
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 85: You block the door and I'll kill you

Wang Ran didn't give the madman time to think, so he stepped forward and stepped on the madman's legs.

"Big brother, spare my life!"

"My brain is very good, and I can be a think tank for you!"

The madman started begging for mercy.

"You have a lot of brains!"

Wang Ran raised his foot and stomped it down.

The madman's head was crushed like a watermelon.

The big wave on the side looked dumbfounded.

The madman with such a high status in this camp, kill it if he says it?

Boss Wang Ran is so powerful?

"Boss Wang Ran..."

"Take me back!"

"Let me do anything!"

"If you don't believe me, you can inspect the goods first!"

The big wave climbed to Wang Ran's side and hugged Wang Ran's calf.

Now she only hopes that she can attract Wang Ran.

"I'm sorry, you can't even plant a land. What am I going to do with you back?"

"Besides, you stole a few small tomatoes from me. You can't solve this problem without 100 kilograms of gold."

"Oh, by the way, you told this guy the location of our camp, right?"

Wang Ran asked coldly.

At the entrance of the stairs, Wang Ran heard the madman saying that he wanted to attack the East Lake Villa.

Don't even think about it, this big wave must have been the leading party.


"This is what he forced me to say."

"My heart goes to..."

Before the big wave could finish speaking, Wang Ran kicked his head off.

Columns of blood soar to the sky...

"Oops, my AJ, it looks like I need to change a pair."

Wang Ran sighed.

Good AJ, after a lot of fights, they all cracked.

How much affect the mood ah.

Go back to the store to find a few pairs of shoes to wear.

After killing the lunatic, Wang Ran had a clear understanding of the so-called high-level combat power here.

God is so powerful.

It's all rubbish!

Next, just kill all the way to the end.

However, the structure of this museum...

If you kill yourself from one direction, the opponent can go around and escape from the stairs.

Gotta get some help to block the way...

After much deliberation, it is still the most suitable for a small follower.

Wang Ran called Xiaoyu directly.

"Xiaoyu, the museum, come to kill."

"Driving the truck, there are loot."

Wang Ran simply said a few words.

"Good master! Coming soon!"

Xiaoyu's voice was very excited.

I don't know if it's because of the ability to kill or because of the loot.

It shouldn't be because of the latter...probably.

Wang Ran found a sedan chair and laid down Ge You directly.

In order to avoid scaring the snakes, I just lay here for a while, and when the light rain arrives, I can start!

Awakened here...

Except for poor Lu Mao, not a single one!


East Lake Island.

Su Xiaoyu put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

This is the murder suit.

When she is with Wang Ran, Su Xiaoyu likes to wear short skirts because it is convenient.

But when you go out to kill people, you can't wear it like this.

After all, wearing a skirt can't raise your legs.

A man other than the master cannot see such a high position!

Not even zombies!

Lin Momo observed secretly from the side.

Miss Xiaoyu's legs are really enviable...

White and long, the hips are still so upturned.

I couldn't help but want to touch it.

Hey, why is my height only 1.6 meters high...

It can't compare to Miss Xiaoyu's figure at all...

"Sister Xiaoyu, did the master ask you for help?"

Lin Momo asked while leaning on the door.

"Yeah, I'm going to kill someone, so happy!"

Su Xiaoyu put a ball on the head while talking.

When her hair was tied high, her slender neck was exposed, which was particularly beautiful.

"Ah! I'm going, I'm going too!"

"Did the master say not to take me?"

Lin Momo stomped his feet and asked anxiously.

"That's not to say..."

"Okay, I'll take you with me then!"

Su Xiaoyu secretly squeezed Lin Momo's chest, then turned around and ran.

"Miss Xiaoyu! You are going too far!"

Lin Momo blushed and stamped his feet anxiously.

She hadn't even attacked herself yet, but Sister Xiaoyu was the first to get it.

Too much too much!

Only the owner can touch it here!

However, Lin Momo was very happy when he was about to see the master soon, and soon forgot about being eaten by Xiaoyu tofu.

The two walked out of the villa.

"Miss Xiaoyu, before we go to fight, do we need to replenish our energy?"

Lin Momo asked suddenly.

"Well, you're right!"

"Let's go, have a drink first."

Su Xiaoyu took Lin Momo's little hand and ran to the kitchen together.

At this time, a small head stuck out from the villa next door.

"Go out to fight?"

"It seems very interesting!"

"I've become stronger, and I can find someone to practice my hands."

Tang Tang sneakily carried the blood roar and ran towards the parking lot.

"If you ask directly, they won't necessarily take me there."

"I'll hide in the car first, hehe."

"I'm so smart!"

Tang Tang hugged Blood Roar, got into the trunk and closed the door.

After a while, footsteps sounded.

It should be Xiaoyu and Momo coming over.

Door opening, closing door, engine sound.

The engine is getting farther and farther...

Tang Tang was instantly stunned.

"I... climbed the wrong car?"

Tang Tang pushed open the compartment door.

The receding taillights confirm this.


Tang Tang hit the ground with an axe.

I really cried myself stupidly.

So angry!

How to do!

After thinking about it, Tang Tang decided to secretly drink a...some special medicine to let out his breath.

Let you not take me, and I will drink up your stock!

When Tang Tang thought about it this way, he felt much more comfortable and immediately slipped into the kitchen.

As soon as the refrigerator was opened, Tang Tang directly took out the can of stock.

Only two thirds left.

It seems that the light can't get in and out, and it's quite fast to consume.

"I'm going to drink a little more today, hum!"

Tang Tang picked up the jar and took a big mouthful!

The thick liquid flowed down the throat into Tang Tang's body.

A burst of heat instantly exploded in her body.

With the previous experience, Tang Tang knew that he had to go to the swimming pool to soak, otherwise it would be too hot.

As for half the jar less...

Really easy to spot.

After thinking about it, Tang Tang took a box of milk, added some in it, and shook it.

"Well, it looks about the same."

"It's just diluted by half, the effect should still be there!"

Tang Tang froze the inventory back with satisfaction, and then quickly ran back to the villa with blood roar.

Next is cooling time.

When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will become stronger!

Tang Tang jumped into the pool with joy.



I always feel my chest swell...

The thing I just drank... there will never be any side effects!
