
Alone forever

A tomboy who is very quiet but a basketball prodigy is very distant with other people. Until she meets a certain someone who changes her life but doesn't realize how much he needs help himself. Will she be able to help him or will she only bring more suffering upon him.

eddiechang24 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


Madoka's POV

"Kenji's ankle is fine. He just can't do anything for about a day or two." said Coach Yamoto

Kenji limped on his left leg and he shook his head.

"Kenji, are you okay?" I asked

"Kenji kun I was so worried about you." said Emiko

"Oh I'm uhh fine." replied Kenji

"Let's go back to your dorm to fix your injury." I whispered so that Emiko wouldn't hear.

He nodded and I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him get to the station. But as the boys' team and the girls' team walked towards the station I saw Aiko.

"Aiko chan...?" gasped Kenji

"You didn't make it." said Aiko

"What are you talking about? He scored 60 points." I said

Everyone continued walking except the three of us.

"And I said that he needed to score over 60 points." said Aiko

Kenji hung his head in defeat and I grit my teeth in anger.

"I better see you in your dorm room when I get there. I'll give you 30 minutes to treat your injury before I take you." said Aiko

She then looked at me.

"And you better not be there. Think about Kenji." she said

And with that she left.

"Fuck... I knew it." groaned Kenji

"Goddammit." I sighed

But then my phone buzzed and when I took it out, it was a notification on the news about Kenji's game. I opened it and my eyes widened and I smiled brightly.

"Oi oi Kenji you scored 61 points!" I excitedly said

Kenji's eyes widened so I showed him my phone and his eyes widened and he slowly smiled. I smiled and immediately hugged him and he hugged me back as well.

"W-what how I swear I scored 60 points." said Kenji

Kenji read the article and he seemed to understand.

"They miscalculated on the live channels. Oh my... I uhh... I don't know what to say." said Kenji

This was the first time I've seen Kenji this emotional and it was new.

"Let's get back to your dorm." I said

He nodded but then he pulled out his phone and there was a text message on his phone. I peeked and it was from Aiko. He pressed on it and he began reading it and he let out a sigh of relief.

"She said that she won't punish me." sighed Kenji

"That's good." I said, "Let's get going."


2 days later

Madoka's POV

"Wait, today was that day?" I questioned

"Yea today's sports day." said Emiko, "Every team is going to compete in every sport."

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Plus our next game is in 4 days so we have time. And the team we're playing against isn't that good. They have an 8-9 record so far." said Emiko

"Okay okay I'll participate." I grumbled in annoyance

"Great!" excitedly said Emiko

"It's too early to do this..." I mumbled

"We have a half day today just for this event." said Emiko

I sighed and nodded.

"When does it start?" I asked

"Right now." she replied

I groaned and got up and left the classroom with Emiko. We walked down the hallway and walked into the gym where there were a bunch of teams inside. Basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, swimming, track, soccer and other sports. The gym was crowded and it was crazy.


I turned and saw Yuziki and my team members all huddled at the center of the gym.

"Okay we're all here." said Ayaka

"Is Kenji part of this?" I asked

"He's over there." said Ayaka

I saw him with the boys a few feet away from me. I approached him and elbowed him gently.

"How's your ankle?" I asked

"The acupuncture helped a lot. It feels normal." replied Kenji, "There's only a pinch of pain "

"Good." I replied

"Thanks for the recommendation." replied Kenji, "I didn't know that place existed."

"Well you have to do your research." I replied

"Right." said Kenji while smiling a bit

That's when I heard some kind of loud noise through the speaker.

"Mic test mic test." said a man

There was a man standing on the bleachers with a microphone.

"Morning everyone, you all know me as Takashi Kondo head manager of all the sports." said the man

"Ugh... I hate this." I mumbled

Kenji elbowed me and pointed at something. I turned to look and I saw Homura with this girl wearing a sports sweater and jogging sweatpants. She had purple hair and I noticed that her outfit was what the baseball players were wearing.

"Who is she?" I asked

Kenji shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't really pay attention to people in this school." replied Kenji

"Right, neither do I." I sighed

"You're not going to do anything about Homura?" asked Kenji

"No. I don't really care." I replied

"Oh okay." simply said Kenji

"Okay so today is sports day. Every team will be competing against each other in every sport there is in this school." said Takashi, "First sport will be baseball."

"What are the rules?" asked Chibi

Everyone just shrugged.

"Ah geez." sighed Dai

"Everyone into the baseball field." said Takashi

We all left and it was so fucking crowded I hated it. We got out into the baseball field and everyone took seats at the bleachers or stood.

"Okay the first team to play is the baseball and basketball team. We will play just like how sports play playoffs. Winners move up while losers are out." said Takashi, "Since we will combine both the girls and boys, pick your players."

I sighed and the boys and girls basketball team gathered around.

