
All-World Store

Bai Yun stared, deeply shocked of what have appeared infront of him. [You have been choosen as the host of Multi-World Store System] [Current World is choosen as Home World... Generating task] [Task: to be called a store owner obviously you have to own a store first. Please choose a plot of land that is rightfully yours and the System will handle the rest] "Well..." countless thoughts flashed within his brain but eventually he shake all those thoughts. He let out a sigh, "Alright" [Happy to meet you Host!] ... my grammar suck, but I will somehow make it readable. by the way, my release rate are completely random, so don't get your hopes high. thank you for understanding.

EternalGrowth · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1: If a lazy person meet with highly enthusiastic system

"Comfortable..." Bai Yun let out a sigh of comfort as he reclined on a chair beneath the shade of a tree.

He's guarding the store because it's his job, his parents is living in the city with his siblings, he a high school graduate decided to create a simple store on their hometown. His parents fortunately permit him and this is it.

His job is simple, guarding the store, after all why should he monitor a store with automatic billing. He can also track anything inside the store through his smartphone.

"Now this is life" he unconsciously or consciously (I don't know) doozed off.

"It will be great if life continue like this..." he smiled and muttered before his face become awful.

"Did I just jinx myself ?"

[Ding, All-World Store Owner is being binded... bind successful]

[Hello host]

"I knew it" he stared soulessly.

"Hmm, System" he said in his mind.

[Yes, host ?] it asked.

"Can't you just bind yourself to my brother ? he is multi-chain mall owner you see" he give a proposal.

[Denied, once bonded the System can't go to another host. except when the current host died] like he thought it's response give him a shiver.

"What did I even do to deserve this..." he want to cry for a moment.

"Anyway, what is my first task ?" Bai Yun asked after releasing a tired sigh.

[First Task: Head Store]

[As a qualified store owner across all world you have to design a store as your head store first. this is also a store where every customer will come into. the world of where the head store located is automatically designed as Home World]

[Reward: Store Reformation, a change of draw]

"What is the penalty ?" he asked, quite unsure.

[There's none, however the System beseech the host to do it as fast as he could]

"Why ?" Bai Yun is confused.

[The System detect a space crack rapidly closing at a speed of three wormhole per second to earth. it will reach this solar system in a few hours]

"What the actual ****!" he swear a word we are very familiar of (I use it everyday for my math class: "**** me...")

"I design this store as my store!" he immediately pointed his finger to the store behind him.

[Denied, the store have to be under your name and it's detected that this store is not under your name]

"It's under my mom's" his face darken as he fetch his phone from his pocket and dialed his mom's number.

"Yun'er, how rare, what is it ?" his mother, Song Jianyue asked.

"Mom can you transfer the store under my name ?" he asked.

"I thought you don't want to do complicated things"

"I want mom, I really do, please let me have the store under my name please!" he want to cry of the injustice he is in right now. The important documents he have to do every year, the report every month, he want to cry...

But as much as this incovenient him there's still a way as long as the world exist. He definitely doesn't want the world he live in to cease to exist.

"It's done. It's under your name from now on, so I expect you to do a good job with it" Song Jianyue crisp and sweet voice (even though she's already much aged) can be heard.

"Thank you mom, I love you so much!" he cried out.

"Me too honey, take care" Song Jianyue smiled and said.

"You too mom... System now!"

[Confirmed, establishing Head Store, designing current world as Home World... Invincibility Buff activate]

[Reformation begin... done]

[a change to draw is given]

[Now host, please use your power to stop the space crack from reaching the Azure Star Universe]

"I don't even know to do it... System you moron!" his face darkened, he indeed feel an immense power within him but using it and feeling it are two different concept.

[sorry host I forgot, just imagine it]

"Imagine, imagine..." Bai Yun calm himself down and immediate relaxed his tension. His perception rapidly (when I meant rapid it's very very fast, exceeding even the speed of light) it covered the whole world as he could indeed feel space crack spreading but also restoring by itself.

He thought about it and the space crack stopped before it restored to how it was before.

[Crisis averted, now the earth is known to all supreme creature of this world, congratulation host!]

"What the hell" he feel his life will be shorter the longer he stayed with this System.

He let out a tired sigh.

[Don't worry I lied] his face darkened but he also feel considerably relieved.