
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 190: What do you want to do!

It took another hour for Henry to climb out of the toilet.

Yes, his legs were so numb that he couldn't walk.

While washing his hands, he accidentally bumped his watch into the sink.

As for the ring, in his opinion, it should have fallen into it at that time.

Forget it, it's just a switch device, if you lose it, you lose it.

As long as the sensor in his body is still there, the two zombies dare not be disobedient.

After rubbing his legs for a while, Henry leaned against the wall and returned to the studio.

Huang Rong was eating melon seeds there.

"Hey, comrade, you're finally back."

"It looks like your foreigners have bad stomachs."

Huang Rong laughed.

Henry's face twitched.

This guy...

Is this deliberately mocking yourself?

The tragic experience of just two hours just made Henry want to kill.

This camp...

Must be slaughtered!

Henry returned to his seat and picked up the walkie-talkie in the pocket of the windbreaker on the back of the chair.

"Seth, get those two things back right away."

"I'm going to give them a good meal..."

"After notifying them, you come to me immediately."

Henry directly contacted Seth, the pilot who remained on the helicopter.

Seth is a Level 4 Awakener, in addition to being a driver, he is also Henry's bodyguard.

Henry himself is also a fourth-level strength, and he will not always take Seth with him when he is not busy.

But not now.

He collapsed, and it is estimated that even the second-level awakened can't beat him.

So I quickly called Seth to come and protect myself.

Soon, Seth rushed to Henry's side.

"Captain, those two things will arrive soon."

Seth reports.

Henry nodded, the murderous intent in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

This place made him humiliated, and he had to be slaughtered!

When the two red-eyed zombies come back, it's time to start killing!

"Hey, new comrade, do you want something to eat?"

"We have good food here."

Huang Rong asked with a smile.

"Eat? Eat your mother!"

"What are you eating here?"

"Seth, help me kill this guy first!"

Seeing Huang Rong's appearance, Henry suddenly became angry.

If this guy hadn't used spoiled meat, he wouldn't have pulled it like this.

Hearing this, Seth took out a dagger directly from the outside of his thigh and walked towards Huang Rong.

Both of them are Level 4 Awakeners, but Seth has rich fighting experience and is stronger than Huang Rong.

Huang Rong leisurely leaned to the side.

"Boss save me."

Huang Rong shouted outside the door.

The next second, Wang Ran, who was knocking melon seeds, walked in leisurely.

"Hey, don't say it, melon seeds are pretty good in the last days."

"To pass the time."

Wang Ran said while knocking.

"It's you! Zhang Deli!"

"you are still alive!"

Henry stood up abruptly.

He suddenly felt fooled.

I don't always think things are that simple...

"Seth, do it!"

"With guns, don't give them a chance!"

Although Henry's stomach is not good, his brain reaction is still very fast.

Seth also felt the seriousness of the situation and immediately drew his gun.

When the muzzle was just raised, Wang Ran stepped forward and grabbed the gun body.

Seth was startled and immediately wanted to pull the trigger.

Wang Ran squeezed hard!

The entire pistol was pinched together with Seth's hand.

Pull the trigger!


The pistol just exploded!

Seth's hands were instantly bloody.


Seth held a dagger in his left hand and stabbed Wang Ran's neck violently.

Wang Ran grabbed Seth's arm directly in the air and forcibly folded the dagger towards Seth's throat.

The fear in Seth's eyes is getting stronger and stronger!


He is clearly a Level 4 Awakener, why is he like a weak primary school student in front of him!

The dagger came closer and closer to Seth's throat.

Pierce slowly!


Seth was choking with blood.

He doesn't even have the ability to resist...

Wang Ran let go, and Seth fell directly to the ground, and soon lost his breath.

"The boss is mighty!!!"

Huang Rong clapped his hands as he spat out the shell of the melon seeds.

It's cool to see the boss take a shot, killing people is not sloppy.

From Wang Ran's shot to Seth's fall to the ground, Huang Rong only knocked a melon seed, which shows how fast he was.

"You guy..."

"The previous potions and gold were all hacked by you, right?"

"You didn't intend to help me from the beginning!"

Henry glared at Wang Ran and said.

"Why don't I want something for nothing."

"Although you're dying, I don't want to bet with you."

"After all, the villain died of too much talk."

"I must be the villain in your opinion."

Wang Ran smiled.

"Damn, do you know who you have offended!"

"The power behind me is beyond your imagination!"

Henry growled.

At this time, a tall figure suddenly broke through the window and jumped in.

It was the male red-eyed zombie.

Henry finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This red-eyed zombie is at least the strength of a level five or six awakened.

Protecting yourself should be enough.

When another female zombie comes, it will be more stable.

"You, help me kill all these people and slaughter the entire camp."

Henry ordered.

The red-eyed zombie didn't speak, but looked at Wang Ran.

"Is it off?"

Wang Ran asked.

"Turn it off, thank you."

The red-eyed zombie said gratefully.

When he was wandering outside before, he obviously felt a click in his head, and then, the tick that used to be heard from time to time disappeared.

He knew that Wang Ran had successfully shut down the bomb in his mind.

He is free!

"You...what are you talking about!"

"Go kill him, idiot!"

Henry was a little flustered.

This red-eyed zombie was given to him by the BOSS, how could it feel as if he knew each other.


The red-eyed zombie looked at Henry, and the blood-red pupils were full of killing intent.

"You...what do you want to do!"

"If I die, you...Fark!"

Henry instantly understood what the red-eyed zombie said just now.

Turned off means that the bomb in his head was turned off.

My own ring... It didn't fall into the sewer, but was stolen by these people!

Everything is planned!

Henry gritted his teeth and glared at Wang Ran.

He didn't know why this person was so tricking him.

Don't blame him yourself.

"You, let me go!"

"I'll give you 100 containers of food!"

In order to survive, Henry took out the biggest resources he could mobilize.

He could see that Wang Ran was the one who spoke here.

"Sorry, I'm not short of food."

"Besides, zombies want to kill people, and I can't stop them."

Wang Ran shrugged.

The red-eyed zombie gave Wang Ran a thankful look.

This Henry, treating him like a dog along the way, has long been upset.
