
Almost Picture Perfect

(Notice: The Cover Art isn't mine, I just edited it a bit!) It all started with a flash of a camera which led to a sudden spark in romance between Yashiro and Utsuru. Yashiro had always been disinterested in love, seeming to be the perfect ideal man for most of his female peers but after a flash of Utsuru's camera during the last day of school, he instantly had grown interested in her, however, their interactions ended right there. Or so, he thought. After two years, he saw her again. After finally reuniting with her, what's bound to happen between the two? What if there are more to Utsuru than what meets the eye? Will Yashiro take his chances? Or will they just stop their attraction?

BlackHeart_Uni · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Seven: "A small talk"

Chapter Seven: "A small talk"

"I've gotten close to Lisanna. Err... I mean, Lisa. She said she'll help me. She's kind and trustworthy. She is, right?"

- Yashiro Jin-Woo Kwon


"I'm pretty sure Hyun likes the color blue, specifically, Pastel blue!" Yami stated, her arms flailing around everywhere before being hit on the head by Yuna.

"No, that's wrong!" The brunette said, referencing her favorite anime and game while pointing an accusing finger at Yami as if she had just commited murder right in front of her very eyes, "Yami, she likes sky blue!" She continued before the raven-haired girl hit her back just as harshly as she hit her friend's head which resulted in the two hitting each other more and more until it almost resulted in a fist fight while the highlighted-haired girl decided to step in and break the two away from each other with a sigh in order to stop the ensuing fight from injuring the both of them, leading Yami to sit next to Eivan who told her that he would hold unto his girlfriend and restrain her if she tries to pick another fight again much to her delight while leading Yuna next to Gavin who raised a brow in confusion before being signalled by Frederic to put all his attention back to the phone and the mobile co-op game they were playing making his girlfriend pout and hit him which he ignored, further annoying the brunette.

After a few seconds or so of the two moody girls sulking, they decided to yell at each other again, this time, because Yuna said that Hyun only likes eating mocha cake while Yami pointed out that their demure best friend prefers to eat chocolate cake instead of mocha because the quiet girl thinks it doesn't taste too appealing when she eats another slice of it and that little bicker once again resulted in the two being violent and feral, even pulling each other's hair.

"Both of you, knock it off. You two are wrong, anyway," Lisa said with another sigh before continuing, "Jihyunnie's favorite color other than pink, black, white and gold is azure blue. Before fighting each other to the death, at the very least, get your facts right," She said, sighing yet again in irritation at the two's almost foolish and wrong reason for quarelling, "But at least, Yam is correct about the thing about the chocolate cake."

"That's right! Of course! Lisa and Hyun almost can't be separated! So, if anyone knows a lot about Hyun other than us, it's Lisanna!" Yuna said, giggling.

"Hey! I'm the one who can't be separated with Hyunnie baby! Lisanna joined in after a few weeks, then Glen after a year, then Shaina after another year, and then you after a few weeks. You were the last one to ever join our circle of friends!" Yami pointed out, even saying that they've been together far longer than everyone else, even telling stories of how they both struggled and that their bond is stronger since they've known each other for a long time while combing her shoulder-length black hair that the shorter-haired brunette Yuna pulled at earlier while they were fighting.

"I just said that Lisanna knows a lot about her too. You need to chill, Yam"

"Don't call me that, I told you, 'Lisa' is fine. I don't like being called that." The girl with pink highlights said, annoyed that her friends had to call her by her full first name that she didn't really like since she prefers being called as Lisa because it makes her feel like she's their close friend since close friends would call each other and give each other nicknames, right?

"Sure, Lisanna." Eivan said with a smirk, not looking up from the book that he's been reading the entire time his ever-so-moody girlfriend was picking a fight with one of her own best friends.

"I'll stab your face someday with a pencil, Eiv." Lisa threatened, glaring at the said male who sighed in exasperation.

"I was kidding, you can't take a joke. None of you can." The green-eyed male muttered, "I swear, Yami's teasing nature is starting to rub off on you. Geez."

