
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 38: blood-drinking loli


It's impossible to pay it back, it's impossible to pay it back in this life.

Do you want to take back the gold that was in my pocket?


Wang Ran took out a gold bar and squeezed it violently in his hand!

The gold bar was directly pinched and twisted like a twist.

Tang Tang was stunned.


She knew that gold was a relatively soft metal, but only relatively soft.

Biting your teeth and picking your fingernails can indeed leave imprints.

But directly kneading gold bars with bare hands?

Who can do it!

Tang Tang took out a gold bar and pinched it in his hand, but there was no response.

Don't say it's twisted, it's hard to bend it.

"Come on, give me this one in your hand, and I'll show it to you again."

Wang Ran stretched out his hand.

Tang Tang was stunned for a while, and put the gold bar in Wang Ran's hand.

Wang Ran kneaded the gold bar into a twist again.

Then... put the bullion directly into its own bag.

Tang Tang was stunned.

Are you pitting my gold bars?

"Come on, give me your Frostmourne."

Wang Ran directly interrupted Tang Tang's thoughts and did not give her time to react.

Tang Tang also wanted to know what Wang Ran was going to do, so he handed the sword to Wang Ran.

This is Frostmourne produced by a serious sword casting company. The price is 498 knives, and the domestic purchase is about 6000 yuan.

Although it has not been opened, the power of swinging it is not small.

"Little Rain, come here."

Wang Ran waved to Su Xiaoyu, who was helping to move things next to him.

Su Xiaoyu put down the heavy refrigerator easily and ran over.

"Come on, cut this sword."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

Although, with the joint efforts of the two zombies, Wang Ran has surpassed Su Xiaoyu in strength.

But Wang Ran did not have the sharp claws like Su Xiaoyu.

At such a time, it is still necessary to let the little follower perform.

Su Xiaoyu nodded, and the claws slowly stretched out.

Tang Tang was stunned to watch from the side.



Although there are only two centimeters of paws, it is enough to shock people.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xiaoyu quickly reached out and scratched Frostmourne!

A crisp crash!

Frostmourne has a few claw marks on its surface!

Su Xiaoyu did not stop and continued to attack Frostmourne.

The claw marks are deepening.


"Bang!" Frostmourne broke into two pieces from the middle!

"My sword!"

Tang Tang was stunned.

This is a collector's edition!

Not the same as those cheap COS versions!

Just broken?

Later, she also reflected the main point of the matter.

This elder sister, who looks like she has very long legs, can actually break a steel sword with her bare hands! !

It seems that this takeaway is not lying!

They are indeed not ordinary people!

As a senior console, handheld and PC player, Tang Tang accepts this kind of thing very quickly.

Also, there is a little bit of envy.

"I... can I be this great too?"

Tang Tang asked.

Wang Ran was stunned.

This problem is more complicated.

There is a mechanism problem involved.

Now, he knows that his blood can restore the sanity of zombies and improve their strength.

But for ordinary people...

This is not clear.

If it is only valid for zombies, then the requirement of Tang Tang is a bit difficult.

To turn her into a zombie first, most people can't accept it.

"This is a bit difficult."

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Wang Ran spread his hands.

You can't tell people that you have to become a zombie first.


Tang Tang put the small bag on his back in front of Wang Ran.

Wang Ran picked it up, quite heavy.

Open it up and take a look...

There are more than 30 gold bars inside...

Tang Tang's gold bars are all 500 grams.

In other words, this package alone has more than 15,000 grams.

This exchange of food can exchange more than 150 pounds!


"Actually, it's okay to give it a try."

Wang Ran said seriously.

He also wanted to know if his blood had any effect on humans.

Anyway, the money is collected, and it is not myself who loses the effect.

"Xiaoyu, swipe on my arm."

"Don't scratch the artery."

Wang Ran ordered.

Although my body's ability to heal is unbelievable, it is still a bit troublesome to draw the artery, and it is estimated that it will take a few minutes to heal.

Su Xiaoyu stretched out a finger and stroked lightly.

A wound of several centimeters appeared.

Blood slowly seeped out.

"Come on, have a drink."

Wang Ran said to Tang Tang.

"Drink your blood!!"

Tang Tang was stunned.

Does it need to be so exaggerated...

Although Tang Tang is well-informed, she is still a little hesitant to drink human blood.

Tang Tang glanced at the group of owners and security guards next to them. They were busy moving things, and no one noticed this.

"Just drink it!"

Tang Tang hesitated for a while before making a decision.

The big deal is to eat the duck blood in the duck blood fans.

Tang Tang brought his little mouth together and sucked on the wound on Wang Ran's arm.

After inhaling for half a minute, Wang Ran pushed Tang Tang's head away.

Almost there!


"How do you feel?"

Wang Ran asked.

It's a matter of your own abilities, and you still have to understand it well.

"I feel... so hot!"

In Tang Tang's body, a huge energy is impacting the five internal organs and limbs.

This feeling makes people uncomfortable and does not want to stop.


Wang Ran's eyes lit up.

It seems that his blood can not only improve the strength of zombies, but also improve the strength of humans!

This is so...sell blood to get rich?

No, no, no, you can't sell blood at will in the future.

Make the people around you stronger first.

Only when there is surplus food can we consider others.

Moreover, his own ability needs to continue to study in depth.

"So sad..."

"Are you sick? Why does my stomach hurt after drinking your blood?"

Tang Tang muttered.

"No way, take me home first!"

Tang Tang's cold little eyes instantly turned into pleading.

"Xiaoyu, look at the gold here, I'll come back when I'm done."

After Wang Ran gave an order, he picked up Tang Tang and rode a balance bike to Villa 2.

Tang Tang was carried on the shoulders, like a pig.

The pose seems a little shameful.

But she felt so bad that she didn't have the strength to resist.

Soon, Wang Ran came to the door of Villa No. 2 with Tang Tang.

As soon as he entered the yard, Wang Ran fell into a big somersault and threw Tang Tang far away.

"Who has nothing to dig a hole in the ground!"

Wang Ran stood up and patted the soil on his body.

The balance car fell into the pit and broke directly.

"Ah, Tang Tang..."

Wang Ran stepped forward and helped Tang Tang who fell to the ground face down.

Tang Tang looked aggrieved.

The pit was dug by the security guard last night.

After all, it was the place where the zombies lay, and she disliked it.

Unexpectedly, I gave myself a pit the next day.

However, this fall, she did not feel much pain.

so amazing...

Could it be because he drank blood just now?
