elder of the council greets me.i bow my head in respect.

"Katerina," i look up "you look ravishing." I can feel my cheeks heating up at Elliotts Comment.

"Today we are gathered to unite Katerina Rose Bennett and Elliott Jay Thornhall. Please gather in." The Elder shouts. People who i have never seen before start to walk close to me and Elliott. Erik is walking with a goat in his arms. I look to Elliott confused.

"What's that for?" I quietly ask Elliott, but before he can answer the Elder speaks up.

"Please bring forth the sacrifice!!" Erik brings up the goat. I look at Elliott in confusion again, Gia didn't tell me about this.

"To please Frigga the goddess of marriage, we must complete the blood sacrifice," The elder turns to the table behind and picks up the knife sitting on it. Erik holds up the goat and the elder takes the knife and stabs it into the goat. I wince and look away. The elder starts to speak up again.

"Fairest Frigga, Fensalir's Lady, Friend of families, matron of marriage, Most gracious of goddesses, hear my hailing. Please grace these two with happiness," He takes a sword and hands it to me."Take this sword and with it you become a Thornhall." I take it and bow my head ever so slightly. I almost drop it with how heavy it is. I hear a chuckle from beside me I look to see Elliott holding back a laugh. I look at him with the 'you're not helping' look and he shuts up.

"Now Elliott, with that you now have a bride, you may kiss," me and Elliott lean forward and soon our lips touch, i jump back almost as soon as it starts. Gia starts to clap and soon does everyone.

"Welcome to Kalda," The elder says. I smile and nod and return.

"Katerina, Elliott!!" Gia shouts, we both walk over to her. She smiles at us

"Welcome to the family Katerina," Erik smiles to me and sticks out his hand for me to shake it. And i do. I turn to Gia and she engulfs me into a big hug. I laugh and hug her back with a smile on my face.

"Time for the feast." Erik says. He takes Gia's hand and leads us to where it is held. Its in the middle of a field with a large table with a feast of food, a pile of fish, bread, and pork. I stare at it and my mouth starts to water. Elliott grabs my hand and leads me to the center of the table. We sit down and soon everyone follows in suit.

"Please Everyone take a seat," Erik yells out "Tonight we feast to celebrate the marriage of my son and my new daughter." he sits down after he done.

"Dig in!!" the elder yells.

And that's what we all do, we all pass the food around taking what we want and passing it to the next. Everyone eating and enjoying themselves. The chatter, the jokes, this feels like home. A place where i can live and die in. A place where I belong and i'm not in the shadow of anyone. Free to be myself, free to do what I want. After the meal we all had some honey bread for dessert. The talking continued, until Zayden and Maverick fell asleep on the table.

"I'll be right back. I need to put these two to bed." Gia said standing up.

"No it's okay, Katerina and I can do it." Elliott says standing up and taing Zayden from her arms. I pick of Maverick.

"Niklaus, i think it's time you go to bed too." Gia smiles at her son.

"But mom i want to stay up for the bonfire." Niklaus wines.

"Dont argue with your mother Niklaus," Erik scolds his son.

"FIne," He crosses his arms and stomps away.

"We will be right back," I smile and me and Elliott walk after the stomping young boy.

The walk ton the house was silent as we didn't want to wake the two sleeping kids in our arms. We enter the house that i've started to call home and walk straight to the nursery to put the two sleeping children to bed. Niklaus is already laying in his bed when he arrived.

"Let's get back to the party," Elliott smiles. I nod and take his hand and we walked hand in hand back to the table.

"Just in time," Eerika smiles and walks up to us. "Elliott they need you to help start the fire." Elliott just nods and walks away.

"Fire for what?" I ask my new sister in law.

"We play music and dance around the bonfire." She says with a large smile. SHe takes my hands and drags me to Gia.

"That was fast, did Niklaus put up a fight." she chuckled.

"Actually no, he was in bed by the time me and Elliott got there," I laughed.

"Wow, he normally kicks and screams when he doesn't want to go to bed," Gia shakes her head with a smile. The music starts to play. Eerik takes my hand and leads me to the fire..

"Let's dance." She laughs and starts to dance around. I soon join and just dancing and laughing. I look over and see Elijah laughing at me and sister dancing stupidly. I smile and wave and continue dancing around the fire. I pick up my dress so I don't trip and twirl around with Eerika laughing. We both stop to catch our breath. I look to see Elliott laughing,

"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to dance with me," I laugh at my new husband. I hold out my hand and he takes it i start to spin around.

"How's your first Kalda bonfire?" Elliott asks spinning me around into his arms.

"It's epic," I laugh "We had nothing like this at home."

"This is your home now," he says spinning me out.

"I know." I let go of his grasp and walk away, i find a nearby log and sit down.