"Okay so how many people are in the field?" asked Homura

"Nine." replied Satoshi

"Okay so I'm obviously in." said Homura

"And so am I." said Ayaka

"I'll play." said Dai

"Kenji should play as well." said Emiko

"Uhh I hurt my ankle." said Kenji

"You could be the pitcher." said Emiko

"Right." simply replied Kenji

"Madoka you're playing as well." said Homura

I just nodded and we made our team and headed into the baseball field as other teams cheered us. We headed over to this dugout and I saw the same purple-haired girl Homura was talking to. She handed us gloves and hats and used cleats.

She eyed me up and down before handing me the stuff. I rolled my eyes and began putting on my stuff before heading out onto the field. Dai, Chibi and Emiko were positioned in the outfield. I was positioned infield first base, Homura second, Ayaka third and Akito as the catcher. Kenji was the pitcher so he took up the mound.

The first batter got to the home plate and raised his bat, ready. Kenji sighed and held the ball in his hand. He positioned himself before throwing the ball but the batter hit it and I saw the ball fly straight towards Kenji's face. Kenji dodged it but at the same time caught it. The crowd gasped as they saw what happened but Kenji just took the ball out of his glove.

The umpire signaled the batter to get out and it surprised me so much that Kenji was able to catch it. The next batter came up and Kenji threw the ball again but the batter didn't swing. Akito caught the ball and the umpire yelled out a strike.

'Kenji's a natural at sports.'

After a while it was our turn to be a batter. Up first was Homura and he was out in less than 2 minutes.

"Baseball is rigged." groaned Homura

Next up was me so I grabbed a bat and went up.

"Let's go Madoka!" yelled the audience

'Shut up please.'

I positioned myself at the home base and got ready. The pitcher threw the ball but it was so fast I didn't even realize that the catcher already had the ball. The pitcher threw the ball again but this time I saw the ball but I didn't swing. The umpire called this pitch a ball which I assumed was good.

The pitcher threw the ball again and this time I saw the ball and swung the bat as hard as I could but I missed. The umpire called out a strike and I sighed in annoyance. I got ready again and the pitcher threw the ball and I swung again and this time my bat made contact. The ball went flying into the air.

"Madoka run!" yelled Yuziki

I ran towards the first plate as fast as I could. I watched as the ball landed on the ground and one of the catchers picked it up from the ground and threw it towards the catcher at first plate. Luckily I got there first before the catcher could tag me out.

"Let's go Madoka!" excitedly said Emiko

Next up was Akito who missed all three pitches. Chibi was next but he just swung recklessly and was out again. Next was Kenji and he seemed a bit tired. Kenji got ready and the pitcher threw it and Kenji swung and the bat made contact with the ball.

"Run! Run!" yelled everyone who was watching

I ran to second base then third and then to home base scoring a point. I turned to look at Kenji and he was casually jogging like he had enough time. At first I thought he was just jogging cause he was tired but I noticed that the catcher's position in the outfield was just watching Kenji. That's when it hit my head, Kenji hit a home run.

Kenji scored another point and we both fist bump each other but we like to hit the bottom of our fist together instead of hitting our knuckles. The baseball team seemed really confused as they looked at each other.

The game went by and we won by one point, 6-5. The baseball players were yelling at each other, all confused to why they lost but what they could do. We kept playing for another hour and we won the finals in baseball.

"Next up with volleyball!" yelled Takashi

We all headed back into the gym and there was a volleyball net set. The first two teams playing were the volleyball team against the swimming team. So while we were waiting I left with Kenji to get some water.

"I hate this so much." I grumbled

"We didn't do this last year. We did something else." said Kenji

We were about to turn the corner when I heard a familiar voice. I peeked around the corner and I saw Homura with that baseball girl. They were talking and it looked like Homura was flirting but the girl had a frown on her face.

"You're not going to do anything?" asked Kenji

"No I could care less, plus I was going to break up with him either way." I replied

"I see, but now that I think about it, I remember that girl." said Kenji, "She's the manager for the boys baseball team."

"Manager?" I questioned

He nodded.

"If I remember correctly, she was rated one of the prettiest girls in this school." I said, "Right before Hina from track."

"I see... well I don't really care." I said

We continued walking down the hallway but then we bumped into Aiko.

"Aiko chan." gasped Kenji

"What are you doing here?" she asked

"We're getting water." replied Kenji

She eyed him up and down and walked away.

"I'm going to send you a list of shit to buy with time. Don't be late." she said

"Yes Aiko chan." he quickly replied

She leaves and I just groan in annoyance.

"She pisses me off." I said

"Who doesn't piss you off?" questioned Kenji

"You." I simply replied

"Oh... right..." replied Kenji in a surprise tone

"And Kikotei of course." I added

"Yea..." replied Kenji

"Do you miss him?" I asked

"What? Oh Kikotei, yes I do." replied Kenji, "We text time to time."

I smiled and elbowed his ribs gently.

"You're getting a lot more emotional around me." said Madoka

"Was I not in the first place?" asked Kenji

I rolled my eyes from his stupidity.

"Never mind you dumbass." I mocked him