
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 216: Tang Tang's father called

"Uncle, try it in my parents' room today~"

Tang Tang said expectantly.

"What kind of hobby do you have..."

Wang Ran always felt that he was out of control since he opened the door of Tang Tang.

But it's all here, and it's okay to sweat a little.

The two walked towards Villa 1.

When passing Villa No. 2, Wang Ran suddenly stopped.

"Tang Tang, did you hear anything?"

Wang Ran asked with a frown.

"Sound? What sound?"

Tang Tang's hearing was not as good as Wang Ranqiang's, and nothing abnormal was found.

"Your Villa 2..."

"There is a sound...like the sound of a phone..."

Wang Ran walked over with Tang Tang.

"Ah, it seems so!"

After getting closer, Tang Tang also heard it.

"It's weird, how could a phone call come in from my villa..."

"It should be possible to get through the satellite phone now."

"I don't recall having a satellite phone in my house."

"Could it be that someone with no eyesight took over my house?"

Tang Tang was a little confused.

The two pushed the door and entered, and the voice of the phone became clearer and clearer.

"It's the kitchen."

Tang Tang leads the way.

The two entered the kitchen and found that the phone was ringing from a cupboard.

Tang Candy broke forward and opened the cabinet.

Inside were a medicine chest, some fire fighting equipment, a pistol and a box of ammunition in a case, plus a satellite phone.

"Hey, I actually have this kind of survival suit in my kitchen, I didn't even know..."

Tang Tang muttered.

"You said that since you moved in, how many times have you been in the kitchen?"

Wang Ran is like Tang Tang.

"It doesn't seem like I've ever come in..."

Tang Tang stuck out his tongue and picked up the satellite phone at the same time.

"Hey, who is it?"

Tang Tang asked.

"I am your father!"

There was a low male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Are you my father? I'm still your mother!"

Tang Tang hung up the phone angrily.

In this day and age, everyone has this kind of harassing phone calls.

"Hey, wait a minute..."

"It sounds familiar..."

"Damn it, it's really my dad!"

Tang Tang was shocked.

I didn't react all of a sudden just now, scolded my father, and hung up his phone...


Soon, the phone rang again.

"Hey...Dad ha..."

"I said just now that it wasn't me, did you believe it, haha..."

Tang Tang said weakly.

"Let's talk less."

"Where have you been running all this time!"

"I've been calling you every day for more than a week! No one answers!"

"I'm worried to death, don't you know! If it wasn't for me being held back and unable to walk away, I would have taken someone to kill me long ago!"

Tang Tang's father Tang Yan rebuked Tang Tang on the phone.

"Oh, I moved to Donghu Island during this time."

"How did I know there was such a survival suit in the kitchen!"

Tang Tang explained.

"Donghu Island? It's a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"How is the situation in N city now? I heard that there is a fifth-level awakened in your town, right?"

"If you have a way, you can ask him for help, and Dad will go to you immediately after solving the trouble in front of him."

Tang Yan put forward suggestions very seriously.

"Level 5 Awakened? You mean Wu Jianguo?"

"He's my little brother now."

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm strong!"

Tang Tang said with a smile.

After these few days, he and Wang Ran opened a small stove from time to time, and his strength was about to awaken to the seventh level.

Wu Jianguo? Just brother.

"You girl, in this environment, can you be more serious!"

"The fifth-level awakener is your little brother?"

"Why don't you say that the red-eyed zombie is also your little brother!"

"I heard that a large wave of corpses is heading towards the eastern region, you must be careful!"

"If you can't resist, just hide first."

"Villa 1 and Villa 2 both have underground safe houses with river bullet-proof level, and they are all connected, and the food inside is enough for you to stay for a long time."

Tang Yan ordered.

"What! We also have an underground safe house!"

"Dad, you're not being kind, are you planning to hide the mistress during an affair?"

Tang Tang questioned.

"Three what three!"

"Am I that kind of person!"

"The safe house is in the basement. If you step on it, the floor will have a different sound. You can find the entrance by opening it directly."

"East Lake Island...Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the target is too obvious."

"You might as well go to the underground safe house and hide, and Dad will find you in a few days."

"I've prepared thousands of comics for you in the safe house, enough for you to pass the time."

Tang Yan persuaded.

"Oh, I know, I know."

"Just pay attention to safety with your mother, don't worry about me."

Tang Tang was a little impatient.

My own strength is so strong, and there is a big bug like my uncle, I'm afraid of wool.

"There are some guns in the dark room in Dad's study. You can take it for self-defense."

"The underground safe house has good sound insulation. You can practice guns below without fear of attracting zombies."

Tang Yan reminded.

"Oh, just those things, I already took them out and used them."

"What else can we hide in our house?"

Tang Tang said proudly.

"All right..."

"You must pay attention to safety these days!"

"Take this phone, I may contact you at any time."

"Okay, don't say more, I'm going to kill that red pupil after I take a breath."

Tang Yan hung up the phone.

"I'm going, I said that there was breathing from my dad's side. It turned out to be fighting the red-eyed zombies."

"I thought he was looking for a mistress."

Tang Tang put the satellite phone into the small satchel.

"I guess your dad probably knew something about the virus long ago."

"Another secret room full of weapons, another underground safe house..."

"But I'm curious, why did he leave you alone in N City."

Wang Ran touched his chin and thought.

"Uncle, I have to go to school!"

"I'm in public school, and I'm going to be expelled for truancy."

Tang Tang shrugged.

"Let's go, come here, go to the underground safe house to see."

"lead the way."

Wang Ran grabbed Tang Tang's ponytail and pulled her out of the kitchen.

"Safe House..."

"Good soundproofing..."

"Uncle, I have an idea..."

Tang Tang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Know what you're thinking!"

"Go down first and talk about it!"

Wang Ran knocked on Tang Tang's head.

Tang Tang stuck out his tongue and took Wang Ran to the basement.

Tang Tang stepped in the basement according to what her father said, and she found a few wooden boards with different sounds.

Wang Ran and Tang Tang lifted the plank, and a large iron gate appeared in front of them.

Below, it should be the safe house built by Tang Tang's father.
