
Almost Picture Perfect

(Notice: The Cover Art isn't mine, I just edited it a bit!) It all started with a flash of a camera which led to a sudden spark in romance between Yashiro and Utsuru. Yashiro had always been disinterested in love, seeming to be the perfect ideal man for most of his female peers but after a flash of Utsuru's camera during the last day of school, he instantly had grown interested in her, however, their interactions ended right there. Or so, he thought. After two years, he saw her again. After finally reuniting with her, what's bound to happen between the two? What if there are more to Utsuru than what meets the eye? Will Yashiro take his chances? Or will they just stop their attraction?

BlackHeart_Uni · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Three: "Group Study"

"Could this be just another beginning again?"

- Yashiro Jin-Woo Kwon


The distressed male heaved once again another sigh, his hand running over his raven locks before flipping another page of his book. He can't focus on anything, he can't properly understand what was written on his notes, he can't even understand what Miss Lara, their homeroom teacher was teaching. This is so not like him, not like him at all, he's so out of character. Usually, he would try his best not to roll his eyes at the unbeliveably slow pace of the class since he'd understand and memorize the lessons almost instantly, similar to Eivan, but the latter however, just simply can't stop rolling his forest green eyes due to boredom at the slow progress the class is making. But now? Since last week, he just can't seem to focus.

It was like this every single day ever since she returned, ever since Chou Jihyun returned. The thought that his attraction and just the very presence of the demure girl would ever serve as a distraction towards him and his studies never crossed his mind. This is seriously getting bad, not only for his ever-thinking mind but also for his grades. He once again heaved yet another sigh, scratching at his scalp and clicking his tongue in annoyance and glaring at nothing in particular.

"Um," He heard his angel spoke softly, he quickly turned to her in obvious anticipation for her to continue her words, it wasn't everyday that she would attempt to start a conversation with him after all, "I hope you don't mind me asking but are you alright?"

Yashiro raised a brow in confusion, "Oh, yeah. I'm fine, thanks for asking, why wouldn't I be?" He answered, why would she even ask that?

"Really?" Jihyun put a hand on her chest and smiled lightly, "Ah, I'm relieved, I'm glad you're fine. You kept on sighing earlier, I thought you were feeling unwell. Is the question too hard?"

She's relieved? Does this mean that she was worried about him? He doesn't want to assume things without any evidences nor did he want to think that she's giving him special treatment since she has always been kind and caring to everyone but he figured it would be fine for him to indulge himself, right?

He gave a soft smile towards the brunette, hoping to ease her worries, "No, I can handle it." He said with confidence in his voice.

"Are you sure?" He gave a nod and a gentle smile to her direction. "I want to help you with the math problem you seem to be stuck at but I also don't understand the lesson enough to teach and help you." Jihyun said, releasing a sigh.

"Don't sweat it, it's fine, really." Yashiro gave her another gentle smile, giving her shoulder a light tap before realizing what he did, quickly retracting his hand back and looking away from Jihyun who currently has a confused look in her face, not understanding the flustered male before deciding to continue solving the math problem in front of her.

The raven-haired male internally yelled at himself for suddenly feeling brave and touching her, even if it only lasted for a second, staring at the hand he used to tap her shoulder in awe, still not fully believing his actions. He just touched his crush, he couldn't help but feel giddy even if for him, it was such a girlish thing.

Soon enough, Math class was over and it was now time for lunch. Hesitantly, Yashiro stood up and went on his way to the cafeteria, waiting in line besides Eivan who was busy choosing between steak and chicken barbecue for his lunch while the stil flustered male couldn't seem to stop thinking about his long-time crush who was nowhere to be found, catching the attention of his observant friend.

"Thinking about your crush again, aren't you?" Eivan whispered, catching the raven-haired male by surprise.

"Don't startle me like that!" Yashiro whisper-yelled, hitting his friend's arm lightly, "And aren't you supposed to still be thinking about what you should get for lunch?"

"In case you didn't know, I've made up my mind. I'm going to have neither, two large burgers would do, I'm not even that hungry. Watching you being girly made me lose my appetite." The green-eyed male teased, chuckling at his friend's red face.

