
Almighty monster mack

X3la_lord · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

chapter 1 the story

There was once a great and powerful man. He was an incredible fighter. He was able to use thunderstorms just by saying their names. He could move beyond. People thought his powers made him god like. However when there is light there must be darkness, and evil. There was a great darkness slowly growing until it began to swallow up everything good in the world. In the end, The Almighty Warrior was able to lock the evil away. With a mighty slash of a legendary sword, the warrior broke the planet into three-parts. The Dark Void that formed inside the planet had vanished, never to return. There was a cost to the destruction of the evil, causing the Warrior to exchange his own soul to do this. So he split the last of his power between two beings that are known today as the Master and the Lord. The legend also says they passed, some of their powers to two humans who would be able to control the abilities of time and space. It is also said that they have the markings of the Crimson Angel to show that they are pure hearted. It is also said that The planet will have countless beings that will have endless power. All This was translated from ruins in the Soulsteel ruins. Found in an old village in the Rocky Mountains.