

What will you do if you get a chance to become a powerful being? Follow Tyler in his journey as he gets a chance to become a powerful being and travels to different worlds. How will he change their fates? Will his presence bring chaos or fortune to their world? *** Support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/immanuel_m *** The author here, thank you all for reading my work...English is not my first language...So, I will try my best. Thank you!

_immanuel_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Feng Qi 2

"Hey Tyler, what do you do?" Feng asked as Tyler as she was walking with him. They soon entered the bustling crowd as they left the alleyway.

It seems both didn't put the incident which occurred earlier in their eye; they consider it insignificant.

They didn't address each other in a formal because they decided to drop it.

"Hmmm…you can consider me as a wanderer." Tyler replied casually.

"Well…I should say you have a high level of cultivation there, given your young age. Which realm are you in?"

In response, Tyler just smiled slightly instead of responding to that question.

Feng understood that he didn't want to share, so she left the topic alone. The funny part here is that it's not that he didn't want to say but he doesn't know which cultivation realm he is in.

As he was complaining about it to Emma, Feng asked a question.

"You told me that you are a wanderer, so it also means you do not belong to any force. If you are interested, you can be my business partner."

When he heard this, he became startled because it came out of nowhere, but Tyler didn't show it in his face and continued to listen to what Feng has to say.

"You see I sell medicine; you need not help me in making medicine or in collecting raw materials but can be a force to back it up. Like a CEO or handling business deals. What do you think?" asked Feng.

When he was listening to what she has to say, he understood most of the part. Indirectly she wants to rope him in because of his high cultivation.

But when Tyler heard a word, it shook his heart.


For god sake, he is in a different world which seems to have no connection to earth whatsoever, but here the lady is saying CEO that to in English.

Here all the people are wearing robes and the world setting is like a medieval Chinese period with cultivators and demonic in the mix.

It seems that she unintentionally told the word 'CEO'. Now Tyler wants to find out what does Feng Qi has to do with earth, simply because he is interested.

"Okay. I can be your business partner."

Tyler decided to join in her business because he simply didn't have anything to do in hand right now and he also wants to find out Feng's background.

Feng instantly becomes surprised and happy because she had little hope that Tyler will accept her invitation but she successful roped in a high-level cultivator. She was proud of herself.

"Okay, then I have some unfinished work to do. Tomorrow morning come to the restaurant we ate earlier. I will tell the details there. Don't worry I won't empty your pocket." After saying this Feng soon disappeared in the crowd.

After she left, Tyler was now touring the town as he was trying out the town's delicacy.

He then soon found an inn in the evening and decided to stay that night there. For one night it cost him 1 gold coin, just from the price we can say the inn was a high-end one.


Soon the sky turned dark. The town now was less crowded, due to the lack of light the normal civilians go home.

In one of the inn room, a beautiful lady was sitting by the window and watching the beautiful moon.

Under the moonlight we can see the face of the lady, it is Feng Qi. Today it was a surprise for her. Even if she tells someone else how she roped in a high-level cultivator, people will be saying she is bluffing.

As she was observing the moon, a knock could be heard, and a girl entered the room. It was her maid.

After entering the room, she stood next to Feng Qi silently. This maid was following behind Feng the whole time, from the shop to the alleyway. It was also her duty to protect her.

"What do you think of Tyler." Suddenly Feng asked her maid.

"I am amazed at how he achieved a high realm at such a young age. I am sure he has no evil intentions when he accepted your invitation miss because he can do what he wants due to his high realm. So, I guess he is simply bored, so he accepted your invitation for a change I suppose."

"I do think the same. Do you guess which realm he is in then?"

"No, I cannot guess what realm he is in." The maid replied in an embarrassed manner. She is also a cultivator, but she couldn't guess his realm.

When she sensed the pressure, Tyler was emitting in the alleyway, it gave chills down her spine.

She prepared tea and gave it to her miss.

"I expected that much, but did he find you?" Asked Feng calmly under the moonlight as she started drinking the tea, the maid served.

"I am sure he did when you both left the shop."

Feng saw her maid was hesitating to say something.

"Go on I will hear you out."

"Miss when you were trying to invite him. You subconsciously told a weird word like you always do after you lost a part of your memory a few years ago. I guess the word was CEO."

When Feng heard this a sharp glint flashed in her eyes. The maid continued.

"It felt like he understood the word."

For a couple of minutes, silence fell upon the room. Finally, Feng broke the silence.

"So, you mean he may know the reason why I have some new memories and also the reason I lost my cultivation and a part of my memory."

The maid nodded and replied. "I am not sure if he may know the reason why you lost your cultivation and memory, but there is some connection between Tyler and the new memory you are talking about."

The maid is not sure what the new memory her miss is talking about, but she knows after Feng lost her cultivation and a part of memory a few years ago. Her miss was not herself. She sometimes says weird words.

So, the maid believes somehow her miss had gained a new memory as she says, and this has some connection to Tyler.

"This Tyler is full of surprises, let's wait and see." After saying this she continued to enjoy her tea.

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