
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 188: This hit

"Oh, is there no other way?"

Ada felt a little sympathetic to this red-eyed zombie.

"There is another way, the controller."

"This thing is worn on the finger of a human named Henry."

"If you turn off the bomb with the controller, you don't have to worry about exploding."

"But...that guy won't be so kind."

The red-eyed zombie sighed.

He didn't think about attacking Henry and taking the ring.

But in case of a sneak attack, if Henry's heartbeat stops, his head will explode directly.

At the level of Hongtong, he is very shy and does not dare to take risks.

"As long as you help me find big brother, I will let big brother find a way to help you."

Ada said.

She also hated Henry and the people at the institute.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Besides, this red-eyed zombie is indeed quite pitiful.

The red-eyed zombie looked at Ada and was very moved.

This human who had just met for a while, let him experience the kind side of human nature.

In addition, he has an inexplicable affinity for this human being.

It's like... mom.

In fact, the group of zombies behind him also faintly felt the same.

About half an hour passed.

An electric car appeared in the city.

"Uncle, is this the right direction?"

"The footprints are gone."

Tang Tang was in the back seat, holding an axe in one hand and holding Wang Ran's waist in the other.

"What about the brain?"

"When Xiao Jin first came ashore, there was water on his body, and it was easy to step on the soil mixed with the ground."

"Now your feet are dry!"

Wang Ran turned back.


"Speaking of which, Xiao Jin's physical strength is good, he can run so far with a person on his back."

"When I go back, I'm going to ride and see."

"The mount in my Warcraft is a wolf."

"Ride Xiaojin and take Bloodroar, you can feel it."

The more Tang Tang thought about it, the more excited he became.

"When you say that, I want to ride it too."

Wang Ran thought about it.

Poor little Kim.

Suddenly, Wang Ran slammed on the brakes!

Tang Tang directly hit Wang Ran's back, but fortunately there are double airbags to cushion.

"Uncle, your face hurts..."

"Hey, Little Jin! Ada!!!"

Tang Tang saw Xiao Jin not far away.

On Xiaojin's back, isn't it Ada!

Naturally, Wang Ran saw it too, otherwise he wouldn't brake suddenly.

"Grass, is she kidnapped by zombies?"

Wang Ran saw the red-eyed zombie at a glance.

"Tang Tang, copy the guy, make people!"

Wang Ran jumped out of the car directly and rushed towards the team in front of him with Tang Tang aggressively.


The red-eyed zombie saw someone rushing towards him, and immediately protected Ada behind him.

"Hey, that's my big brother!"

"Don't be nervous."

Ada jumped off Xiaojin's back and rushed towards Wang Ran.

The red-eyed zombie was stunned, is this your big brother?

It looks reckless...

And the other zombies in the back were already trembling there.

They have all experienced the corpse tide incident, who doesn't know Wang Ran...

"Big brother!"

"I finally found you!"

Ada threw herself into Wang Ran's arms.

"You bastard!"

"You actually ran away by yourself!"

"Go back and wait for me to spank you!"

Wang Ran tapped Ada on the head.


The red-eyed zombie found that Wang Ran had hit Ada, and immediately let out a threatening growl.

"Big man, it's alright, don't be nervous."

Ada turned back to reassure.

The red-eyed zombie then slightly restrained its momentum.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Running out to collect my younger brother?"

Looking at the zombies behind Ada, Wang Ran was a little dumbfounded.

There are actually red-eyed zombies, and Ada is quite popular.

"I didn't come out to find you, I got lost!"

"They're all friends I met outside, and they're all helping me find you."

"Don't bully them."

Ada said with a smile.

"Is that so..."

"Okay, then don't kill them."

Wang Ran nodded.

Whether it's a zombie or a human, as long as he doesn't offend him, he won't be lazy.

Besides, these zombies also helped Ada, which is worthy of praise.

"Oh, by the way, big brother, this big red-eyed man is so pitiful, please help him."

Ada briefly explained the origin and situation of the red-eyed zombie.

"Grass, they really don't give up..."

"This time, I actually got a red-eyed zombie over here..."

"Okay, let me try to help."

Wang Ran thought about it for a while, he must not be able to open the skull, he is not professional.

It seems that the only way to start is from Henry.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the way the red-eyed zombie was protecting Ada just now, Wang Ran wouldn't want to help him.

"You said, the controller is on that Henry's finger, right?"

Wang Ran walked over to the red-eyed zombie and asked.

"Yes, he's in a football field camp now."

"There are a lot of humans in there."

The red-eyed zombie replied.

"I know."

"I'll go directly and help you get it done."

Wang Ran thought about it.

This Henry, always staring at Ada, should really kill him directly.

Just in time to help this red-eyed zombie solve the bomb problem, then go there in person.

"Thank you, human."

The red-eyed zombie said in a low voice.

"Okay, let the zombies disband on the spot, what should I do?"

"Tang Tang, you take Ada back to the base."

"By the way, contact Xiaoyu and the others so that they can close the team."

Wang Ran ordered.

"Goodbye auntie."

The golden pupil zombie said hello to Ada, and immediately left with the younger brothers.

"Ada, I'll ride Xiaojin back with you!"

Tang Tang never forgets the mount.

Xiao Jin was shocked.

another one?

I really don't treat a dog like a dog...

Fortunately, Xiaojin is strong, and he seems to be able to take another one.

"Big man, goodbye, I'm going home!"

"If the big brother helps you solve the bomb, you will be free and you can play everywhere."

"good luck!"

After Ada finished speaking, he and Tang Tang rode the dog to the direction of the base.

"Humans, please be careful."

"If Henry stops beating before turning off the switch on the ring, I'm dead."

The red-eyed zombie reminded.

"Don't worry, I'm reliable."

Wang Ran smiled.

"Of course, you can't blame me for failing."

Wang Ran didn't say these words, after all, he wanted to give people some hope.

"Human, if you really succeed..."

"I can tell you some secrets!"

"Especially the location of their institute!"

"There are many supplies that are useful to you humans."

The red-eyed zombie said in a deep voice.

"Oh! That's not bad!"

Wang Ran's eyes lit up.

Robbery of the research institute, the harvest is definitely not small!

This made Wang Ran suddenly interested!
