
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 34: shot well


Wang Ran's knife was still stuck in the head of the female zombie and could not be pulled out for a while.

And the voice in the dark is getting closer!

In the crisis, Wang Ran resolutely chose to retreat!

A back jump!

Wang Ran returned to the courtyard!

"Turn on the high beams!"

Wang Ran shouted to Zhao Dong, the little security guard on the Porsche.

Zhao Dong was in a hurry, but still found the headlight switch.

The whole yard is lit up at once!

"Yes, it's comfortable to see it."

Wang Ran dismantled a fence board and came down.

Soon, two zombies, one large and one small, rushed out of the house.

It looks like a father and son.

Their hands were all broken.

It is estimated that the middle-aged woman had locked her hands with iron chains.

When the hand broke, it broke free.

"Hey, I'm really inexperienced."

"You have to lock your neck!"

Wang Ran shook his head.

At this time, the zombie father had already rushed in front of Wang Ran.

Wang Ran took the wooden board and slammed it horizontally, knocking his chin off.

This time he can't Aba Aba.

Immediately afterwards, the zombie son also rushed over.

Wang Ran kicked the zombie father down with one kick, and then knocked the zombie son to the ground with a kick.

This wooden board is too light, and it feels like it is about to break after only two shots. It is not easy to use without a Tang knife!

Wang Ran looked at the AJ1 at his feet, hey...

One kick!

Directly stepped on the head of the zombie father.

Brain splashing!

The zombie son wanted to get up, but Wang Ran was faster and kicked his little head off.


"It's cool without a weapon."

"I can feel the feeling of light rain a little bit."

Wang Ran wiped the black blood on his shoes with the turf.

The good red and black color matching is vividly dyed into a forbidden color matching.

Wang Ran was about to go to the entrance to retrieve the Tang Dao, when a rustling voice suddenly came from the side.

"Brother! Be careful!"

The little security guard Zhao Dong got out of the car immediately and charged at Wang Ran waving his baton.

Wang Ran had been alert for a long time, and turned sideways, easily dodging the attack of a black shadow.

It's a zombie in a security uniform!

Zhao Dongchong was so violent that he was mixed up by the zombie corpses on the ground and fell to the ground.

When he looked up, it happened to be the head of the little zombie.

That smell...too punchy!

Zhao Dong couldn't help but vomit.

As for Wang Ran, he took the baton from Zhao Dong's hand and smashed the security zombie!

The baton is much easier to handle than the fence board. After a few strokes, the security zombie will fall to the ground.

However, his mother probably didn't recognize him either.

Half of his head was sunk in.

"Brother, you are so cruel..."

Zhao Dong vomited for a while and felt much better.

"Zombie, if you don't kill it, he can make you his friend."

Wang Ran threw the blood-stained baton back to Zhao Dong.

Although this little security guard didn't help me just now, it was considered a conscious effort.

Go back and give him a few more cucumbers to see how he likes to eat them.

Zhao Dong held the baton with two fingers, wiped it on the ground, and then put it back on his belt.

"Brother, is this all done?"

Zhao Dong asked.

"I remember you said that a group of two security guards came to check?"

"There's only one here."

"The other one doesn't know where to go."

"You better wait in the car. I'll go to the villa to see if there are any fish that slip through the net."

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he walked into the villa again.

Stepping on the head of the middle-aged female zombie, Wang Ran pulled out the Tang Dao.

"Looks like I'll have to find some short-sized weapons, like a dagger..."

"This kind of narrow passage, the long knife can't be used."

Wang Ran wiped the blood from the knife with the female zombie's pajamas.

Soon, Wang Ran found the light switch.

After some exploration, Wang Ran found a basement.

This basement was originally estimated to be the audio-visual room of the villa, but was later transformed into a prison cell by this middle-aged woman, locking the zombie father and son.

A total of two sets of chains.

It looks like there are no other zombies left.

Wang Ran continued to search and found a safe on the second floor.

"I just knew it was like this..."

After a lot of hard work, Wang Ran still couldn't open the safe.

It seems that the safes in rich people's homes are all good brands!

The quality is so hard.

There are no professional tools, and it seems that it cannot be opened.

never mind...

Wang Ran directly gave up the safe.

Or replace those foods that are about to expire to save time and effort.

Therefore, it is necessary to find another security zombie wandering in the villa area as soon as possible.

In case the entire community is harmed, who will exchange food with me!

Wang Ran took the knife and walked out of the villa.

"elder brother!"

"The news came from the monitoring room just now!"

"They saw a figure going in the direction of villas 1 to 10!"

"Judging from his pace, it should be another security guard who was bitten."

The little security guard Zhao Dong said.

"Fuck, there's a big client over there."

Wang Ran immediately opened the door and got in the car, and drove towards the depths of the villa area.

Although the little loli is very vigilant, she is generous and is a rare and excellent customer.

It would be a pity she died.

She lives in Villa No. 2! Definitely more rich than other villas.

Soon, Wang Ran drove directly to the courtyard of Villa No. 2.

"Brother, do you have intuition!"

"Why did you come straight here!"

the security guard asked.

"Ah! By the way, I remembered."

"You delivered the goods here today."

"This family also owes you a lot of money?"

Zhao Dong continued to ask.

"I believe you must be a good hand in collecting property fees."

"Okay, stay in the car for now."

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he turned on the car's stereo.

If the zombie is in this area, it will definitely be attracted.

Before long, the windows on the second floor lit up.

The window door opens.

A head with double ponytails stuck out.

"Are you sick!"

"Run to my door to play DJ at night!"

It's that loli during the day.

She was fine, and Wang Ran was relieved.

"There are zombies!"

"Remember to close the door!"

Wang Ran shouted upstairs.

Loli was stunned and disappeared from the window.

Before long, she reappeared with her crossbow.

Aiming direction...

It seems to be where Wang Ran is.


With a slight friction sound, the crossbow shot out!

Wang Ran did not dodge at all.

Because he has heard movement around him.

It was probably the zombie attracted by the sound of music.


Sure enough, the crossbow arrow passed directly by Wang Ran's side, hitting the head of the security zombie!

The security zombie swayed a few times and fell to the ground with a bang.

"The little girl has a good hit rate."

Wang Ran appreciates it.

These days, crossbows are much easier to use than guns. While ensuring lethality at close range, they are also very quiet.

It's not like a gun. If you kill one with one shot, you can attract a hundred.
