
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 62: Momo's enemy

"The seeds from your school are of good quality."

"It can grow."

Wang Ran sighed and hammered the zombie to death.

It can germinate in the brains of zombies, and it seems that these seeds are very easy to grow.

However, although this zombie is easy to kill, Wang Ran always feels that he is a little different from other zombies...

Wang Ran entered the classroom.

On the windowsill, there are all kinds of potted plants, some of which are leek and some tomato, all of which are fruits and vegetables with a short growth cycle.

This is very much to Wang Ran's appetite.

Wang Ran took out a snakeskin bag and some small plastic bags directly from his backpack.

After wrapping it in a small plastic bag, put the pot in a snakeskin bag.

After sweeping a few classrooms, Wang Ran nodded in satisfaction.

This time I found a lot of seeds and fruit seedlings.

Beans, vegetables, and fruits are available.

These things are easy to grow and grow quickly, making them ideal for growing in villas.

"Momo, help me think about it, what else is there to take away from this school."

"Anyway, when you drive a truck, you can take as much as you can."

Wang Ran has a feeling of jumping to P city by himself, letting go of the feeling of searching for supplies.

"Gauze, alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs?"

Lin Momo thought about it for a while.

These are things her nursing department is familiar with.

However, both Wang Ran and her have strong healing abilities, so it seems that they can't be used.

"Alright, we can't use it, others can use it."

"Drugs or something, I'll be fine at all, maybe I can change things."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

The group went to another teaching building to rummage.

Wu Jiaxin followed behind the two, very confused.

"I said why are you so calm..."

"It feels like the end of the day has no effect on you at all."

Wu Jiaxin muttered.

"Because we have the strength!"

Lin Momo lit up his little fist.

Although Lin Momo didn't make many shots, her strength should not be underestimated.

"Do you have the strength to have the strength of the boys in the sports department?"

"I heard they were trapped in the gym, and they broke through several waves and failed."

Wu Jiaxin didn't care what Lin Momo said.

"A boy from the sports department?"

Lin Momo was stunned for a while.

She remembered that several boys from the sports department had pursued her before, but they were all rejected by her.

After those people were rejected, they said a lot of bad things about Lin Momo, saying that she was outside as a peripheral, which made her cry.

"Master, can I kill a few people?"

Lin Momo asked suddenly.

It's all in this environment, it should be fine to take revenge by yourself...

The more you think about it, the more angry you are!

"of course can."

"Someone offends you, that's a big deal!"

Wang Ran nodded as he loaded things into the truck.

No one can bully their little followers...except themselves.

Anyway, I got all the things I should take, so let's go with the little follower.

Wu Jiaxin on the side was a little confused.

I always feel that I can't enter the world of these two people.

What is this all about...

How can I not understand at all.

Hey, let's keep up with them, at least temporarily to be safe.

Wu Jiaxin followed with her long legs.

Soon, the three came to the school gym.

There were a lot of zombie corpses lying at the entrance of the gymnasium, and it seemed that the battle here was quite brutal.

Judging from the way the zombies die, the opponent has no powerful weapons at all.

No wonder the breakout failed many times.

However, the gym doors are now open.

There are only two possibilities...

They are all wiped out, or they succeed in breaking out.

Wang Ran crossed the corpse and came to the gate of the gymnasium.

There are only a few wandering zombies inside.

It seems that they really broke through...

"Damn, let them run away..."

Lin Momo pouted and smashed the statue at the entrance of the gym with one punch.

Wu Jiaxin was in a cold sweat.

She finally knew what Lin Momo meant by strength...

too terrifying...

No wonder they can walk around so calmly...

"Where can this go?"

"Is there anything that is easy to defend or attack nearby?"

Wang Ran asked.

He also didn't want Lin Momo's wish to fail.

"If it's a student who is familiar with the school..."

"It is very likely that we will go to the small theater where we are hiding!"

"The theater is very suitable for defense. Even if it is broken by zombies, it can use the terrain to escape quickly."

"That's why we went to the small theater as soon as we ran out of the cafeteria."

Wu Jiaxin played a role again.

"Okay, then go to the small theater and have a look."

"Let's lead the way, short skirt girl."

Wang Ran said.

"What short skirt girl!"

"I have a name, okay?"

"You remember the short skirt, right?"

Wu Jiaxin was very depressed.

Anyway, call it a beauty!

How can I say it is also a school flower!

Moreover, when it came to short skirts, she thought of what Wang Ran saw when she disappeared...

So angry!

Depressed and depressed, Wu Jiaxin obediently led the way for Wang Ran and Lin Momo.

At the entrance of the small theater, many zombies were surrounded.

Apparently it was brought in not long ago.

Wang Ran picked up the sledgehammer and started cleaning up.

Lin Momo controlled the zombies and placed their heads under the route of Wang Ran's hammer, while protecting Wu Jiaxin.

More than 20 zombies were quickly cleaned up.

Wang Ran took the two girls into the small theater.

There are two doors inside, one on the left and one on the right.

It looked like they were blocked from the inside.

"I'll try it."

Wu Jiaxin took the initiative to step forward.

After all, I know most of the people inside, they should be able to open the door...

"Xinxin, Shutian, open the door!"

"I am back!"

Wu Jiaxin patted the door.

There was some movement inside the door, but no one opened the door.

Wu Jiaxin continued to pat the door panel.

There were some squabbles inside.

The door remained closed.

"what's the situation..."

"They have no reason not to open the door for me."

Wu Jiaxin's small mouth pouted.

"Are you stupid?"

"It must be those people from the sports department who took control by force after entering."

"When you think you are Aunt Xue, you can knock the door open with two taps?"

Wang Ran raised the Doomhammer while smiling.


A hammer!

The door was knocked out directly by the hammer.

It seems that this place is not suitable for continuing to hide in the future.

Carrying the hammer, Wang Ran walked into the theater calmly.

There were terrified college students all around.


When a group of girls saw Wu Jiaxin behind Wang Ran, they immediately gathered around excitedly.

These girls...

All of them are fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged...

What's the situation, it's doomsday, are all the beauties so concentrated!

"These are my classmates from the flight attendant class!"

Wu Jiaxin explained in a low voice.

"A flight attendant..."

Wang Ran understood, no wonder everyone was at the goddess level.

It's a pity that beauty is useless in the end, it is not as valuable as someone who can repair computers.
