
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 73: exile

Wang Ran came to the third floor with ease.

"Master, right there!"

Su Xiaoyu pointed to a refrigerator.

With a hammer, Wang Ran stepped forward and opened the refrigerator door.

Sure enough, a zombie dog was shivering inside.

Wang Ran recognized it. This was one of the dozen zombie dogs that besieged him last time.

Its size is the smallest among them, and it is estimated that it was only Teddy before...

"Momo, can you communicate with it?"

"Ask what's going on here."

Wang Ran ordered.

"I try my best..."

Momo can't speak dog language, and zombie dogs can't speak human language. It's really difficult to communicate.

Fortunately, Lin Momo was able to communicate directly with the target's consciousness. In addition, the zombie dog's strength was relatively weak, and Lin Momo got some information smoothly.

"Master, I probably know a little bit."

"It seems that a very powerful team of Human Awakeners has come over."

"The zombies here suffered heavy casualties, and only a few escaped."

"The puppy had nowhere to escape, so he hid in the refrigerator."

Lin Momo told the information she got.

"Powerful...human Awakened team?"

Wang Ran was stunned.

At this time, a powerful human awakener appeared, or was it a team?

It's a little abnormal!

How did they increase their strength?

Even if it is krypton gold, there is a probability...

Moreover, what kind of organization has such an overwhelming sense of justice to come here to clean up the zombies?

It's not always for the graphics card, is it?

"Momo, ask this dog if he can find that group of people."

Wang Ran frowned.

Lin Momo nodded and communicated with the zombie dog again.

"Master, its olfactory system is dead, so I can't find it."

"However, it knows the approximate direction in which the zombies fled."

Lin Momo replied.

"Okay, lead the way."

"If I can't find it, I'll kill you."

Wang Ran glared at the zombie dog.

The zombie dog shivered.

This human being is even more terrifying than those who came before...

Wang Ran found a long rope, tied it around the neck of the zombie dog, and then tied it to the front of the car.

The zombie dog led the way, while Wang Ran slowly followed behind in his car.

Zombie dogs are very aggrieved.

As a small dog, he was already very marginalized in the team.

Now to be bullied by humans...

Can a zombie dog have dignity?

It doesn't seem to have.

It can only bow its head and silently lead the way in front...

On the other side of the city, Wu Jianguo brought a team to a large commercial plaza.

"Just here."

"Wish you guys good luck."

Wu Jianguo untied the ropes of the big wave and the blonde girl, and gave them a bottle of water and a steamed bun each.

Zhu Ming stuffed them with two short-handled hammers, which were regarded as self-defense weapons.

"Brother, I beg you not to leave us here!"

"You can make me do anything!"

"All 10 of you can come together!"

The big wave lifted the skirt and cried.

For a pampered person like her, throwing her here would be killing her.

"Sorry, I don't like breaking the rules."

Wu Jianguo closed the door directly.

What happened to Lin Hua gave him a new understanding of the end times.

There are unreliable people in the team, which is more terrifying than zombies.

The two Land Rovers sped away straight away and drove into the underground garage of the commercial plaza.

Da Wave looked at the water and steamed buns in his hands.

A steamed bun... is this the food of the day?

Where is enough!

Bottle of water...

You have to wash your face and gargle!

Da Wave's resentment towards Wu Jianguo and Wang Ran is getting deeper and deeper.

"Sister, what should we do?"

The blonde girl touched her tears.

The shadows of some zombies can be vaguely seen around.

If there are really zombies here, I will definitely not be able to beat it!

How far can you run...

Just when the blond girl was shivering, the big wave circled behind her with a hammer.

"Don't blame me, blame those who kicked us out!"

"I don't want to starve to death."

Big Wave muttered inwardly, then raised the hammer...


The blonde girl fell to the ground in response, and the blonde hair on the back of her head was instantly stained with blood.

The big wave was worried, she squatted down to make up a few hammers, and she was relieved to see that the blonde girl was completely silent.

This time, she had two steamed buns and two bottles of water.

No, you have to find a safe place.

Da Wave vaguely remembered that during dinner last night, someone mentioned that there was a camp at the Municipal Museum...


Seems not far, go there and try your luck!

Big Wave got an electric car and rode in the direction of the museum...

Underground parking garage in a shopping mall.

Wu Jianguo's team easily killed a few zombies and came to the first floor of the mall.

At present, there are six awakened people, including Wu Jianguo.

In addition to the Awakened, Wu Jianguo also brought 6 ordinary people out to experience this time, including the little security guard Zhao Dong.

Zhao Dong was both excited and nervous about being able to come out for actual combat.

"By the way, what are we doing in the mall?"

"There doesn't seem to be much food in the mall, right?"

Zhao Dong asked.

Wu Jianguo looked at the swimsuits, women's clothing, beach pants on the list of material requirements... I have to ask the boss Wang Ran about this.

Of course, some daily necessities are also necessary for life, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, washing powder, etc.

If you don't brush your teeth for a while... tsk tsk...

"This time we are mainly looking for daily necessities and clothes."

"If you see other good things by the way, you can also bring them with you."

"Zhu Ming, don't you want to smoke? I remember an electronic cigarette here."

"Okay, let's move in two groups, make less noise, finish the sweep as soon as possible and return to the base."

Wu Jianguo was divided into groups, and he and Liu Quan led one team, and the other team was led by Zhu Ming and Azhi, who were pretty good.

The two teams parted ways at the stairway and began to search.

In this Wanda Plaza, there are quite a lot of shops and everything.

Of course, there are also many zombies.

Basically, there are so many zombies in every store.

In order to train newcomers, this kind of ordinary zombies are handed over to ordinary people like Zhao Dong, and the awakened ones are just guarding them.

An hour later, Zhao Dong's group walked out of Uniqlo.

The materials are almost collected.

"Should we go meet?"

Zhao Dong asked.

"Wait, I have to go to that vape shop to get some stuff."

"I haven't smoked for a few days, I'm so uncomfortable."

Zhu Ming smiled awkwardly.

I have to apply for it with the boss and go to sweep the warehouse of the tobacco company.

These days, for an old smoker like him, cigarettes are as important as food!

There is no Huazi smoking right now, so I can only get some electronic cigarettes to satisfy my cravings.

Zhao Dong and others followed Zhu Ming to the e-cigarette store.

They had just started to pack electronic cigarettes, and a group of people who didn't look very good appeared at the door of the store.