"That's because you suck at joking. Your face is so straight that when you're joking, it's like you're being serious. It's misleading, at least learn proper facial expressions. Geez." The younger girl with pink highlights said as she glared at Eivan who glared back at her, it's almost as if the two are going to be having an altercation any moment now. It's always been them who would fight each other from time to time given that their personality are complete opposites and since they are the most intellectually capable people in their friend group and in the entire class after all, the two are bound to always clash with each other, given that they are rivals during classes too.

Why has this come to this, you may ask? Well, Shaina silently agreed to be the distraction for Jihyun and take the shy girl away in order for her future suitor to have a talk with her closest bestfriends who are planning to help Yashiro know more about her before he finally gains the courage and ask his crush out on a date at some point because it's bound to happen, much to the poor shy boy's embarrassment. It'll all come in due time.

Both his friends and Jihyun's friends all decided to play cupid so that the two most shy people they know would finally have a wonderful and happy love life and start a loving and long-term relationship with each other given that the boy had been infatuated with her for a very long time which to their surprise, hasn't even died down yet even before Jihyun went back from who knows where. Maybe the two would even be successful together, live together and then, get married and have lots and lots of beautiful little children too. The topic only made him feel flustered and shy, his mind suddenly imagining a made-up face of a daughter who had Jihyun's beautiful honey brown eyes with his dark raven hair and a son who had Jihyun's silky brown hair and his own ocean blue eyes.

What was supposed to be just a normal and harmless small talks here and there about what his crush likes, dislikes, feels neutral about, isn't interested in or what she's interested in to what she fancies in a guy, if she even has any to begin with given her reputation at being a very studious yet very oblivious girl at school turned out to be not so harmless and normal after all, especially with Jihyun's friends, Yuna and Yami having a brawl with almost no one to stop it other than Lisa, who clearly had had enough of them already.

Even their own supposed-to-be loving boyfriends, Gavin and Eivan couldn't even be bothered to stop their hyperactive girlfriends from having a fight as it seems that it's been occuring so much that they all have obviously normalized the quarrels between Yami and Yuna or more often, Yami and Shaina who often clashed way more than Yami and Yuna. The black-haired girl always seemed to pick fights with whoever she was currently with, be it her own boyfriend, Eivan, her best friends, Yami and Shaina, her brother or her mother. Hell, she even picks a fight with the shy Jihyun who is a pac8fist to the core which always ends up with the latter apologizing for something she hasn't even done or knows she even did. After all, as the group says, Yami won't be Yami if there wasn't at least three fights in a span of just one day. She's just that bloodthirsty that sometimes, their classmates mistakes Yami to be the aries of the group and not Jihyun since their personalities are literally polar opposites of each other.

Yashiro Jinwoo just sighed yet again because for the nth time, Yami picked another fight with Yuna who was pointing out that Jihyun is into good boys while the black-haired girl hits the brunette's head and

Obviously, with the way the two always contradicts each other even with Jihyun's likes, dislikes, interests and preferences, it's obvious that Yashiro wouldn't know who or what to believe, thankfully, the ever so trustworthy Lisa puts a hand on his shoulder and smiled, gesturing for him to lean down to her for her lips to be at near ear-level to him, probably going to give him a few tips, advices and Jihyun's preferences. Her real ones. The accurate ones. The legitimate ones.

"If you want to learn more about Ji-Hyun, then you should've just ask me. I wouldn't even bite, maybe I'd bark or scratch but nothing really harmful," Lisa said, laughing after she said a harmless little threat which made the dark-haired male feel nervous, swallowing a lump in his throat, further making the pink-highlighted haired girl laugh.

"I was kidding. Calm down," She said, finally getting the shy male to ease up and be comfortable, after all, she's always been the kindest in their friend group alongside Shaina and Jihyun.

"So, here's the thing, I'll tell you what Hyun likes in a guy after I ask her tomorrow, okay?" Lisa asked which made the male raise an eyebrow before nodding.

"Good! Give me your number so I can text you."