
1564 The Truth of Everything, the Source of the Dark Turmoil, and the Purpose of the Doomsday Lord

No one knew when the Gate of Immortality appeared.

No one knew why the Gate of Immortality appeared …

However, it had descended just like that. There was no reason for it.

There was a legend that if one could step into the Gate of Immortality, they would be able to ascend to immortality.

Some people also said that the Gate of Immortality was the door to the ancient immortal world.

Some people even said that the Gate of Immortality was an ancient treasure left behind by a true immortal.

In short, there were all kinds of theories.

At that time, the Desolate Emperor, who was the top powerhouse in the world, was the most likely person to explore the existence of the Gate of Immortality.

And the Desolate Emperor did so.

But his purpose was not to become an immortal.

Instead, he wanted to find a way to completely eliminate the Doomsday Lord, An Di, who was a cancer and a disaster in the immortal realm.

After the Desolate Emperor explored the Gate of Immortality.

He found the key to completely open the Gate of Immortality, which was the ancient stone plate.

Then, the Desolate Emperor found that behind the Gate of Immortality was a long broken immortal path.

In other words, this was an abandoned door.

However, there was a huge amount of immortal path material inside.

The Desolate Emperor, while using the immortal path material to cultivate, thought of a way.

That was to use the Gate of Immortality as the foundation and the array core of the seal to seal the Doomsday Lord inside forever.

As for why it was only sealed and not destroyed.

That was because the Doomsday Lord's power was too strong.

Moreover, as long as there was chaos, war, blood, and killing in the world.

Then it would be difficult for the Doomsday Lord to be completely destroyed.

Therefore, the Desolate Emperor wanted to seal him forever.

On the other hand, as one of the four apocalyptic apocalypses, the Doomsday Lord, An Di, was extremely powerful.

He was so powerful that he could deduce the cause and effect of all things.

It was because he could deduce these causes and effects that he could become the mastermind behind the scenes.

He stood behind the scenes and instigated a war between the major forces.

Di Haotian's so-called "rebirth" memory was actually deduced by the Doomsday Lord through cause and effect.

That was his unique ability.

The Doomsday Lord also deduced that the Desolate Emperor was probably carrying out some kind of plan that would be detrimental to him.

Therefore, the Lord, who had always been smart, Lord Doomsday Lord, had also prepared his backup plan in advance.

First, he formed five Officiator Tokens.

These five Officiator Tokens contained a portion of his power, which was the power of blood sacrifice.

And the person who obtained the Officiator's Order would become the so-called Officiator, possessing the power to sacrifice all living beings.

This was actually a way out for himself.

After that, the Desolate Emperor came looking for him again, and the great battle started again.

After refining a huge amount of Immortal Dao materials, Immortal Dao essences, and other essences, the Immortal Dao had been refined.

The Desolate Emperor was already extremely powerful to begin with. He was so powerful that he could suppress all the other epochs.

Even the Last World Master was unable to cope with the attacks and was defeated one after another.

In the end, he was heavily injured and sent into the Immortal Attainment Sect by the Desolate Emperor's fist.

Then, he activated all of his power to seal it.

Of course, although the Doomsday Lord was sent into the Immortal Sect.

However, dealing with one of the Four Apocalyptic Apocalypses alone had caused the Desolate Emperor to suffer heavy injuries.

After sealing the Doomsday Lord, he did not have much strength left.

Then, in order to prevent the Doomsday Master from escaping, he wanted to completely destroy the key, which was also the stone plate.

However, the stone plate was actually made of the same material as the Immortal Attainment Sect.

Even the Desolate Emperor was unable to completely destroy it. In the end, it was broken into four pieces and scattered to every corner of the Immortal Realm.

As for the exhausted Desolate Emperor, he did not notice it either.

Although the Doomsday Lord was sealed.

However, he quietly let out a trace of his Spiritual Sense and Divine Sense.

A trace of his spiritual consciousness was attached to a fragment of the stone plate.