Up until now i dont think a smile left my face but the thought of home makes me frown. My family, my sister, my brother, my parents. The people I grew up with. My home. I miss it. I get up and walk to the lake. The night sky shining down on my face as I walk down to the path. I walk up to the edge of the sand and take my shoes and stockings off. I lift up my dress and put my feet into the water, the moonlight shining into the water, illuminating it. I look down and I see my face, my hair, braids, the beads. It's not me, this is not me. I'm not a viking maiden. I'm a merchant's daughter. I take out my hair. I throw the beads in the water. I sink to my knees falling into the shallow water. I start to cry, tears streaming down my face. I wonder what home is like now. Do they miss me? Do they know the truth? I stand up wiping my tears. The thought is haunting. Does my mother know the true whereabouts of her youngest daughter? The thoughts cloud my mind and i sit uptop a rock on the sand. I wish to go home, just to visit. So i can have closer and start a real life here in Kalda, that is all I want but the chances of happening are slim to none. More light is seen across the lake as i look up. Boats with torches are coming my way, concerned on what it is I get and sprint back to the bonfire.

"Elliot!! Erik!! Elijah!!" I yell getting closer.

"What is it Katerina?" Erik asks jogging over to me.

"I was," I take a deep breath "at the lake, and people are coming. On boats to the shore." I say completely out of breath. A look of worry flashed through his eyes, but it soon vanishes.

"Elliott!! Gather the men," He yells in a loud commanding voice "Elijah take everyone else to safety. Then come help us." He demands.

"No Elijah goes with you. Me, Gia and Hilly can get everyone to safety." Then, realization hits me "The kids!!" I shout taking off in the direction to the house.

"Katerina wait!!" Gia yells.

"Gia go!! ill get the kids." I yell behind my shoulder. The view of the hutt comes into view but it seemed like forever until I got to the door.

"Niklaus!! Zayden!! Maverick!!" I shout as soon as I step foot into the house. I walk up the ladder to where Niklaus is and see him sleeping peacefully. I walk over and shake him awake.

"Huh?" he says groggily

"Nik we need to get your brothers and go people are coming and we don't know if they are friendly or not. Get Zayden i'll get Maverick. We need to leave we are the closest to the shore." I tell him. He shoots up and climbs down the ladder quickly, i go right after. Running to where the toddlers are. He picks up a sleeping Zayden and i pick up Maverick. But before we run out i take the sword in the corner just to be safe.

"Let's go." I say running out of the place I called home the past week. And try to get to safety as fast as I can.

"NIklaus your going to have to trust me, take makerick and run as fast as you can to where the party took place. Your mom is waiting for you." i say in a whisper. I hand him the now awake 5 year old.

"What about you?" he asks worried.

"Don't worry about me. Go." he takes off with his two younger brothers. I turn around and hold out the sword.

"What is a measly maiden going to do?" a voice from beside me sneers. I turn to see a figure emerge from the trees. The dark figure comes closer and closer, until i see the face.



He engulfs me into a hug, "We all thought you were dead." I hug my brother back.

"Why are you attacking Kalda?" I pull away,

"Fathers orders," all he did was shrug.

"I found a home here, we need to stop this." I take off running. He follows me confused.

"Katerina stop, you can come home." I continue running

"This is my home," I yell smiling to myself. I see Elliott.

"Elliott!!" i yell running up to him \

"Katerina why are you not with the rest." He stops a blow with his sword. I stop one as well.

"It's Hillwood attacking. My home." I stop another sword.."Everyone stop!!" My brother yells running to where i am. The people attacking me and Elliott stops.

"Katerina.." a few gasps are heard. I step on the table.

"Let's go!! What we want isn't here anyways. Let's go Katerina." Talbott demands .

"No," i shake my head.

"Katerina Benett you are going home, mother is beside herself with grief that you are gone." He snaps

"It's Thornhall, I'm Katerina Thornhall. And This is my home." I shout i stand next to Elliott and take his hand. Talbott gives me one last look then disappears into the night with his men.

"I'm so sorry." I tell Elliott. He takes my hands in his.

"You don't need to be." All the men came to us.

"WHy did they just retreat?" Erik asks walking up to us.

"Because of me, Hillwood was the ones attacking. My home village." I bow my head in shame.

"Because of you," He slowly repeats "you saved us." He gives me a hug surprising everyone around us. The woman and children slowly come into view walking towards us. Giving their loved ones a hug. Making sure they are okay.

"Everyone on the council, meeting NOW!!" the elder yells, and with that all the members walk away and form a little clump. Whispering. This goes on for about 5 minutes before they turn around and walk towards me and Elliott.

"Katerina, Elliott you are both going to Hillwood."