"Shut up, geez, you're annoying!" Yashiro mumbled the last two words before he managed to regain his usual calm composure, ordering his lunch before he and Eivan waited for their lunch to be served and when it was, they quickly made their way to their usual table, right in front of the tables the girls were occupying.

"I told you, Jihyun! Their songs are so lit!" Yami shouted at the always quiet brunette as she was shaking her dainty hands in front of her, trying to get the boyish energetic ravenette to take her seat and calm down, much to the delight of her other brunette friend and their red-haired friend to shake her head at the misfortune her delicate friend was facing.

"Yami Yusaki, calm the hell down and sit down. You're causing Hyun great discomfort, you dope." Shaina scolded, her onyx eyes glaring at Yami's same colored ones, finding her role of being the eldest in their little friend group quite taxing, especially having to deal with her younger-by-a-month ever-so-energetic friend.

"I do not! Right, Jihyun? Right!?" The black-haired girl turned to the said girl who reluctantly shook her hand with an awkward smile.

"See? In your face! She's not uncomfortable, Shai!" The energetic female grinned, causing the oldest girl to sigh and shake her head again.

"Jihyun?" Shaina called, catching the attention of the distracted female.

"Oh, yes?"

"Are you okay?" The concerned red-haired girl asked, "You look distracted. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something."

"Are you sure? We can stop by the infirmary if you want to."

"Positive." Jihyun reassured, smiling before continuing to drink her chocolate shake and eating her ice cream.

"Okay, then." Shaina said, not wanting to press on the subject longer and instead turning her attention back to her own lunch.

"Hey, Lis!" Alistair called, looking at Lisanna who was sitting in front of him between Jihyun and Yuna.

"What the heck do you need?"

"Try some of this," The auburn-haired male said, bringing a spoon full of vegetables and shrimp right in front of Lisanna's mouth. The girl with pink highlights opened her mouth, eating some of the rice, vegetables and shrimp her boyfriend gave her.

"Now, gimme some of that." Alistair demanded, referring to the pork and rice his girlfriend was eating.

"If you want some, order it yourself!" Lisanna said, eating her lunch and completely ignoring the complains of the male in front of her.

"Hey, the exams are coming up." Yuna stated, the tip of her fork pressed unto her lower lip.


"What do you mean by "so?", Yami!? Jihyun still hasn't caught up to some of the lessons we had!" The light-brown haired girl stated, her fork now pointing to Jihyun who was sitting next to Lisanna who sat next to her.

"Please put that down." Jihyun requested. Yuna quickly apologized before putting her fork down.

"Yeah, she's struggling a bit but she's catching up just fine." Lisanna said, gently patting Jihyun's back.

"Ah, that reminds me," Eivan muttered loud enough to catch the attention almost everyone sitting at the table, except for Alistair who was still mumbling in annoyance at what had occured between him and Lisanna a few moments ago, Gavin who was playing a mobile co-op game with Frederic and Glenn who was braiding Jihyun's long hair.

"Jinwoo has some trouble understanding our math lessons for this week," Eivan said, taking a quick glance at the confused raven-haired male, wondering why he was mentioned, "The exams are on monday, it's still tuesday. If I'm right, which I know I am, classes will be cancelled tomorrow and on friday due to some event for the juniors. We can do something productive tomorrow and on friday if you guys want to." The eloquent male finished, suggesting a group hang out, or in this case, a group study.

"So, a group study, Eiv? Count me in!" Yami said, giving her boyfriend a thumb's up.

"That's a good opportunity to brainstorm and hang out too! Me and this bozo, Gavin are also in!" Yuna stated, grinning.

"Me too, I guess." Shaina said before quickly hearing Frederic also agreeing to join in.

"Me, Jihyun and Glenn are also in!" Lisanna said, holding Glenn and Jihyun's hands and raising it in the air.

"Hey, you ruined the braid, Lisa!" Glenn said, complaining about Jihyun's ruined braided hair.

Soon enough, all of them had decided that it was for the best to have a group study and it just so happens that the boys chose to study at Eivan's house while the girls chose to study at Shaina's. After a semi-heated debate, they all decided to have the group study at Eivan's first and Shaina's on friday.

They all continued to happily eat and talk, unaware of Yashiro's stare at Jihyun, wondering if he can get closer to her after their group study.