
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 199: massacre

"Don't worry, Xiaohong, I will definitely let you out today."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

Although they only have three people and one squid this time, their combat power is enough to crush everything.

"Little sea monster, can you go ashore?"

Wang Ran patted his tentacles and asked.

Tentacle tip nodded.

Although it is not as comfortable as in the water when it comes ashore, 40% of its combat power can still be exerted.

Soon, the mutant squid brought three people close to the shore.

"Fake, what is this!"

A guard who was peeing on the shore was shocked.

When he was about to draw a gun, a tentacle slapped over with great speed.

The guard was photographed as a patty before he even had time to wear his pants.

Immediately afterwards, the mutant squid stretched out its tentacles like a spider and climbed ashore.

Its tentacles that were originally cut off by Tang Tang have grown back.

A dozen tentacles crawled on the ground, and the speed was quite fast.

"Little sea monster, throw Xiaoyu to that sentry tower."

Wang Ran ordered.

There was a tall tower not far away, and the guard above was smoking a cigarette and was about to turn around.

The mutant squid understood and immediately threw Su Xiaoyu out.

Su Xiaoyu shot at the tower like a cannonball.

As soon as the smoking guard turned his head, he saw a flash of red light in front of him.

"Red... pupils..."

"The power grid is broken?"

The guard felt the world spinning in an instant.

His head was easily cut off by Su Xiaoyu.

Su Xiaoyu got the guard, jumped directly from the tower, and ran back to the mutant squid.

"Boss, the area to the east of the power grid is the location of the research institute."

"Institute No. 3 has no underground part, it's all ground buildings, and the goal is obvious."

"By the way, Research Institute No. 3 has a lot of heavy weapons because the zombies are too powerful. Be careful."

The red-eyed man reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bullet hit the red-eyed man's scalp.

"It was discovered, be careful!"

Wang Ran immediately reminded.

It seems that the defense of this island is much stronger than that of the No. 1 Research Institute. Even if the guard of the sentry tower is killed, it is still discovered.

Soon, the gunshots and bullets began to thicken.

At least double-digit rifles were firing in this direction.

The mutant squid blocked several tentacles in front, protecting Wang Ran and others.

These tentacles were quickly beaten with holes, and the juice kept dripping to the ground.

The mutant squid quickly grabbed the two off-road vehicles next to it and blocked it.

The two cars blocked a lot of bullets, allowing the mutant squid to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wang Ran saw someone carrying a bazooka in front of him through the gap.

"Grass, RPG!"

"Be careful little sea monster."

Wang Ran reminded.

As soon as the words fell, rockets shot towards the mutant squid.

The target of the rocket is the off-road vehicle in the hands of the mutant squid.

As long as it hits, the explosion can at least blow off several tentacles of the mutant squid.

After Wang Ran's reminder, the mutant squid was ready for a long time. When the rocket came to the front, the mutant squid directly moved away from the off-road vehicle, grabbed the rocket with a tentacle, turned the direction and threw it back.


With a loud bang, the rocket exploded directly not far away, blowing the launcher into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the mutant squid threw the two pitted off-road vehicles out, hitting several guards with rifles.

"It's almost there, let's go."

Wang Ran carried the Doomhammer and prepared for battle.

With a wave of the mutant squid tentacles, Wang Ran and the three were thrown out in three directions.

"Master, kill more than anyone else!"

Su Xiaoyu smiled slightly, licked her lips, and turned on the killing mode.

"Ah!!! It's a red-eyed zombie!"

"Don't, don't kill me!"

"My hand! My hand is broken!"

The howls continued.

Once in melee range, it's a one-sided slaughter.

Su Xiaoyu and the man with red eyes beheaded the guards with guns like mowing grass.

Wang Ran...pretending to hit the ground with a hammer, paddling on the side.

There is no need to do this kind of one-sided massacre.

Soon, this wave of more than 20 guards was completely killed.

At this time, the door of the research institute ahead opened.

Two sturdy Awakeners, one black and one white, walked out side by side.

They are the strongest combat power of the No. 3 Research Institute, two fifth-level awakeners.

The red-eyed zombies in the research institute are usually uniformed by them.

"Experiment 13?"

"Didn't you be taken away by the boss!"

"Did you kill Henry?"

The white man said in surprise.

"Yes, Henry has died at my hands."

"Today, none of you want to go out alive!"

"The pain you inflicted on me, I will return it to you one by one!"

The red-eyed man yelled at the black and white brothers.

"Don't think you can beat us with a helper."

"We are the strongest combat power in several research institutes."

Although the white people are a little bit afraid of the mutant squid, but from the situation that it carried the bullets just now, it can be seen that its combat effectiveness on land is only the level of the red-eyed zombie, and it can fight.

"Master, this guy is too beep, can I kill him directly?"

Su Xiaoyu asked, shaking off the blood on her hand.

"Let Xiaohong do it herself."

"No way, let's do it again."

"Xiaohong, give you 3 minutes, come on."

After Wang Ran finished speaking, he leaned back leisurely, and a tentacle held Wang Ran very sensibly.

Su Xiaoyu nodded, walked to Wang Ran's side, and sat in his arms.

Next is the time for the red-eyed man.

He glanced at Wang Ran gratefully, then walked over to the two fifth-level awakeners.

"Are you coming one by one, or together?"

The red-eyed man asked.

With his strength, it would be a bit difficult to deal with two players one-on-one.

But now, he is full of anger and wants to take revenge. If he uses his life to fight for his life, it is not impossible to fight one-on-two.

The white man and the black man looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"I'll fight you one-on-one."

The white man stood up.

The opponent obviously has the advantage of numbers, but they don't choose to besiege, which makes them a little surprised.

To be honest, it's actually in their favor.

On the one hand, time can be delayed. On the other hand, as long as you kill this red-eyed zombie by yourself, the advantage of the number of people on the opposite side will become smaller.

As long as you drag on for an hour and a half and wait for someone from the headquarters to come over, your mission will be completed.

The red-eyed man clenched his fists and began to gain momentum.

The white man also brought the iron-fingered tiger and was ready for battle.

As the red-eyed man shouted angrily, the two rushed towards each other at the same time.

"Puff puff..."

The dull beating sound kept ringing.

The red-eyed man and the white man punched to the flesh, hitting each other's bodies.

Both sides continued to add wounds, and blood splashed everywhere.
