
Chapter V : First Pain And Learning

After Emma kissed me and ran off I walked home well more like I attempted to walk home. So on the way home, I entered the other world once again it was more like I got pulled there, cause for some reason I could still see people and animals but I tried to do what I did with Emma Earlier but my hand just went straight through them and still no noise. Justin didn't show up so something was wrong because the world was altered from its usual state and as I tried to leave the way that Justin told me too then a house next to me exploded near me and I was thrown about fifty feet, my vision became blurry my ears ringing and I hit my head on something.

As my eyes start to clear I saw a woman in an all black outfit "Who are you?" I asked basically in a whisper because my throat was covered in ash so it became hard to speak. "Go get some water now I said now!!!" the woman said to someone then spoke to me "Sorry about that boy I am Madame Chi'Forea and who might you be."

Then the man she yelled at earlier came back with some water and I drunk it and my throat cleared out then I finally spoke "I am Allen, and why are you here." "Well, Allen I guess I have to explain myself. So first I practice my Magyk every once in a while and it causes some damage no one and nothing gets affected and this side gets repaired by my people very quickly. But my boy how did you get in here I even made it where those dam seear's can't get in but you somehow got in with no problem whatsoever so what's your secret kid?"

Right after she said that I heard Justin's voice in my head and he said "Boy do not trust her she is an evil that I can not go against I can't even go against her I can only project my voice in your head for a few seconds just know you can trust me boy now goodbye."

I finally said something to Madame Chi'Forea after only a few seconds and said "Mam, first of all I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, I was just walking home and thinking about a girl that just confessed her love for me and then I everyone frozen and then a house blew up and you know the rest." She said "Well boy I hope your girl problems work out I do hope to see you again so you should just get home now." I believed no word she said then the world went back to normal and then I went home to think about everything.

In the morning I decided to find some way to contact Justin I just didn't know how to do it except to use my power and I just don't know how to do it or how it even works. I did read somewhere that meditation helps the mind wander, and I tried doing just that. So I sat there for hours and then I felt a tap on my shoulder and Justin said "Well I see you listened to what I said cause if you didn't you would be dead now and you have managed to even use your power good job, so I have to go but I will explain everything later so I will see you later." after he said that he disappeared and I heard a voice and the voice said "I am fascinated with you Allen and I will keep an eye on you." I heard the voice in my dream that past week and it sounded like Justin's voice but it was morphing into quite a few recognizable voices so I don't even know who it is anymore. The world went back to normal and I went back inside to grab something to eat.

So after I got myself something to eat I decided to do some research on anything about a seear and I couldn't find anything at all not even any ancient texts it's like it never existed. I thought about calling Emma over but I just don't know how I would act around her because I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her which I don't.

"Boy I see you are having trouble learning, you see all information of us seear's was erased from all the world because previously the world has set their sights on killing us all any mass murder of humans was them trying to eradicate us. For example when Hitler decided to start getting rid of the Jewish because at the time the largest population of seear's were the Jewish and Hitler knew that but something he didn't know was that not all new Seear's are made from a parent being a Seear the power chooses its host and even if both parents are Seear's the child isn't always one because the power can see the past, future, and present and is everywhere at once knows what happens and every once in a while it will do something to interfere in the world because it gets bored, and I believe that your awakening was the cause of it wanting to have fun or maybe some other reason who knows but it controls fate and I see yours clearly and one more thing your fate keeps changing so you, and boy that girl of yours is special so keep her, I can't see how but she is plus she is one beautiful work of art and don't ask me to explain how your power works because every Seear is different, so Allen any questions?" Justin said after appearing out of nowhere, "A couple I suppose, so one who do you work for, two who is this Madame Chi'Forea, and why do you keep talking about Emma like she's the same age as you you do know she's twelve right?" "I can't tell you who I work for sadly that information is confidential, but the other questions I can answer easily so the Madame is a person who opposes me and my organization wholely she has not tried to actually go against my organization because she knows my bosses will bring her down and my bosses have not tried to stop her because it would be a waste of resources but you I see you taking her down I believe you can. So yeah I'm 14 so what's wrong with me acknowledging what's right in front of me ad she has one great body. I'm out of time I hope to speak again…." then he picks up a rock and then said, "She has Emma you need to save her!!!" and then he disappeared, and the world resumed.


I ran over to Emma's and asked her mother where she was and she said "I haven't seen her since last night I think she left early this morning." I decided to go to the other side, so I closed my eyes and then opened them and then every house around me was in ruins.

"Allen Bow, you lied to me. I don't like liars. So you know what I got your pretty little girl here." She said that while having one of her henchmen, Emma looked unconscious and very pale with some cuts on her arms and legs. Madame Chi'Forea continued speaking "I really thought I liked you. You seemed like a great boy, loyal and trustworthy. But I was wrong, you are one bad boy, I want you even more now. But there is just one thing I have to do if I can have my sweet little Allen I need to get rid of Emma here. Plus you have been working with the Seear's that's just rude and Justin of all the people I am hurt, I even have to hide my true form because of him." and while she was ranting on I heard that voice again and it told me "You my boy can do anything that's how you are able to cross into her barrier so easily so you can reveal her true self you can even bring her down to your knees, I can't wait and see what you do now I shall leave you now but I shall still watch, cause I chose you for a reason." the voice disappeared and I tried and thought about Madame Chi'Forea showing her true self to me I blinked and she turned into a five-year-old little girl then she started yelling orders at her men to kill everyone there.

You're Turn:

Good morning Allen, I see you have finished finally.

Don't judge, and I hope you had a great sleep?

I did.

Well, you must have given its noon.

Well, I'm going to get started now get to cooking.