A long time later, this fragment of the stone plate with a trace of his spiritual consciousness was picked up by Di Haotian, who was training in the Void Sky Realm.

He then fell into a deep sleep and was sealed in the Golden Era. The Doomsday Lord took the opportunity to brainwash him and poured the memories of his rebirth into his mind.

As a result, Di Haotian was determined to enter the Immortal Attainment Sect, but in the end, he helped him break the seal.

On the other side, because the Doomsday Lord was heavily injured by the Desolate Emperor, he was sealed in the Immortal Attainment Sect.

Therefore, he was unable to cultivate at all.

The source of his power was war, chaos, despair, blood sacrifice, and so on.

The Immortal Dao materials in the Immortal Attainment Sect were not of much help to his cultivation.

Therefore, the Doomsday Lord began to think of ways to recover from his injuries.

At the same time, the Desolate Emperor, who was also heavily injured, wanted to prevent the Doomsday Lord from escaping in the future.

Therefore, he chose to establish the Desolate Ancient Sacred Palace.

This was a force that belonged exclusively to the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

Every generation of the Sacred Body would be led to the Desolate Ancient Sacred Palace to cultivate.

The duty of the Sacred Body was to guard the Immortal Attainment Sect and prevent trouble when the Immortal Attainment Sect descended again.

The various disturbances in the Mystic Realm were also the responsibility of the Desolate Ancient Sacred Palace.

It could be said that the Sacred Body of the Ancients guarded the Mystic Realm and calmed the disturbances.

In fact, it started when the Desolate Emperor built the Desolate Ancient Sacred Palace.

The Doomsday Lord wanted to heal his injuries.

A strand of his Divine Sense found Di Zun Chang Sheng.

The Emperor Chang Sheng's lifelong wish was to become an immortal.

When the Doomsday Lord's spiritual consciousness told him that the Immortal Attainment Sect was actually a broken line.

The Emperor Chang Sheng felt that his beliefs were about to collapse.

At this time, the Doomsday Lord made a deal that the Emperor Chang Sheng absolutely could not refuse.

If the Emperor Chang Sheng acted according to his instructions.

When he really recovered his strength and broke through the Immortal Attainment Sect, he would lead the Emperor Chang Sheng to the real Immortal Attainment Path.

The Doomsday Lord, as one of the four apocalyptic apocalypses, controlled all kinds of karma.

If others said that they could lead him to the real Immortal Attainment Path, the Emperor Chang Sheng would definitely not believe them.

However, the Doomsday Lord did have this ability.

Therefore, the Emperor Chang Sheng agreed.

Even if he agreed, it would be a catastrophe for the Mystic Realm.

However, the Emperor Chang Sheng still did not hesitate.

In order to become an immortal, he had already lost the emotions and compassion that belonged to humans.

After that, it was very simple.

The Doomsday Lord's spiritual consciousness guided the Emperor Chang Sheng to find the Officiant's Order.

He became the first Officiant and at the same time, controlled the power of blood sacrifice to sacrifice all souls.

The Emperor Chang Sheng personally built the Immortal Altar.

Then, according to the Doomsday Lord's idea, he spread the rest of the Officiant's Order to the other forbidden areas.

He also told them that as long as they became the Officiant, they would stir up the dark turmoil in the Mystic Realm and sacrifice all souls.

They would be able to obtain a huge amount of Immortal Dao materials from the Immortal Attainment Sect.

Not only would it help them improve their cultivation and extend their lifespan, but it would also have the possibility of sublimation.

Therefore, the other forbidden areas also joined the Emperor Chang Sheng's camp.

From then on, the dark turmoil that was regarded as a nightmare by the Mystic Realm began.

The reason why the Doomsday Lord put in so much effort.

It was because every time the dark turmoil produced a huge amount of negative energy, all kinds of despair, and the power of blood sacrifice.

They would all pour into the Immortal Attainment Sect and finally be absorbed by the Doomsday Lord.

His injuries gradually recovered from the chaos that occurred one after another.

This was the ultimate goal of the Doomsday Lord's meticulous planning of the dark turmoil!